Cabeza Laguna, Rafael

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Cabeza Laguna

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Models for gaze tracking systems
    (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2007) Villanueva Larre, Arantxa; Cabeza Laguna, Rafael; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    One of the most confusing aspects that one meets when introducing oneself into gaze tracking technology is the wide variety, in terms of hardware equipment, of available systems that provide solutions to the same matter, that is, determining the point the subject is looking at. The calibration process permits generally adjusting nonintrusive trackers based on quite different hardware and image features to the subject. The negative aspect of this simple procedure is that it permits the system to work properly but at the expense of a lack of control over the intrinsic behavior of the tracker. The objective of the presented article is to overcome this obstacle to explore more deeply the elements of a video-oculographic system, that is, eye, camera, lighting, and so forth, from a purely mathematical and geometrical point of view. The main contribution is to find out the minimum number of hardware elements and image features that are needed to determine the point the subject is looking at. A model has been constructed based on pupil contour and multiple lighting, and successfully tested with real subjects. On the other hand, theoretical aspects of video-oculographic systems have been thoroughly reviewed in order to build a theoretical basis for further studies.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Fisiopatología y técnicas de registro de los movimientos oculares
    (Gobierno de Navarra, 2009) Gila Useros, Luis; Villanueva Larre, Arantxa; Cabeza Laguna, Rafael; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    En el control de la motilidad ocular intervienen varios sistemas funcionales. Los reflejos vestíbulo-oculares y optocinéticos son respuestas automáticas para compensar los movimientos de la cabeza y del entorno visual y poder estabilizar la imagen retiniana sobre un determinado punto de fijación. Los movimientos sacádicos son rápidos desplazamientos de la fijación de un punto a otro del campo visual. Los movimientos de persecución lenta consisten en el seguimiento de estímulos móviles con la mirada. Finalmente, existen movimientos involuntarios de muy escasa amplitud que se producen durante el mantenimiento de la fijación. Cada modalidad funcional de movimiento depende de circuitos neuronales específicos que trabajan coordinadamente para codificar la contracción de los músculos oculomotores correspondiente a la posición adecuada en cada momento. Estos sistemas neuronales pueden verse alterados por múltiples procesos neurológicos de diferente naturaleza y localización dando lugar a una variada gama de trastornos oculomotores. Se revisan los aspectos más destacados de la fisiopatología y de los sistemas de registro de los movimientos oculares.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Gaze tracking system model based on physical parameters
    (World Scientific Publishing, 2007) Villanueva Larre, Arantxa; Cabeza Laguna, Rafael; Porta Cuéllar, Sonia; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzaren
    In the past years, research in eye tracking development and applications has attracted much attention and the possibility of interacting with a computer employing just gaze information is becoming more and more feasible. Efforts in eye tracking cover a broad spectrum of fields, system mathematical modeling being an important aspect in this research. Expressions relating to several elements and variables of the gaze tracker would lead to establish geometric relations and to find out symmetrical behaviors of the human eye when looking at a screen. To this end a deep knowledge of projective geometry as well as eye physiology and kinematics are basic. This paper presents a model for a bright-pupil technique tracker fully based on realistic parameters describing the system elements. The system so modeled is superior to that obtained with generic expressions based on linear or quadratic expressions. Moreover, model symmetry knowledge leads to more effective and simpler calibration strategies, resulting in just two calibration points needed to fit the optical axis and only three points to adjust the visual axis. Reducing considerably the time spent by other systems employing more calibration points renders a more attractive model.