Person: Ferreira González, Chelo
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Ferreira González
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Matemática e Informática
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Publication Open Access The swallowtail integral in the highly oscillatory region II(Kent State University, 2020) Ferreira González, Chelo; López García, José Luis; Pérez Sinusía, Ester; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaWe analyze the asymptotic behavior of the swallowtail integral R ∞ −∞ e i(t 5+xt3+yt2+zt)dt for large values of |y| and bounded values of |x| and |z|. We use the simpli ed saddle point method introduced in [López et al., 2009]. With this method, the analysis is more straightforward than with the standard saddle point method and it is possible to derive complete asymptotic expansions of the integral for large |y| and xed x and z. There are four Stokes lines in the sector (−π, π] that divide the complex y−plane in four sectors in which the swallowtail integral behaves di erently when |y| is large. The asymptotic approximation is the sum of two asymptotic series whose terms are elementary functions of x, y and z. One of them is of Poincaré type and is given in terms of inverse powers of y 1/2 . The other one is given in terms of an asymptotic sequence of the order O(y −n/9 ) when |y| → ∞, and it is multiplied by an exponential factor that behaves di erently in the four mentioned sectors. Some numerical experiments illustrate the accuracy of the approximation.Publication Open Access The swallowtail integral in the highly oscillatory region III(Taylor & Francis, 2021) Ferreira González, Chelo; López García, José Luis; Pérez Sinusía, Ester; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaWe consider the swallowtail integral Ψ(x,y,z):=∫∞−∞ei(t5+xt3+yt2+zt)dt for large values of |z| and bounded values of |x| and |y|. The integrand of the swallowtail integral oscillates wildly in this region and the asymptotic analysis is subtle. The standard saddle point method is complicated and then we use the modified saddle point method introduced in López et al., A systematization of the saddle point method application to the Airy and Hankel functions. J Math Anal Appl. 2009;354:347–359. The analysis is more straightforward with this method and it is possible to derive complete asymptotic expansions of Ψ(x,y,z) for large |z| and fixed x and y. The asymptotic analysis requires the study of three different regions for argz separated by three Stokes lines in the sector −π