Person: Pozueta Romero, Javier
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Pozueta Romero
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Instituto de Agrobiotecnología (IdAB)
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Publication Open Access Most of ADP-glucose linked to starch biosynthesis occurs outside the chloroplast in source leaves(National Academy of Sciences, 2004) Baroja Fernández, Edurne; Muñoz Pérez, Francisco José; Zandueta Criado, Aitor; Morán Zorzano, María Teresa; Viale Bailone, Alejandro M.; Alonso Casajús, Nora; Pozueta Romero, Javier; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako GobernuaSucrose and starch are end products of two segregated gluconeogenic pathways, and their production takes place in the cytosol and chloroplast of green leaves, respectively. According to this view, the plastidial ADP glucose (ADPG) pyrophosphorylase (AGP) is the sole enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of the starch precursor molecule ADPG. However, a growing body of evidences indicates that starch formation involves the import of cytosolic ADPG to the chloroplast. This evidence is consistent with the idea that synthesis of the ADPG linked to starch biosynthesis takes place in the cytosol by means of sucrose synthase, whereas AGP channels the glucose units derived from the starch breakdown. To test this hypothesis, we first investigated the subcellular localization of ADPG. Toward this end, we constructed transgenic potato plants that expressed the ADPG-cleaving adenosine diphosphate sugar pyrophosphatase (ASPP) from Escherichia coli either in the chloroplast or in the cytosol. Source leaves from plants expressing ASPP in the chloroplast exhibited reduced starch and normal ADPG content as compared with control plants. Most importantly however, leaves from plants expressing ASPP in the cytosol showed a large reduction of the levels of both ADPG and starch, whereas hexose phosphates increased as compared with control plants. No pleiotropic changes in photosynthetic parameters and maximum catalytic activities of enzymes closely linked to starch and sucrose metabolism could be detected in the leaves expressing ASPP in the cytosol. The overall results show that, essentially similar to cereal endosperms, most of the ADPG linked to starch biosynthesis in source leaves occurs in the cytosol.Publication Open Access A cAMP/CRP-controlled mechanism for the incorporation of extracellular ADP-glucose in Escherichia coli involving NupC and NupG nucleoside transporters(Nature Research, 2018) Almagro Zabalza, Goizeder; Viale Bailone, Alejandro M.; Montero Macarro, Manuel; Muñoz Pérez, Francisco José; Baroja Fernández, Edurne; Mori, Hirotada; Pozueta Romero, Javier; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaADP-glucose is the precursor of glycogen biosynthesis in bacteria, and a compound abundant in the starchy plant organs ingested by many mammals. Here we show that the enteric species Escherichia coli is capable of scavenging exogenous ADP-glucose for use as a glycosyl donor in glycogen biosynthesis and feed the adenine nucleotide pool. To unravel the molecular mechanisms involved in this process, we screened the E. coli single-gene deletion mutants of the Keio collection for glycogen content in ADP-glucose-containing culture medium. In comparison to wild-type (WT) cells, individual ∆nupC and ∆nupG mutants lacking the cAMP/CRP responsive inner-membrane nucleoside transporters NupC and NupG displayed reduced glycogen contents and slow ADP-glucose incorporation. In concordance, ∆cya and ∆crp mutants accumulated low levels of glycogen and slowly incorporated ADP-glucose. Two-thirds of the glycogen-excess mutants identified during screening lacked functions that underlie envelope biogenesis and integrity, including the RpoE specific RseA anti-sigma factor. These mutants exhibited higher ADP-glucose uptake than WT cells. The incorporation of either ∆crp, ∆nupG or ∆nupC null alleles sharply reduced the ADP-glucose incorporation and glycogen content initially witnessed in ∆rseA cells. Overall, the data showed that E. coli incorporates extracellular ADP-glucose through a cAMP/CRP-regulated process involving the NupC and NupG nucleoside transporters that is facilitated under envelope stress conditions.Publication Open Access Nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 exerts a negative effect on starch accumulation and growth in rice seedlings under high temperature and CO₂ concentration conditions(Oxford University Press, 2014) Kaneko, Kentaro; Inomata, Takuya; Masui, Takahiro; Koshu, Tsutomu; Pozueta Romero, Javier; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, IIM010491.RI1Nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase (NPP) is a widely distributed enzymatic activity occurring in both plants and mammals that catalyzes the hydrolytic breakdown of the pyrophosphate and phosphodiester bonds of a number of nucleotides. Unlike mammalian NPPs, the physiological function of plant NPPs remains largely unknown. Using a complete rice NPP1-encoding cDNA as a probe, in this work we have screened a rice shoot cDNA library and obtained complete cDNAs corresponding to six NPP genes (NPP1–NPP6). As a first step to clarify the role of NPPs, recombinant NPP1, NPP2 and NPP6 were purified from transgenic rice cells constitutively expressing NPP1, NPP2 and NPP6, respectively, and their enzymatic properties were characterized. NPP1 and NPP6 exhibited hydrolytic activities toward ATP, UDP-glucose and the starch precursor molecule, ADP-glucose, whereas NPP2 did not recognize nucleotide sugars as substrates, but hydrolyzed UDP, ADP and adenosine 50-phosphosulfate. To gain insight into the physiological function of rice NPP1, an npp1 knockout mutant was characterized. The ADP-glucose hydrolytic activities in shoots of npp1 rice seedlings were 8% of those of the wild type (WT), thus indicating that NPP1 is a major determinant of ADP-glucose hydrolytic activity in rice shoots. Importantly, when seedlings were cultured at 160 Pa CO2 under a 28C/23C (12 h light/12 h dark) regime, npp1 shoots and roots were larger than those of wild-type (WT) seedlings. Furthermore, the starch content in the npp1 shoots was higher than that of WT shoots. Growth and starch accumulation were also enhanced under an atmospheric CO2 concentration (40 Pa) when plants were cultured under a 33C/28C regime. The overall data strongly indicate that NPP1 exerts a negative effect on plant growth and starch accumulation in shoots, especially under high CO2 concentration and high temperature conditions.