Merchán Elena, Daniel

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Merchán Elena

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Proyectos e Ingeniería Rural




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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Grey water footprint as an indicator for diffuse nitrogen pollution: the case of Navarra, Spain
    (Elsevier, 2019) Martínez Aldaya, Maite; Rodríguez, Corina Iris; Fernández Poulussen, Álex; Merchán Elena, Daniel; Beriain Apesteguía, María José; Llamas, Ramón; Ingeniaritza; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Ingeniería
    Nitrogen is an essential element for plant growth, while its application and associated pollution is a worldwide concern. Generally, diffuse source pollution and its impacts on ecosystem health are difficult to monitor and regulate. Here we used the grey water footprint (GWF) and water pollution level (WPL) indicators, based on a soil nitrogen balance approach to differentiate between surface and groundwater, in order to better understand and quantify the pressure that nitrogen fertilisation generates on freshwater. For the first time, we compared the results of these indicators with actual nitrogen concentration data in surface and groundwater bodies, showing in both cases a positive significant correlation according to Spearman correlation coefficient. This means that the theoretical WPL results might be valuable to anticipate and identify nitrate pollution in surface and groundwater bodies. However, several factors influence the N-related processes that should be considered, such as natural attenuation. We estimated the agricultural and livestock nitrogen loads delivered to freshwater and the associated GWFs and WPLs at the municipality level in Navarra. Large GWFs are observed in southern Navarra, particularly in intensive agricultural regions such as Ribera Alta-Aragón and Ribera Baja. We estimated that 64% of the GWF related to nitrogen loads came from artificial fertilisers, 16% from manure, 11% from atmospheric deposition and the remaining 9% from biological fixation, seeds and other organic fertilisers. Among the crops, cereals had the largest contribution to the nitrogen-related GWF (54%) followed by vegetables (17%) and fodder (11%).