Barba González-Albo, Carmen

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Barba González-Albo

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Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación

IS-FOOD. Research Institute on Innovation & Sustainable Development in Food Chain





Search Results

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Development of chitosan films containing β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex for controlled release of bioactives
    (Elsevier, 2020) Zarandona, I.; Barba González-Albo, Carmen; Guerrero, Pedro; Caba, Koro de la; Maté Caballero, Juan Ignacio; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 2018-04-INC
    2-phenyl ethanol is a natural compound, which have many applications due to its nice fragrance, bacteriostatic and antifungal character. However, it is difficult to keep it stable and it is highly volatile. In this work, chitosan films with 2-phenyl ethanol were developed and inclusion complexes with cyclodextrins (CDs) were prepared in order to have a controlled release of 2-phenyl ethanol. β-CD was selected to develop the inclusion complex since it showed higher retention yield (45%, molar basis) than α- or γ-CDs. Chitosan films incorporated with β-CD:2- phenyl ethanol were homogeneous, transparent and colorless, and showed high mechanical resistance. Furthermore, the release results of the films without the inclusion complex indicated that 2-phenyl ethanol was evaporated during the film preparation, and only an 8% of the total bioactive was retained in the film, while more than 90% of 2-phenyl ethanol was retained in the films with the inclusion complex.