Person: Gimena Ramos, Faustino
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Gimena Ramos
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IS-FOOD. Research Institute on Innovation & Sustainable Development in Food Chain
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Publication Open Access Geomorphological instantaneous unit hydrograph model with distributed rainfall(Elsevier, 2019) Goñi Garatea, Mikel; López Rodríguez, José Javier; Gimena Ramos, Faustino; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaTwo variants of the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph model based on a Geomorphological association of linear Reservoirs (IUHGR), incorporating the Spatial Variability of Rainfall (SVR), have been developed. The proposed models are based on the Geomorphological Reservoirs (GR) scheme consisting of a cascade of linear reservoirs aggregating sub-watersheds. The model, in its first version, was formulated so that it incorporated a spatial variability pattern of rainfall associated with a certain frequency and oriented towards its application in the field of hydrological design. This model was considered to be stationary in the time (GRSVR(s)) for being linked to some design conditions. The second version of the model is applicable to the simulation of real events, where there is a dynamic (GRSVR(m)) spatial distribution of rainfall that varies in time, as in the case of the movement of rainstorms. Both models permit the input of relevant information on the spatial variability of the rainfall, taken from different rain gauge records, without losing the simplicity of the GR model with a single parameter, which represents the hydrological time response of the watershed. The models have been calibrated and validated with the data from one gauged watershed in northern Spain. The analysis conducted in both cases showed that the models which contemplated the spatial variability of the rainfall, GRSVR(s) and GRSVR(m), were capable of simulating rainfall variability effects in the surface runoff hydrograph better than the GR model, which averages the precipitation values recorded in the different rain gauges.Publication Open Access The transformation of a trade fair and exhibition centre into a field hospital for COVID-19 patients via multi-utility tunnels(Elsevier, 2021) Valdenebro García, José Vicente; Gimena Ramos, Faustino; López Rodríguez, José Javier; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaThis article exposes, through the case study of the IFEMA trade fair and exhibition centre in Madrid (Spain), the benefits of using a multi-utility tunnels (MUTs) system as a smart and sustainable solution for the distribution of utility networks in buildings, or in complexes made up of several buildings, to enable their quick and continuous adaptation. The saturation of the health system in the capital of Spain, motivated by the COVID-19 pandemic, forced the authorities in Madrid to improvise an emergency centre in this building. The multi-utility tunnels system was the key enabling element to deploy the necessary networks, including those for medical gases, to convert several exhibition halls into a field hospital with a maximum capacity of 5000 conventional beds and another 500 Intensive Care Unit beds, in just 100 h.Publication Open Access Construction process for the implementation of urban utility tunnels in historic centres(Elsevier, 2019) Valdenebro García, José Vicente; Gimena Ramos, Faustino; López Rodríguez, José Javier; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaNowadays, there are many cities that have chosen to build urban utility tunnels (UUTs) in new urban enlargements to house and order the large number of utility networks that should be located in the subsoil. UUTs are a smart and sustainable solution for the future because, in spite of its high initial cost in comparison with the traditional burial system, enable preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance much more agile, less annoying and less expensive. However, only in exceptional cases municipal authorities have opted to use this type of underground constructions as a key element for the renewal and regeneration of the historical centres of their cities. The main reason for this is the constructive difficulty that is added to the higher cost of the initial investment. The origin of this difficulty is mainly motivated because: these urban areas are inhabited and, therefore, utility networks must be maintained in operation during the construction works; the streets are very narrow, which makes the execution of works and the movement of vehicles and machines difficult while at the same time allowing access for people to homes and businesses; and most of the buildings next to the construction site work have poor quality foundations and structures, so opening deep trenches in their proximity implies taking great risks. This paper proposes a construction process to be followed for the implementation of UUTs in historic centres under the premise of maintaining utilities without interruptions during the works and, at the same time, guaranteeing the security of workers, inhabitants, consumers and pre-existing properties. This construction process has been used in the urban renewal works of the historic centre of Pamplona (Spain).Publication Open Access Caracterización del modelo HEC-HMS en la cuenca de río Arga en Pamplona y su aplicación a cinco avenidas significativas(Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (Chile), 2012) López Rodríguez, José Javier; González Moreno, Miguel Ángel; Scaini, Anna; Goñi Garatea, Mikel; Valdenebro García, José Vicente; Gimena Ramos, Faustino; Proyectos e Ingeniería Rural; Landa Ingeniaritza eta ProiektuakPamplona es una ciudad que es atravesada por el río Arga a lo largo de una llanura aluvial, que es susceptible de inundaciones cuando se producen avenidas de cierta magnitud. Ante esta situación es importante contar con un modelo hidrológico que permita simular los caudales del río que atraviesa el núcleo urbano, a partir de los datos de los distintos pluviómetros existentes en la cuenca, y que sirva para alimentar a modelos hidráulicos que permitan definir las zonas inundables asociadas a distintos niveles de probabilidad. Con esta finalidad, se ha montado y caracterizado el modelo HEC-HMS de la cuenca del río Arga en Pamplona, y posteriormente, se ha aplicado a las cinco avenidas más significativas de los últimos años, de las que se disponen de los mínimos datos de caudal y precipitación necesarios. HEC-HMS es un modelo lluviaescorrentía que se basa en estructurar la cuenca origen en subcuencas asociadas a los cauces de la red fluvial. El flujo base en los hidrogramas observados se ha estimado mediante el filtro de Eckhardt. Después de realizar un análisis de sensibilidad de los parámetros inciertos del modelo, en el que se ha observado que el más sensible es el CN, se ha aplicado el modelo con los datos de las series de precipitación de las estaciones automáticas, y con los datos de las automáticas más las manuales, en este segundo caso los resultados han mejorado significativamente obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios.Publication Open Access Analysis of the effect of climate change on the characteristics of rainfall in Igeldo-Gipuzkoa (Spain)(MDPI, 2023) López Rodríguez, José Javier; Ayuso-Muñoz, José Luis; Goñi Garatea, Mikel; Gimena Ramos, Faustino; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaIn recent years, numerous studies have been carried out on changes in the temperature and precipitation regimes and in the frequency of the extreme events that are a result of climate change. While there is evidence of an increase in temperature at a global level, this globality does not seem to occur with precipitation. The Igeldo weather station (San Sebastian) has one of the longest recorded rainfall intensity series in Spain and can be considered as representative of the Cantabrian coast. This circumstance makes it the ideal place to analyse the trend of the pluviometric regime of this area, and this was precisely the objective of this study. A total of 165 series of pluviometric parameters were obtained to characterise the pluviometric regime. The Mann–Kendall and Spearman tests were applied to evaluate the trends of the different parameters, and the Pettitt test was applied to detect the existence of change points. In all the series, it was proven that there were no significant trends or change points. Significant increasing trends were only detected in the series of maximum winter precipitation. In general terms, it can be concluded that the precipitation regime in Igeldo is quite stationary in the context of climate change.