Lavín Trueba, José Luis

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Lavín Trueba

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José Luis

Producción Agraria




Search Results

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Comparative and transcriptional analysis of the predicted secretome in the lignocellulose-degrading basidiomycete fungus Pleurotus ostreatus
    (Wiley, 2016) Alfaro Sánchez, Manuel; Castanera Andrés, Raúl; Lavín Trueba, José Luis; Oguiza Tomé, José Antonio; Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Fungi interact with their environment by secreting proteins to obtain nutrients, elicit responses and modify their surroundings. Because the set of proteins secreted by a fungus is related to its lifestyle, it should be possible to use it as a tool to predict fungal lifestyle. To test this hypothesis, we bioinformatically identified 538 and 554 secretable proteins in the monokaryotic strains PC9 and PC15 of the white rot basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus. Functional annotation revealed unknown functions (37.2%), glycosyl hydrolases (26.5%) and redox enzymes (11.5%) as the main groups in the two strains. When these results were combined with RNA‐seq analyses, we found that the relative importance of each group was different in different strains and culture conditions and the relevance of the unknown function proteins was enhanced. Only a few genes were actively expressed in a given culture condition in expanded multigene families, suggesting that family expansi on could increase adaptive opportunities rather than activity under a specific culture condition. Finally, we used the set of P. ostreatus secreted proteins as a query to search their counterparts in other fungal genomes and found that the secretome profiles cluster the tested basidiomycetes into lifestyle rather than phylogenetic groups.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Genomics and transcriptomics characterization of genes expressed during postharvest at 4 degrees C by the edible basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus
    (Viguera Editores, S. L., 2011) Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Oguiza Tomé, José Antonio; Pérez Garrido, María Gumersinda; Lavín Trueba, José Luis; Omarini, Alejandra; Santoyo Santos, Francisco; Alfaro Sánchez, Manuel; Castanera Andrés, Raúl; Parenti, Alejandra; Muguerza Domínguez, Elaia; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena
    Pleurotus ostreatus is an industrially cultivated basidiomycete with nutritional and environmental applications. Its genome, which was sequenced by the joint Genome Institute, has become a model for lignin degradation and for fungal genomics and transcriptomics studies. The complete P. ostreatus genome contains 35 Mbp organized in 11 chromosomes, and two different haploid genomes have been individually sequenced. In this work, genomics and transcriptomics approaches were employed in the study of P. ostreatus under different physiological conditions. Specifically, we analyzed a collection of expressed sequence tags (EST) obtained from cut fruit bodies that had been stored at 4 degrees C for 7 days (postharvest conditions). Studies of the 253 expressed clones that had been automatically and manually annotated provided a detailed picture of the life characteristics of the self-sustained fruit bodies. The results suggested a complex metabolism in which autophagy, RNA metabolism, and protein and carbohydrate turnover are increased. Genes involved in environment sensing and morphogenesis were expressed under these conditions. The data improve our understanding of the decay process in postharvest mushrooms and highlight the use of high-throughput techniques to construct models of living organisms subjected to different environmental conditions.