Ariz Arnedo, Idoia

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Ariz Arnedo

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Depletion of the heaviest stable N isotope is associated with NH4+/NH3 toxicity in NH4+-fed plants
    (BioMed Central, 2011) Ariz Arnedo, Idoia; Cruz, Cristina; Morán Juez, José Fernando; González Moro, María Begoña; García Olaverri, Carmen; González Murua, Carmen; Martins Loucao, María A.; Aparicio Tejo, Pedro María; Estatistika eta Ikerketa Operatiboa; Estadística e Investigación Operativa; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    Background: In plants, nitrate (NO3-) nutrition gives rise to a natural N isotopic signature (δ15N), which correlates with the δ15N of the N source. However, little is known about the relationship between the δ15N of the N source and the 14N/15N fractionation in plants under ammonium (NH4+) nutrition. When NH4 + is the major N source, the two forms, NH4 + and NH3, are present in the nutrient solution. There is a 1.025 thermodynamic isotope effect between NH3 (g) and NH4 + (aq) which drives to a different δ15N. Nine plant species with different NH4 +-sensitivities were cultured hydroponically with NO3 - or NH4 + as the sole N sources, and plant growth and δ15N were determined. Short-term NH4 +/NH3 uptake experiments at pH 6.0 and 9.0 (which favours NH3 form) were carried out in order to support and substantiate our hypothesis. N source fractionation throughout the whole plant was interpreted on the basis of the relative transport of NH4 + and NH3. Results: Several NO3 --fed plants were consistently enriched in 15N, whereas plants under NH4 + nutrition were depleted of 15N. It was shown that more sensitive plants to NH4 + toxicity were the most depleted in 15N. In parallel, N-deficient pea and spinach plants fed with 15NH4 + showed an increased level of NH3 uptake at alkaline pH that was related to the 15N depletion of the plant. Tolerant to NH4 + pea plants or sensitive spinach plants showed similar trend on 15N depletion while slight differences in the time kinetics were observed during the initial stages. The use of RbNO3 as control discarded that the differences observed arise from pH detrimental effects. Conclusions: This article proposes that the negative values of δ15N in NH4 +-fed plants are originated from NH3 uptake by plants. Moreover, this depletion of the heavier N isotope is proportional to the NH4 +/NH3 toxicity in plants species. Therefore, we hypothesise that the low affinity transport system for NH4 + may have two components: one that transports N in the molecular form and is associated with fractionation and another that transports N in the ionic form and is not associated with fractionation.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Nitrogen isotope signature evidences ammonium deprotonation as a common transport mechanism for the AMT-Mep-Rh protein superfamily
    (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2018) Ariz Arnedo, Idoia; Boeckstaens, Mélanie; Gouveia, Catarina; Martins, Ana Paula; Sanz-Luque, Emanuel; Fernández, Emilio; Soveral, Graça; Wiren, Nicolaus von; Marini, Anna M.; Aparicio Tejo, Pedro María; Cruz, Cristina; Ciencias; Zientziak
    Ammonium is an important nitrogen (N) source for living organisms, a key metabolite for pH control, and a potent cytotoxic compound. Ammonium is transported by the widespread AMT-Mep-Rh membrane proteins, and despite their significance in physiological processes, the nature of substrate translocation (NH3/NH4+) by the distinct members of this family is still a matter of controversy. Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells expressing representative AMT-Mep-Rh ammonium carriers and taking advantage of the natural chemical-physical property of the N isotopic signature linked to NH4+/NH3 conversion, this study shows that only cells expressing AMT-Mep-Rh proteins were depleted in N-15 relative to N-14 when compared to the external ammonium source. We observed N-15 depletion over a wide range of external pH, indicating its independence of NH3 formation in solution. On the basis of inhibitor studies, ammonium transport by nonspecific cation channels did not show isotope fractionation but competition with K+. We propose that kinetic N isotope fractionation is a common feature of AMT-Mep-Rh-type proteins, which favor N-14 over N-15, owing to the dissociation of NH4+ into NH3+ H+ in the protein, leading to N-15 depletion in the cell and allowing NH3 passage or NH3/H+ cotransport. This deprotonation mechanism explains these proteins' essential functions in environments under a low NH4+/K+ ratio, allowing organisms to specifically scavenge NH4+. We show that N-15 isotope fractionation may be used in vivo not only to determine the molecular species being transported by ammonium transport proteins, but also to track ammonium toxicity and associated amino acids excretion.