The ETOMIC active probing infrastructure: demo proposal

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Csabai, István
Hága, Péter
Simon, Gábor
Stéger, József
Vattay, Gábor



Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Contribución a congreso / Biltzarrerako ekarpena

Project identifier


ETOMIC ( is a European Union sponsored effort, that aims at providing a Paneuropean traffic measurement infrastructure. This infrastructure contains 15 PC based active probing nodes equipped with high-precision, sending capable DAG cards and GPS receivers to achieve time synchronization. Such cards are specifically designed to transmit packet trains with strict timing, in the range of nanoseconds. Every kind of active probing techniques can be applied on the nodes, from the quite simple ping application to the complex network tomography methods which are based on the synchronized sending capability of the DAG cards. The measurement nodes are centrally managed via a web platform, where the new arbitrary measurement jobs can be uploaded to and handled. The management system schedules the jobs and does the maintenance tasks. Now, the infrastructure is opened to the networking community. This paper describes the node architectures, the management system, and the proposed conference demonstration.


ETOMIC, Internet traffic


Automática y Computación / Automatika eta Konputazioa



Doctorate program

Editor version

Funding entities

The authors thank the partial support of the National Science Foundation (OTKA T37903), the National Office for Research and Technology (NKFP 02/032/2004 and NAP 2005/ KCKHA005), the EU IST FET Complexity EVERGROW Integrated Project and the Spanish Government (TEC2004- 06437-C05-01).

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