The sustainability dimensions in intelligent urban transportation: a paradigm for smart cities

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Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier

AEI/Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020/PID2019-111100RB-C22/ES/
European Commission/Horizon 2020 Framework Programme/861584openaire


The transportation sector has traditionally been considered essential for commercial activities, although nowadays, it presents clear negative impacts on the environment and can reduce social welfare. Thus, advanced optimization techniques are required to design sustainable routes with low logistic costs. Moreover, these negative impacts may be significantly increased as a consequence of the lack of synergy between the sustainability objectives. Correspondingly, the concept of transport optimization in smart cities is becoming popular in both the real world and academia when public decision making is lit by operations research models. In this paper, however, we argue that the level of urban smartness depends on its sustainability and on the level of information and communication technologies developed in the city. Therefore, the operations research models seek to achieve a higher threshold in the sustainable transport standards in smart cities. Thus, we present a generic definition of smart city, which includes the triple bottom line of sustainability, with the purpose of analyzing its effects on city performance. Finally, this work provides a consolidate study about urban freight transport problems, which show that sustainability is only one facet of the diamond of characteristics that depict a real smart city.


Operations research, Smart city, Sustainability indicators, Sustainable logistics


Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika / Institute of Smart Cities - ISC / Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas



Doctorate program

Editor version

Funding entities

This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (RED2018-102642-T; PID2019-111100RB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and the SEPIE Erasmus+ Program (2019-I-ES01-KA103-062602). We also want to acknowledge the support received from the CAN Foundation in Navarre, Spain (Grant ID 903 100010434 under the agreement LCF/PR/PR15/51100007. We also want to thank the support of the Public University of Navarre doctoral program. Part of the work was funded under ePIcenter project (EU-H2020 grant 861584 and INGPHD-39-2020 from Universidad de La Sabana).

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