Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco

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Imbert Rodríguez

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IMAB. Research Institute for Multidisciplinary Applied Biology





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Simulando la interacción entre la densidad inicial y los flujos de agua y nutrientes para comprender el desarrollo de rodales mixtos de Pinus sylvestris y Fagus sylvatica bajo cambio climático
    (Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre, 2017) Candel Pérez, David; Blanco Vaca, Juan Antonio; González de Andrés, Ester; Lo, Yueh-Hsin; Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco; Castillo Martínez, Federico; Ciencias del Medio Natural; Natura Ingurunearen Zientziak
    La gestión de bosques mixtos se ha convertido en una estrategia de adaptación para reducir los riesgos relacionados con el cambio climático. A su vez, los modelos ecológicos pueden ser una herramienta útil para el estudio del crecimiento y la productividad de dichas masas. En este trabajo se presenta una evaluación de la capacidad del modelo híbrido “FORECAST Climate” de simular el estrés hídrico y la productividad en bosques mixtos de pino silvestre y haya en Navarra (norte de España) y su interacción con distintos niveles de densidad de regenerado. En el estudio se incluyeron tres escenarios climáticos para comprobar la capacidad del modelo para simular los flujos de agua bajo condiciones de cambio climático. Las estimaciones del modelo tanto de estrés hídrico como de acumulación de biomasa se mostraron sensibles a la reducción en la densidad de regeneración inicial. Los resultados indicaron que el modelo muestra la suficiente capacidad para simular los efectos de la competencia entre especies en la mortalidad de árboles en bosques mixtos y estimar variables relacionadas con los flujos hídricos. Por un lado, los efectos más significativos de la densidad del rodal sobre la disponibilidad hídrica aparecen durante la primera etapa de desarrollo, mientras que, por otro, el estrés hídrico es mayor en el caso del haya, aunque la reducción de la competencia podría compensar dicho aumento. Las implicaciones de este trabajo para la gestión adaptativa de bosques mixtos sugieren el actual control de la densidad para que los efectos acumulativos sean significativos en próximas décadas.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    CO2 fertilization plays a minor role in long-term carbon accumulation patterns in temperate pine forests in the southwestern Pyrenees
    (Elsevier, 2019) Lo, Yueh-Hsin; Blanco Vaca, Juan Antonio; González de Andrés, Ester; Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco; Castillo Martínez, Federico; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMAB
    Isolating the long-term fertilization effect of CO 2 from other climate- and site-related effects on tree growth has been proven a challenging task. To isolate long-term effects of [CO2] on water use efficiency at ecosystem level, we used the FORECAST Climate forest model, calibrated for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests in the southwestern Pyrenees, growing at a Mediterranean montane site and at a continental subalpine site. Future climate scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) were generated using a battery of six climate models to estimate daily values of temperature and precipitation in a 90-year series. A factorial experiment was designed to disentangle the importance on C pools of three growing limiting factors (nitrogen limitation, climate (temperature + precipitation) limitation and atmospheric CO 2 concentration). The relative importance of each factor was quantified by comparing the scenario with the limitation of each individual factor turned on with the non-limitation scenario. Positive CO 2 fertilization due to improvement in water use efficiency was detected by the model, but its quantitative impact improving tree growth was minimum: its average increase in ecosystem C pools ranged from 0.3 to 0.9%. At the site with cooler climate conditions (continental), the main limitation for tree growth was climate. Such limitation will be reduced under climate change and the ecosystem will store more carbon. At the site with milder climate conditions (Mediterranean), N availability was the main limiting factor albeit modulated by water availability. Such limitation could be reduced under climate change as N cycling could accelerate (higher litterfall production and decomposition rates) but also increase if droughts become more frequent and severe. In addition, the magnitude of the uncertainty related to climate model selection was much more important than CO 2 fertilization, indicating that atmospheric processes are more important than tree physiological processes when defining how much carbon could be gained (or lost) in forests under climate change. In conclusion, due to the small changes in forest C pools caused by variation of atmospheric CO 2 concentrations compared to changes caused by other growth limiting factors (nutrients, climate), reducing uncertainty related to climate projections seems a more efficient way to reduce uncertainty in tree growth projections than increasing forest model complexity.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Influence of thinning intensity and canopy type on Scots pine stand and growth dynamics in a mixed managed forest
    (Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), 2016) Primicia Alvarez, Irantzu; Artázcoz, Rubén; Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco; Puertas, Fernando; Traver, Carmen; Castillo Martínez, Federico; Ciencias del Medio Natural; Natura Ingurunearen Zientziak
    Aim of the study: We analysed the effects of thinning intensity and canopy type on Scots pine growth and stand dynamics in a mixed Scots pine-beech forest. Area of the study: Western Pyrenees. Material and methods: Three thinning intensities were applied in 1999 (0, 20 and 30% basal area removed) and 2009 (0, 20 and 40%) on 9 plots. Within each plot, pure pine and mixed pine-beech patches are distinguished. All pine trees were inventoried in 1999, 2009 and 2014. The effects of treatments on the tree and stand structure variables (density, basal area, stand and tree volume), on the periodic annual increment in basal area and stand and tree volume, and on mortality rates, were analysed using linear mixed effects models. Main Results: The enhancement of tree growth was mainly noticeable after the second thinning. Growth rates following thinning were similar or higher in the moderate than in the severe thinning. Periodic stand volume annual increments were higher in the thinned than in the unthinned plots, but no differences were observed between the thinned treatments. We observed an increase in the differences of the Tree volume annual increment between canopy types (mixed < pure) over time in the unthinned plots, as beech crowns developed. Research highlights: Moderate thinning is suggested as an appropriate forest practice at early pine age in these mixed forests, since it produced higher tree growth rates than the severe thinning and it counteracted the negative effect of beech on pine growth observed in the unthinned plots.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Increased complementarity in water-limited environments in Scots pine and European beech mixtures under climate change
    (Wiley, 2017) González de Andrés, Ester; Seely, Brad; Blanco Vaca, Juan Antonio; Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco; Lo, Yueh-Hsin; Castillo Martínez, Federico; Ciencias del Medio Natural; Natura Ingurunearen Zientziak
    Management of mixedwoods is advocated as an effective adaptation strategy to increase ecosystem resiliency in the context of climate change. While mixedwoods have been shown to have greater resource use efficiency relative to pure stands, considerable uncertainty remains with respect to the underlying ecological processes. We explored species interactions in Scots pine / European beech mixedwoods with the process-based model FORECAST Climate. The model was calibrated for two contrasting forests in the southwestern Pyrenees (northern Spain): a wet Mediterranean site at 625 m.a.s.l. and a subalpine site at 1335 m.a.s.l. Predicted mixedwood yield was higher than that for beech stands but lower than pine stands. When simulating climate change, mixedwood yield was reduced at the Mediterranean site (-33%) but increased at the subalpine site (+11%). Interaction effects were enhanced as stands developed. Complementarity dominated the Mediterranean stand but neutral or net competition dominated the subalpine stand, which had higher stand density and water availability. Reduced water demand and consumption, increased canopy interception, and improved water-use efficiency in mixtures compared to beech stands suggest a release of beech intra-specific competition. Beech also facilitated pine growth through better litter quality, non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation and above- and belowground stratification, leading to higher foliar nitrogen content and deeper canopies in pines. In conclusion, mixtures may improve water availability and use efficiency for beech and light interception for pine, the main limiting factors for each species, respectively. Encouraging pine-beech mixtures could be an effective adaptation to climate change in drought-prone sites in the Mediterranean region.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Oinez Basoa: using school-managed afforested land for soil education in Navarre, Spain
    (Universia España, 2019) Virto Quecedo, Íñigo; Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco; Peralta de Andrés, Francisco Javier; De Soto García, Isabel Sonsoles; González Tejedor, Iñaki; Antón Sobejano, Rodrigo; López Goñi, Irene; Martínez, Maite; Arias, Isabel; Enrique Martín, Alberto; Ciencias; Zientziak; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    El estudio del suelo en la educación secundaria es un tema de debate ya que, a pesar de la creciente preocupación por el suelo en las ciencias ambientales, sigue siendo poco considerado en los planes de estudio y programas oficiales de educación preuniversitaria. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados de un estudio de caso realizado con una clase de 4º grado de educación secundaria obligatoria, donde se utilizó una secuencia didáctica que incluye datos reales obtenidos en una cronosecuencia de reforestación. La repoblación forestal formó parte de las actividades realizadas por la red de escuelas a las que pertenecía la escuela, con el objetivo de mitigar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero resultantes de su actividad anual de recaudación de fondos. En un primer paso, se determinaron una serie de indicadores edáficos y de la vegetación en el suelo reforestado, utilizando un enfoque de espacio por tiempo con un suelo cultivado cercano (correspondiente a la situación original del suelo reforestado) y un bosque maduro (similar a la situación objetivo de la reforestación). Se observó que los índices de biodiversidad de plantas, carbono de la biomasa microbiana y C orgánico total, y los de descomposición de la materia orgánica en el suelo reforestado se encontraron en una situación intermedia entre el suelo cultivado y el bosque maduro. En particular, se verificó un secuestro efectivo de C atmosférico a partir de una diferencia de 12,41 ± 1,06 Mg de C orgánico por hectárea en el suelo reforestado en comparación con el control cultivado. Los datos emitidos a partir de este análisis se utilizaron para preparar una actividad de aprendizaje cooperativo de tipo puzzle, que se integró en la secuencia didáctica diseñada para introducir los conceptos de sucesiones ecológicas y el ciclo del carbono. Esta propuesta se centró especialmente en el papel del suelo como omponente del ecosistema y dentro del ciclo del C. El éxito de la implementación de esta secuencia se probó utilizando test de conocimientos previos y finales. Los resultados de estas pruebas mostraron una mejora general (42,8 puntos en la prueba final frente a 23,3 en la prueba inicial) en relación con los conceptos evaluados. Sin embargo, se observaron diferencias en relación a la progresión realizada por los estudiantes, que fue mejor en las preguntas relacionadas con los ecosistemas que en las directamente relacionadas con el suelo como consecuencia del peor conocimiento previo sobre el suelo. A partir de estos resultados, llegamos a la conclusión de que el desarrollo de herramientas educativas que permitan a los estudiantes de secundaria abordar casos reales en las que el suelo se considera un componente clave del ecosistema, puede ser eficaz para avanzar hacia un aprendizaje significativo sobre los suelos y las propiedades del suelo, que parecen no suficientemente entendidos por los alumnos de educación secundaria.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    ¿Puede haber carrascales en el sur de Navarra? Una aproximación mediante la modelización de distribución de especies
    (Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre, 2013) Peralta de Andrés, Francisco Javier; Zepeda Peña, Norma Angélica; Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco; Ciencias del Medio Natural; Natura Ingurunearen Zientziak
    De acuerdo con algunos mapas de vegetación potencial diversos factores climáticos y edáficos limitan el hábitat disponible para los bosques de carrasca (Quercus rotundifolia) en el sur de Navarra (NE de España). Este es un territorio con un intenso y antiguo uso agrícola y ganadero, lo que dificulta valorar si son las variables ambientales o factores antrópicos los que hacen que sean muy escasos los carrascales existentes. Para tratar de responder a la cuestión de si este territorio es adecuado para el desarrollo de carrascales, se construyen modelos de distribución de la carrasca con Maxent y modelos lineales generalizados (GLM), se comparan con mapas de vegetación potencial y con otros modelos generados para esta especie en el conjunto de la península ibérica. Las variables empleadas para construir los modelos son precipitación media de agosto, continentalidad, temperatura media de las máximas de enero, radiación de enero, pendiente y desarrollo del suelo; todas fueron significativas en el GLM. En Maxent la variable con mayor contribución al modelo fue la precipitación de agosto. Los distintos modelos y mapas difieren sobre todo en los límites nordeste y sur de distribución de los carrascales. Los modelos construidos en este trabajo y los ya existentes sugieren que las variables ambientales consideradas no limitan el desarrollo de carrascales, al menos en algunas zonas del tercio meridional de Navarra, no contempladas en los mapas de vegetación potencial tradicionales.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    ¿Están los bosques mixtos pirenaicos de pino silvestre y haya en el camino hacia la saturación por nitrógeno?
    (Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre, 2017) Blanco Vaca, Juan Antonio; San Emeterio Garciandía, Leticia; González de Andrés, Ester; Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco; Larrainzar Rodríguez, Estíbaliz; Peralta de Andrés, Francisco Javier; Lo, Yueh-Hsin; Castillo Martínez, Federico; Ciencias del Medio Natural; Natura Ingurunearen Zientziak
    Las actividades humanas causan altos niveles de deposición atmosférica crónica de N que pueden estar trastornando el ciclo del N en los bosques de los Pirineos occidentales. Para probar esta hipótesis, se han investigado los efectos de la deposición de N atmosférico en el ciclo de N en dos bosques mixtos de pino silvestre y haya en Navarra. Un bosque está situado a 1350 m de altitud y tiene un clima continental, mientras que el otro está situado a 650 m y tiene un clima mediterráneo húmedo. Pruebas preliminares indicaron una fijación biológica de N 2 atmosférico indetectable, así como la casi nula presencia de plantas con simbiontes fijadores como en la actividad de fijadores libres. Por lo tanto se asumió que la principal entrada de N en estos bosques es la deposición atmosférica. Se estimó la dependencia de la productividad de estos ecosistemas de la deposición por medio del modelo ecológico FORECAST, calibrado para estos sitios. Se simularon seis escenarios con tasas de deposición en un rango de 5 a 30 kg ha -1 año -1 . Los resultados indicaron que la productividad de estos bosques es dependiente de la deposición de N, pero indicios de saturación por N (aumento de lixiviación y carencia de aumento de productividad) indican que pueden saturarse a partir de 20-25 kg N ha -1 año -1 , unos 5-10 kg N ha -1 año -1 por encima de los niveles observados actualmente.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Drought-induced changes in wood density are not prevented by thinning in Scots pine stands
    (MDPI, 2018) Candel Pérez, David; Lo, Yueh-Hsin; Blanco Vaca, Juan Antonio; Chiu, Chih-Ming; Camarero, Jesús Julio; González de Andrés, Ester; Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco; Castillo Martínez, Federico; Ciencias del Medio Natural; Natura Ingurunearen Zientziak
    Density is an important wood mechanical property and an indicator of xylem architecture and hydraulic conductivity. It can be influenced by forest management and climate. We studied the impact of thinning and climate variables on annual stem radial growth (ring width and ring density, and their earlywood and latewood components) in two contrasting Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in northern Spain (one continental, one Mediterranean). At each site, three thinning regimes (control or T0, removing 20% basal area or T20, and removing 30% or T30) were randomly applied to nine plots per site (three plots per treatment) in 1999. Thinning was repeated at the Mediterranean site in 2009 (increasing thinning intensity in T30 to 40%). Eight trees per plot were cored in spring 2014. Second thinning at the Mediterranean site and first thinning at the continental site generally caused significantly wider ring (RW), earlywood (EW) and latewood (LW) widths, although no differences between T20 and T30/40 were found, supporting in part the common observation that radial growth is enhanced following thinning as competition for water and nutrients is reduced. At the Mediterranean site, values of latewood density (LD) and maximum density (Dmax) relative to pre-thinning conditions were significantly lower in T0 than in T30. However, at the continental site, relative changes of ring density (RD) and LD were significantly higher in T0 than in T20 and T30. Climate significantly affected not only RWbut also RD, with significant RD drops during or right after unusually warm-dry years (e.g., 2003, 2011), which were characterized by LD reductions between 5.4 and 8.0%. Such RD decreases were quickly followed by recovery of pre-drought density values. These results indicate trees temporarily reduce LD as a way to enhance hydraulic conductivity during dry summers. However, climate effects on wood density were site-dependent. We also detected that the thinning effect was not intense enough to prevent drought-induced changes in wood density by altering water availability, but it could help to reduce wood properties fluctuations and therefore maintain more homogeneous wood mechanic features.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Land use change effects on carbon and nitrogen stocks in the Pyrenees during the last 150 years: a modelling approach
    (Elsevier, 2015) Lo, Yueh-Hsin; Blanco Vaca, Juan Antonio; Canals Tresserras, Rosa María; González de Andrés, Ester; San Emeterio Garciandía, Leticia; Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco; Castillo Martínez, Federico; Ciencias del Medio Natural; Natura Ingurunearen Zientziak
    In the southern Pyrenees, human population and therefore land uses have changed from forests to pastures, then crops, and back to pastures and secondary forests during the last two centuries. To understand what such rapid land use changes have meant for carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stocks, we used data from two forest sites in the western Pyrenees, combined with regional data on pastures and crop production (potato, cereal), to calibrate the ecosystem-level model FORECAST. Then, we simulated 150-year of land use for each site, emulating historical changes. Our estimates show that the conversion from forests into pastures and crops created C and N deficits (378-427 Mg C ha-1, 4.0-4.6 Mg N ha-1) from which these sites are still recovering. The main ecological process behind the creation of these deficits was the loss of the ecological legacy of soil organic matter (SOM) created by the forest, particularly during conversion to farming. Pastures were able to reverse, stop or at least slow down the loss of such legacy. In conclusion, our work shows the deep impact of historical land use in ecosystem attributes, both in magnitude of removed C and N stocks and in duration of such impact. Also, the usefulness of ecological modelling in absence of historical data to estimate such changes is showcased, providing a framework for potential C and N stocks to be reached by climate change mitigation measures such as forest restoration.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Tree-to-tree competition in mixed European beech-Scots pine forests has different impacts on growth and water-use efficiency depending on site condition.
    (Wiley, 2018) González de Andrés, Ester; Camarero, Jesús Julio; Blanco Vaca, Juan Antonio; Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco; Lo, Yueh-Hsin; Sangüesa Barreda, G.; Castillo Martínez, Federico; Ciencias del Medio Natural; Natura Ingurunearen Zientziak
    Mixed conifer-hardwood forests can be more productive than pure forests and they are increasingly considered as ecosystems that could provide adaptation strategies in the face of global change. However, the combined effects of tree-to-tree competition, rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations and climate on such mixtures remain poorly characterized and understood.2. To fill this research gap, we reconstructed 34-year series (1980-2013) of growth (basal area increment, BAI) and intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)-European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) mixed stands at two climati-cally contrasting sites located in the southwestern Pyrenees. We also gathered data on tree-to-tree competition and climate variables in order to test the hypotheses that (1) radial growth will be greater when exposed to inter- than to intraspecific competition, that is, when species complementarity occurs and (2) enhanced iWUE could be linked to improved stem radial growth.3. Growth of both species was reduced when intraspecific competition increased. Species complementarity was linked to improved growth of Scots pine at the continental site, while competition overrode any complementarity advantage at the drought-prone Mediterranean site. Beech growth did not show any significant response to pine admixture likely due to shade tolerance and the highly competitive nature of this species. Increasing interspecific competition drove recent iWUE changes, which increased in Scots pine but decreased in European beech. The iWUE enhancement did not involve any growth improvement in Scots pine. However, the positive BAIiWUE relationship found for beech suggests an enhanced beech growth in drought-prone sites due to improved water use.4. Synthesis. Complementarity may enhance growth in mixed forests. However, water scarcity can constrict light-related complementarity for shade intolerant species (Scots pine) in drought-prone sites. Basal area increment-intrinsic water-use efficiency relationships were negative for Scots pine and positive for European beech. These contrasting behaviours have got implications for coping with the expected increasing drought events in Scots pine-European beech mixtures located near ecological limit of the two species. Complementarity effects between tree species should be considered to avoid overestimating the degree of future carbon uptake by mixed conifer¿broadleaf forests.