González Senosiain, Roberto

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González Senosiain

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Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación




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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Tools for the high penetration of PV systems in the EU electrical networks: results of PVCROPS Project
    (EU PVSEC, 2015) Narvarte Fernández, Luis; Marroyo Palomo, Luis; Collares Pereira, Manuel; Tyutyundzhiev, Nicolay; Conlon, Michael; Bouzzan, N.; Guelbenzu Michelena, Eugenio; González Senosiain, Roberto; Desportes, Adrien; Simmonds, Gary; Wilkin, Benjamin; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    The Solar Energy Industrial Initiative established the objective of integrating PV into the grid to provide up to 12% of the EU electricity demand. The FP7 project PVCROPS has developed solutions to allow the high penetration of PV systems in EU electrical networks and to reduce its Levelized Cost (LCoE) increasing PV system performance. The solutions consist of documents like technical specifications and toolboxes for design, prediction, integration of batteries and automatic detection of performance failures. Six of them are on-line free tools and thirteen are marketable products. These tools allow reducing the LCoE up to 30%, increasing the Performance Ratio up to 9% and PV penetration of 30%. The tools developed by PVCROPS are detailed in