Alfaro López, José Ramón

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Alfaro López

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José Ramón






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  • PublicationOpen Access
    The integration of mechanical energy absorbers into rollover protective structures to improve the safety of agricultural tractors in the event of rollover
    (MDPI, 2024) Alfaro López, José Ramón; Pérez Ezcurdia, Amaya; Latorre Biel, Juan Ignacio; Arana Navarro, Ignacio; Benito Amurrio, Marta; Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, PJUPNA1912
    The combination of safety belts and rollover protective structures (ROPSs) is key in improving the safety of agricultural tractors in the event of rollover. However, we also have the opportunity to enhance the security provided by each ROPS; one such example is the combination of this safety device with adequate mechanical energy absorbers (MEAs). Inexpensive disc-shaped MEAs can be included in the anchoring points of a ROPS onto the chassis of a tractor. Three configurations of ROPS combined with MEAs were tested during the application of loads that simulated the effects of side rollover in the vehicle. The tested configurations included a blank MEA as a reference case alongside a single MEA and a stack assembly containing both elements. The results of the tests show that both the deformation of the ROPS itself and the strain energy are larger in the case of blank MEAs; thus, there is also a risk that the clearance zone will be infringed upon and that the protective structure will collapse. We can conclude that the implementation of an appropriate MEA in ROPS reduces the deformation of the ROPS itself and its strain energy in cases of vehicle rollover; hence, the safety provided by such protection systems may be improved at a low cost.