Arocena Garro, Pablo

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Arocena Garro

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GestiĆ³n de Empresas

INARBE. Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics





Search Results

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    The scope of implementation of ISO 14001 by multinational enterprises: the role of liabilities of origin
    (Elsevier, 2023) Arocena Garro, Pablo; Orcos SƔnchez, Raquel; Zouaghi, Ferdaous; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE
    This research contends that MNEs from polluting and emerging countries are subject to liabilities of origin that compel them to signal that they differ from the stereotypes of their home countries to attain environmental legitimacy. ISO 14001 adoption, which signals a commitment to environmental protection, may help MNEs from polluting and emerging countries overcome their legitimacy deficits. The wider the scope of ISO 14001 adoption, the greater its power to signal environmental awareness, and therefore, the greater its efficacy in counteracting liabilities of origin. Accordingly, this research proposes that the scope of ISO 14001 adoption by MNEs from the considered countries is wider than that of MNEs that are not subject to liabilities of origin. This contention is tested in a multisector sample of 733 MNEs over the period 2002ā€“2019.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Determinants of the duration of sick leave due to occupational injuries: evidence from Spanish manufacturing
    (Elsevier, 2023) Arocena Garro, Pablo; GarcĆ­a-Carrizosa, Laura M.; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Universidad PĆŗblica de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Introduction: Despite the significant economic impact of occupational injuries on companies and society, studies focused on analyzing the determinants of workdays lost due to sick leave remain scarce and incomplete. This paper contributes to this issue by (a) analyzing the drivers of sick leave duration, distinguishing factors that explain the health recovery time from those that could lead workers to a voluntary extension of the absence period, and (b) formulating and empirically testing the effect of gender, citizenship, temporary work, job tenure, amount of disability benefit, and size of the injured worker's firm on the number of days the employee is off work after the injury. Method: Hypotheses are tested on a comprehensive dataset that includes all nonfatal occupational injuries causing sick leave that occurred in the manufacturing sector in Spain during 2015Āæ2019, with more than 400,000 injuries. We conduct ordinary least squares and count data regression models in which the number of days off work is regressed on employees and work characteristics while accounting for a set of variables to control the injury's nature and severity. Results: The results show that after considering the intrinsic characteristics of the injury and the severity of the worker's injuries, women, native workers, workers with more seniority, workers with higher salaries, and those working in larger companies have longer periods of sick leave. The results suggest that moral hazard considerations significantly impact the time to return to work after an occupational injury. Practical applications: Based on the findings, several insights for company managers and public decision-makers are discussed. Specifically, interventions aimed at improving the organization of work and the working conditions of workers in manufacturing industries are highlighted, as well as the need to improve control and supervision mechanisms during the recovery process of injured workers.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Automotive fuel prices at branded and unbranded service stations: differences in the impact of seller density, brand concentration and search costs
    (Taylor and Francis Group, 2023) Arocena Garro, Pablo; Bello Pintado, Alejandro; ContĆ­n Pilart, Ignacio; GestiĆ³n de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Universidad PĆŗblica de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    This paper analyses the impact of local competition on gasoline and diesel pricing at branded and unbranded independent service stations. Based on our theory-driven discussion we derive a number of hypotheses, which are empirically tested on a sample of service stations in Spain. In Spain, retail prices of motor fuels have been under the spotlight since the dismantling of the state monopoly in the 1990s. The concentration of the retail market and the behavior of the main oil operators are of constant concern to the competition authorities. Our empirical analysis provides evidence for the existence of different competitive dynamics between branded and unbranded stations, and between gasoline and diesel retail pricing. Specifically, the results show that (i) fuel prices at branded (unbranded) service station are positively (negatively) associated with the number of stations operating in the same local market, (ii) prices of both motor fuels at a branded station are higher the larger the share of stations carrying the same brand in its local market, (iii) diesel price at an unbranded station is lower the larger the share of unbranded stations in its local market, and (iv) unbranded service stations undercut the price of diesel more than that of gasoline compared with prices at branded stations.