Enrique Martín, Alberto

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Enrique Martín

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IS-FOOD. Research Institute on Innovation & Sustainable Development in Food Chain





Search Results

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Soil water retention and soil compaction assessment in a regional-scale strategy to improve climate change adaptation of agriculture in Navarre, Spain
    (MDPI, 2021) Antón Sobejano, Rodrigo; Ruiz Sagaseta de Ilurdoz, Alberto; Orcaray Echeverría, Luis; Arricibita Videgain, Javier; Enrique Martín, Alberto; De Soto García, Isabel Sonsoles; Virto Quecedo, Íñigo; Zientziak; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Ciencias; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the different agricultural management adaptive strategies considered in the framework of a regional climate change adaptation roadmap in Navarre (Spain), from the point of view of soil physical indicators associated to soil compaction and water retention. These indicators were chosen as representative of the potential of these strategies to improve the soil physical condition. That for, the effectiveness of conservation agriculture (CA), crop rotations (ROT), additions of organic matter (ExO), irrigation (IRR) and innovative grassland management (GSS) was assessed by monitoring soil bulk density (BD) and soil available water holding capacity (AWHC) in a network of 159 agricultural fields across homogeneous agro-climatic zones in the region. A sampling protocol designed to compare groups of plots with or without adaptive practices, and with equal soil characteristics within each zone, allowed to determine the effect size of each strategy (measured as response ratios, RR, calculated as the relative value of BD and AWHC in fields with adaptive management vs. without). Both parameters responded to soil and crop management, although the observed effect was highly variable. Only the ExO strategy showed an overall positive effect on BD. ROT, IRR and GSS displayed no effect and, in the case of CA, the effect was negative. In terms of AWHC, although the results within the zones were heterogeneous, the overall effect associated to the strategies ROT, ExO, IRR and GSS was neutral, and only CA resulted in an overall negative effect. The observed variability in terms of the effectiveness of the five strategies tested in this region highlights the need to understand the complexity of interrelationships between management and dynamic soil properties at the regional scale.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Changes in the soil inorganic carbon dynamics in the tilled layer of a semi-arid Mediterranean soil due to irrigation and a change in crop: uncertainties in the calculation of pedogenic carbonates
    (Elsevier, 2024) De Soto García, Isabel Sonsoles; Barré, Pierre; Zamanian, Kazem; Urmeneta Martín-Calero, Henar; Antón Sobejano, Rodrigo; Enrique Martín, Alberto; Virto Quecedo, Íñigo; Ciencias; Zientziak; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Soil inorganic carbon (SIC) accounts for more than one-third of the total soil carbon pool, but the effect of agricultural management on carbonates dynamics in Mediterranean semi-arid calcareous soils has largely been ignored and remains unclear. However, SIC plays a key role in physical, chemical and, biological properties of soils, which in turn can affect plant growth and productivity. Based on a 7-year field experiment in a paired irrigated and non-irrigated trial, with two different crops (maize and wheat), we investigated the effects of the land use change (from non-irrigated wheat to irrigated maize) on the SIC dynamics in the topsoil (0¿30 cm) of a carbonate-rich soil in Navarre, northern Spain. The results obtained using the accepted equation for determining carbonate type showed that during the 7-year study period, irrigation application and the crop change modified the carbonate typology (lithogenic and pedogenic) in a very short period, without affecting the total SIC content. The main drivers of pedogenic carbonate formation in this case appear to be the water volume and the type of organic matter entering the soil (from C3 plants or C4 plants). However, the equation seems to be strongly dependent on the type of soil organic carbon, which can introduce uncertainties when used to determine the proportion of pedogenic carbonates in soils experiencing a crop change from C3 to C4 plants.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Oinez Basoa: using school-managed afforested land for soil education in Navarre, Spain
    (Universia España, 2019) Virto Quecedo, Íñigo; Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco; Peralta de Andrés, Francisco Javier; De Soto García, Isabel Sonsoles; González Tejedor, Iñaki; Antón Sobejano, Rodrigo; López Goñi, Irene; Martínez, Maite; Arias, Isabel; Enrique Martín, Alberto; Ciencias; Zientziak; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    El estudio del suelo en la educación secundaria es un tema de debate ya que, a pesar de la creciente preocupación por el suelo en las ciencias ambientales, sigue siendo poco considerado en los planes de estudio y programas oficiales de educación preuniversitaria. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados de un estudio de caso realizado con una clase de 4º grado de educación secundaria obligatoria, donde se utilizó una secuencia didáctica que incluye datos reales obtenidos en una cronosecuencia de reforestación. La repoblación forestal formó parte de las actividades realizadas por la red de escuelas a las que pertenecía la escuela, con el objetivo de mitigar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero resultantes de su actividad anual de recaudación de fondos. En un primer paso, se determinaron una serie de indicadores edáficos y de la vegetación en el suelo reforestado, utilizando un enfoque de espacio por tiempo con un suelo cultivado cercano (correspondiente a la situación original del suelo reforestado) y un bosque maduro (similar a la situación objetivo de la reforestación). Se observó que los índices de biodiversidad de plantas, carbono de la biomasa microbiana y C orgánico total, y los de descomposición de la materia orgánica en el suelo reforestado se encontraron en una situación intermedia entre el suelo cultivado y el bosque maduro. En particular, se verificó un secuestro efectivo de C atmosférico a partir de una diferencia de 12,41 ± 1,06 Mg de C orgánico por hectárea en el suelo reforestado en comparación con el control cultivado. Los datos emitidos a partir de este análisis se utilizaron para preparar una actividad de aprendizaje cooperativo de tipo puzzle, que se integró en la secuencia didáctica diseñada para introducir los conceptos de sucesiones ecológicas y el ciclo del carbono. Esta propuesta se centró especialmente en el papel del suelo como omponente del ecosistema y dentro del ciclo del C. El éxito de la implementación de esta secuencia se probó utilizando test de conocimientos previos y finales. Los resultados de estas pruebas mostraron una mejora general (42,8 puntos en la prueba final frente a 23,3 en la prueba inicial) en relación con los conceptos evaluados. Sin embargo, se observaron diferencias en relación a la progresión realizada por los estudiantes, que fue mejor en las preguntas relacionadas con los ecosistemas que en las directamente relacionadas con el suelo como consecuencia del peor conocimiento previo sobre el suelo. A partir de estos resultados, llegamos a la conclusión de que el desarrollo de herramientas educativas que permitan a los estudiantes de secundaria abordar casos reales en las que el suelo se considera un componente clave del ecosistema, puede ser eficaz para avanzar hacia un aprendizaje significativo sobre los suelos y las propiedades del suelo, que parecen no suficientemente entendidos por los alumnos de educación secundaria.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Effect of irrigation on carbonate dynamics in a calcareous soil using isotopic determinations
    (Universia, 2019) De Soto García, Isabel Sonsoles; Virto Quecedo, Íñigo; Barré, Pierre; Enrique Martín, Alberto; Zientziak; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Ciencias
    Este artículo evalúa el efecto del regadío en la dinámica de los carbonatos en suelos agrícolas. Se ha estudiado la proporción y distribución de carbonatos pedogénicos en las fracciones granulométricas de un suelo en regadío y en secano, usando la firma isotópica de C de los carbonatos. El regadío puede alterar la distribución de los carbonatos del suelo y producir una acumulación preferencial de carbonatos pedogénicos (87% al 92% con riego frente a 61% al 74% sin riego) en las fracciones más finas.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Evaluation of the use of a material with struvite from a wastewater treatment plant as n fertilizer in acid and basic agricultural soils
    (MDPI, 2023) De Soto García, Isabel Sonsoles; Itarte Basterra, Miguel Julián; Virto Quecedo, Íñigo; López, Andrea; Gómez, Jairo; Enrique Martín, Alberto; Ciencias; Zientziak; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Struvite (MgNH4PO4 · 6H2O) has been widely studied as an emerging recycled phosphorous fertilizer despite its low solubility. However, there are few studies on the use of this mineral as an N fertilizer. This article evaluates the use of two powder struvite-containing materials from wastewater treatment as an N fertilizer in agricultural soils. A 9-week soil incubation experiment was conducted to compare the effectiveness of this mineral as an N fertilizer in two soils with different pH values (8.2 and 6.7), using two different doses and a control soil. The use of these materials has a positive effect on soil fertility, especially in acidic soils where struvite seems to be more soluble. Thus, struvite can be a potential N fertilizer for agricultural soils and can promote circular economy opportunities for the wastewater industry, especially in acid soils (concentrations of mineral N between 453–339 mg/kg were obtained in the mixtures with acid soil, and values between 408–212 mg/kg in the mixtures with the basic soil after 6 weeks of soil incubation). However, associated with this process, an increase in soil salt content was observed (EC values reaching 3.9 dS/cm in mixtures with the acid soil and 2.8 dS/cm in the mixtures with the basic soil after nine weeks of soil incubation). Therefore, this parameter should be controlled in the case of continuous applications of the amendments, especially in conditions of poor drainage and/or non-percolating water regime, since it can be a limiting factor in crop development. These processes should be studied in detail in the future considering that the N soil cycle has a significant impact on soil chemistry and fertility and on the soil microbiological community.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Soil organic carbon monitoring to assess agricultural climate change adaptation practices in Navarre, Spain
    (Springer, 2021) Antón Sobejano, Rodrigo; Arricibita Videgain, Javier; Ruiz Sagaseta de Ilurdoz, Alberto; Enrique Martín, Alberto; De Soto García, Isabel Sonsoles; Orcaray Echeverría, Luis; Zaragüeta, Armelle; Virto Quecedo, Íñigo; Zientziak; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Ciencias; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Climate change adaptation strategies are needed for agriculture, one of the most vulnerable human activities. In Navarre, North of Spain, ongoing adaptive management practices were identified and promoted in the framework of a regional adaptation strategy. Most include practices aiming to increase topsoil organic carbon (SOC) in agricultural land. In this work, the effectiveness of these practices (conservation agriculture, crop rotations, additions of organic matter, irrigation, and controlled grazing management) was assessed by means of monitoring SOC in a network of 159 agricultural fields across the region. These fields were selected across bioclimatic zones, where soil vulnerabilities and land-uses were previously assessed, to represent the most widespread conditions in the region. A sampling protocol designed to compare SOC stocks in plots with equal soil conditions within each zone, and with or without adaptive practices, allowed the determination of their effect size (measured as response ratios, RR). Exogenous organic matter addition was the most effective practice for SOC storage (RR 95% confidence interval (CI) [1.25–1.37]) across the region. Controlled grazing also resulted in net SOC gains (RR CI [1.13–1.42]) in temperate and semiarid grasslands. Conservation agriculture seemed to be more effective in the driest zone (RR CI [1.30–1.53]) than in the more humid ones (RR CI [0.98–1.21]). Irrigation also displayed a net positive effect (RR CI [1.17–1.34]), modulated by irrigated crop management, whereas crop rotations had an overall negative impact vs. monoculture (RR CI [0.84–0.96]), likely by their interaction with irrigation. These results confirm the variability in SOC responses to changes in management, and SOC as an indicator for assessing regional adaptation practices, although other biophysical, agronomic, and socio-economic factors also need to be accounted for.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    25 years of continuous sewage sludge application vs. mineral fertilizers on a calcareous soil affected pH but not soil carbonates
    (Frontiers Media, 2022) De Soto García, Isabel Sonsoles; Zamanian, Kazem; Urmeneta Martín-Calero, Henar; Enrique Martín, Alberto; Virto Quecedo, Íñigo; Zientziak; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Ciencias; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Inorganic and organic fertilizers have been widely used to maintain crop yields. However, several studies have demonstrated that the dissolution of carbonates in agricultural soils by the acidification induced by N-fertilizers can result in their total or partial loss in the tilled layer of some agricultural soils. The effect of inorganic and organic fertilization on carbonates in calcareous semiarid Mediterranean soils has been less studied and is still unclear. Based on a 25-year field experiment, we investigated the effects of different fertilization strategies on the soil pH, inorganic C content, and in the proportion of pedogenic carbonates in the topsoil (0-30 cm) of a carbonate-rich soil in Navarre (N Spain). Five treatments were compared: no amendments as a control (SC), mineral fertilization (MF), and the application of sewage sludge at different doses (80 Mg ha-1 every year (80-1), 40 Mg ha-1 every year (40-1) and 40 Mg ha-1 every four years (40-4). Results showed a decrease in soil pH values by increasing the amount of sewage sludge and a small alteration in the calcite structure particularly in 40-4. However, no significant differences between treatments were found in the total content of carbonates nor in the proportion of pedogenic carbonates. The high concentration of total carbonates in the soil (16.09 ± 0.48%), and of the proportion of pedogenic carbonates (40.21 ± 1.29%, assuming a δ13C of primary carbonates = 0 ‰) seemed elevated enough to compensate for the observed acidification in the studied soil. In the case of MF, no changes were observed in the pH values, nor in the carbonate content (total and pedogenic). This suggests that the use of sewage sludge could induce changes in the future at a faster rate and of greater dimension than the use of mineral fertilizers such as the ones used in this field (46% urea, superphosphate and ClK).