Villanueva Roldán, Pedro

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Villanueva Roldán

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Now showing 1 - 10 of 24
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Análisis de sensibilidad de los parámetros de configuración de un proceso de soldadura GMA
    (AEIPRO, 2011) Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Ibarra Murillo, Martín; Sanz García, Andrés; Lostado Lorza, Rubén; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    El proceso de soldadura GMA en la fabricación de componentes mecánicos es una técnica difícil de ajustar debido al elevado número variables de configuración necesarias. A pesar de ello, dicho proceso se ha aplicado con éxito en múltiples sectores a lo largo del siglo XX. El ajuste óptimo de las variables de configuración es una tarea complicada ya que las desviaciones producen un incremento en las tensiones y deformaciones residuales en la pieza resultante. En el presente trabajo, un análisis de sensibilidad fue realizado para determinar la influencia de cada uno de los parámetros de configuración del proceso y posteriormente, poder establecer un orden de importancia. Un caso práctico de la soldadura de dos placas de acero fue realizado para realizar una lectura de datos y aplicar el análisis de sensibilidad.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Pugh's total design: the design of an electromagnetic servo brake with ABS function - a case study
    (SAGE, 2016) Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Lostado Lorza, Rubén; Corral Bobadilla, Marina; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Residual stresses with time-independent cyclic plasticity in finite element analysis of welded joints
    (MDPI, 2017) Lostado Lorza, Rubén; Corral Bobadilla, Marina; Martínez Calvo, María Ángeles; Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Proyectos e Ingeniería Rural; Landa Ingeniaritza eta Proiektuak
    Due to the intense concentration of heat in a reduced area when Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) is used to join mechanical components, the regions near the weld bead are subjected to severe thermal cycles. Firstly, the region close to the weld bead that is heated tends to be in compression and, when it cools, tends to be in tension. According to Pilipenko, the material is exposed to elastic compression and, then, reaching the yield limit, undergoes plastic deformation with the appearance of residual stresses followed by elastic-plastic unloading. This could be considered as a strain-stress cycle. This paper applies plastic-strain-range memorization based on time-independent cyclic plasticity theory for butt joints with single V-groove Finite Element (FE) models that were manufactured by GMAW. The theory combines both the isotropic hardening and the nonlinear kinematic hardening rule (Chaboche model) to reproduce the behavior of cyclic plasticity and thus to obtain the residual stresses in welded joint FE models. As a practical example, the proposed theory is validated by three welded joint specimens that were manufactured with different input parameters of speed, voltage, and current. An agreement between the residual stresses obtained by the FE model proposed and those obtained experimentally by the hole drilling method at different depths demonstrates that the proposed theory could be valid for modelling the residual stresses in welded joints when cyclic plasticity is considered over the range of speed, voltage, and current studied.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Design and optimization of an electromagnetic servo braking system combining finite element analysis and weight-based multi-objective genetic algorithms
    (Springer, 2016) Lostado Lorza, Rubén; Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Fernández Martínez, Roberto; Mac Donald, Bryan J.; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Design of an electromagnetic servo brake with ABS function
    (Trans Tech Publications, 2015) Lostado Lorza, Rubén; Somovilla Gómez, Fatima; Corral Bobadilla, Marina; Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Fernández Martínez, Roberto; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
  • PublicationOpen Access
    The integration of mechanical energy absorbers into rollover protective structures to improve the safety of agricultural tractors in the event of rollover
    (MDPI, 2024) Alfaro López, José Ramón; Pérez Ezcurdia, Amaya; Latorre Biel, Juan Ignacio; Arana Navarro, Ignacio; Benito Amurrio, Marta; Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, PJUPNA1912
    The combination of safety belts and rollover protective structures (ROPSs) is key in improving the safety of agricultural tractors in the event of rollover. However, we also have the opportunity to enhance the security provided by each ROPS; one such example is the combination of this safety device with adequate mechanical energy absorbers (MEAs). Inexpensive disc-shaped MEAs can be included in the anchoring points of a ROPS onto the chassis of a tractor. Three configurations of ROPS combined with MEAs were tested during the application of loads that simulated the effects of side rollover in the vehicle. The tested configurations included a blank MEA as a reference case alongside a single MEA and a stack assembly containing both elements. The results of the tests show that both the deformation of the ROPS itself and the strain energy are larger in the case of blank MEAs; thus, there is also a risk that the clearance zone will be infringed upon and that the protective structure will collapse. We can conclude that the implementation of an appropriate MEA in ROPS reduces the deformation of the ROPS itself and its strain energy in cases of vehicle rollover; hence, the safety provided by such protection systems may be improved at a low cost.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Weld joint reconstruction and classification algorithm for trajectory generation in robotic welding
    (Trans Tech Publications, 2023) Curiel Braco, David; Veiga Suárez, Fernando; Suárez, Alfredo; Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Aldalur, Eider; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Diseño de un nuevo motor de explosión de dos tiempos con etanol como combustible
    (Publicaciones DYNA SL, 2012) Lostado Lorza, Rubén; Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Proyectos e Ingeniería Rural; Landa Ingeniaritza eta Proiektuak
    Actualmente, el mecanismo en el cual están basados la mayoría de los motores de explosión mono o pluricilindricos y que montan los vehículos convencionales, es el tradicional mecanismo cigüeñal-biela-pistón. En este mecanismo, el pistón tiene la posibilidad de girar con respecto a la biela y de friccionar con las paredes del cilindro a medida que éste se desplaza por su interior. La fricción entre el pistón y las paredes del cilindro puede ocasionar un desgaste excesivo tanto del interior del cilindro como del propio pistón, y, en el peor de los casos, incluso un atascamiento (o gripaje) del pistón en su recorrido o carrera. Para reducir este desgaste y evitar los indeseables gripajes, los motores requieren de sofisticados circuitos de engrase, los cuales han de proporcionar una película lubricante homogénea y constante entre las paredes del cilindro y las paredes del pistón. En este artículo, se ha diseñado un nuevo motor de explosión reemplazando el mecanismo cigüeñalbiela- pistón tradicional, en el que el émbolo se desplaza con un movimiento alternativo rectilíneo, por un sistema en el que el émbolo describe un movimiento alternativo circular. En este nuevo sistema, el pistón está unido rígidamente a la biela mediante pasadores, suprimiendo el giro del pistón y evitando su contacto con las paredes interiores del cilindro. Esta restricción de giro, reduce tanto el desgaste del pistón y del cilindro como el consumo de aceite lubricante. El motor diseñado funciona con etanol, y su ciclo termodinámico es el de un motor de dos tiempos. En este motor, la admisión de la mezcla airecombustible se realiza mediante lumbreras laterales y el escape de los gases productos de la combustión a través de una válvula situada en la parte superior de la cámara de explosión hemisférica.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Project risk management methodology for small firms
    (Elsevier, 2014) Marcelino Sádaba, Sara; Pérez Ezcurdia, Amaya; Echeverría Lazcano, Amparo; Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Advances in robotic welding for metallic materials: application of inspection, modeling, monitoring and automation techniques
    (MDPI, 2023) Curiel Braco, David; Veiga Suárez, Fernando; Suárez, Alfredo; Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    The robotic welding manufacturing of metal parts is a very important process, especially in heavy industries such as shipbuilding, oil and gas, automotive, and aerospace. There is a great variety of different techniques for manufacturing by robotic welding, and the welding operations are always in a constant process of evolution, as any advance can be significant to avoid defects during the welding process. Although a great deal of research work has been carried out in recent years, thanks to which results and reviews have been presented on this subject, the main aim of this publication is to define and review works that show the advances in the main inspection, modeling, monitoring, and automated operations during the welding process to avoid, or predictively identify, any possible defect in order to obtain an optimum degree of quality in the welding.