Pozueta Romero, Javier

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Pozueta Romero

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Instituto de AgrobiotecnologĆ­a (IdAB)





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Unraveling the role of transient starch in the response of Arabidopsis to elevated CO2 under long-day conditions
    (Elsevier, 2018) JƔuregui Mosquera, IvƔn; Pozueta Romero, Javier; Aparicio Tejo, Pedro Marƭa; Baroja FernƔndez, Edurne; Aranjuelo Michelena, Iker; Zientziak; Ciencias; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnologƭa / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    Previous studies on Arabidopsis under long-term exposure to elevated CO2 have been conducted using starch synthesis and breakdown mutants cultured under short day conditions. These studies showed that starch synthesis can ameliorate the photosynthetic reduction caused by soluble sugar-mediated feedback regulation. In this work we characterized the effect of long-term exposure to elevated CO2 (800ā€Æppm) on growth, photosynthesis and content of primary photosynthates in long-day grown wild type plants as well as the near starch-less (aps1) and the starch-excess (gwd) mutants. Notably, elevated CO2 promoted growth of both wild type and aps1 plants but had no effect on gwd plants. Growth promotion by elevated CO2 was accompanied by an increased net photosynthesis in WT and aps1 plants. However, the plants with the highest starch content (wild type at elevated CO2, gwd at ambient CO2, and gwd at elevated CO2) were the ones that suffered decreased in in vivo maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco, and therefore, photosynthetic down-regulation. Further, the photosynthetic rates of wild type at elevated CO2 and gwd at elevated CO2 were acclimated to elevated CO2. Notably, elevated CO2 promoted the accumulation of stress-responsive and senescence-associated amino acid markers in gwd plants. The results presented in this work provide evidence that under long-day conditions, temporary storage of overflow photosynthate as starch negatively affect Rubisco performance. These data are consistent with earlier hypothesis that photosynthetic acclimation can be caused by accelerated senescence and hindrance of CO2 diffusion to the stroma due to accumulation of large starch granules.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Volatile compounds emitted by diverse phytopathogenic microorganisms promote plant growth and flowering through cytokinin action
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2016) SĆ”nchez LĆ³pez, Ɓngela MarĆ­a; Baslam, Marouane; MuƱoz PĆ©rez, Francisco JosĆ©; Bahaji, Abdellatif; Almagro Zabalza, Goizeder; Ricarte Bermejo, Adriana; GarcĆ­a GĆ³mez, Pablo; Baroja FernĆ”ndez, Edurne; Pozueta Romero, Javier; IdAB. Instituto de AgrobiotecnologĆ­a / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua (IIM010491.RI1); Universidad PĆŗblica de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    It is known that volatile emissions from some beneļ¬cial rhizosphere microorganisms promote plant growth. Here we show that volatile compounds (VCs) emitted by phylogenetically diverse rhizosphere and non-rhizhosphere bacteria and fungi (including plant pathogens and microbes that do not normally interact mutualistically with plants) promote growth and ļ¬‚owering of various plant species, including crops. In Arabidopsis plants exposed to VCs emitted by the phytopathogen Alternaria alternata, changes included enhancement of photosynthesis and accumulation of high levels of cytokinins (CKs) and sugars. Evidence obtained using transgenic Arabidopsis plants with altered CK status show that CKs play essential roles in this phenomenon, because growth and ļ¬‚owering responses to the VCs were reduced in mutants with CK-deļ¬ciency (35S:AtCKX1) or low receptor sensitivity (ahk2/3). Further, we demonstrate that the plant responses to fungal VCs are light-dependent. Transcriptomic analyses of Arabidopsis leaves exposed to A. alternata VCs revealed changes in the expression of light- and CK-responsive genes involved in photosynthesis, growth and ļ¬‚owering. Notably, many genes differentially expressed in plants treated with fungal VCs were also differentially expressed in plants exposed to VCs emitted by the plant growth promoting rhizobacterium Bacillus subtilis GB03, suggesting that plants react to microbial VCs through highly conserved regulatory mechanisms.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Volatile compounds other than CO2 emitted by different microorganisms promote distinct posttranscriptionally regulated responses in plants
    (Wiley, 2019) GarcĆ­a GĆ³mez, Pablo; Almagro Zabalza, Goizeder; SĆ”nchez LĆ³pez, Ɓngela MarĆ­a; Bahaji, Abdellatif; Ameztoy del Amo, Kinia; Ricarte Bermejo, Adriana; Baslam, Marouane; LĆ³pez GĆ³mez, Pedro; MorĆ”n Juez, JosĆ© Fernando; Garrido Segovia, JuliĆ”n JosĆ©; MuƱoz PĆ©rez, Francisco JosĆ©; Baroja FernĆ”ndez, Edurne; Pozueta Romero, Javier; Zientziak; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ciencias; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    A 'box-in-box' cocultivation system was used to investigate plant responses to microbial volatile compounds (VCs) and to evaluate the contributions of organic and inorganic VCs (VOCs and VICs, respectively) to these responses. Arabidopsis plants were exposed to VCs emitted by adjacent Alternaria alternata and Penicillium aurantiogriseum cultures, with and without charcoal filtration. No VOCs were detected in the headspace of growth chambers containing fungal cultures with charcoal filters. However, these growth chambers exhibited elevated CO2 and bioactive CO and NO headspace concentrations. Independently of charcoal filtration, VCs from both fungal phytopathogens promoted growth and distinct developmental changes. Plants cultured at CO2 levels observed in growth boxes containing fungal cultures were identical to those cultured at ambient CO2. Plants exposed to charcoal-filtered fungal VCs, nonfiltered VCs, or superelevated CO2 levels exhibited transcriptional changes resembling those induced by increased irradiance. Thus, in the 'box-in-box'' system, (a) fungal VICs other than CO2 and/or VOCs not detected by our analytical systems strongly influence the plants' responses to fungal VCs, (b) different microorganisms release VCs with distinct action potentials, (c) transcriptional changes in VC-exposed plants are mainly due to enhanced photosynthesis signaling, and (d) regulation of some plant responses to fungal VCs is primarily posttranscriptional.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Proteomics analysis reveals non-controlled activation of photosynthesis and protein synthesis in a rice npp1 mutant under high temperature and elevated CO2 conditions
    (MDPI, 2018) Inomata, Takuya; Baslam, Marouane; Masui, Takahiro; Koshu, Tsutomu; Takamatsu, Takeshi; Kaneko, Kentaro; Pozueta Romero, Javier; Mitsui, Toshiaki; IdAB. Instituto de AgrobiotecnologĆ­a / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    Rice nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 (NPP1) catalyzes the hydrolytic breakdown of the pyrophosphate and phosphodiester bonds of a number of nucleotides including ADP-glucose and ATP. Under high temperature and elevated CO2 conditions (HT + ECO2), the npp1 knockout rice mutant displayed rapid growth and high starch content phenotypes, indicating that NPP1 exerts a negative effect on starch accumulation and growth. To gain further insight into the mechanisms involved in the NPP1 downregulation induced starch overaccumulation, in this study we conducted photosynthesis, leaf proteomic, and chloroplast phosphoproteomic analyses of wild-type (WT) and npp1 plants cultured under HT + ECO2. Photosynthesis in npp1 leaves was significantly higher than in WT. Additionally, npp1 leaves accumulated higher levels of sucrose than WT. The proteomic analyses revealed upregulation of proteins related to carbohydrate metabolism and the protein synthesis system in npp1 plants. Further, our data indicate the induction of 14-3-3 proteins in npp1 plants. Our finding demonstrates a higher level of protein phosphorylation in npp1 chloroplasts, which may play an important role in carbohydrate accumulation. Together, these results offer novel targets and provide additional insights into carbohydrate metabolism regulation under ambient and adverse conditions.