Khanna, Deepali

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  • PublicationEmbargo
    High functional 3D printed PCL/FSMA magnetic composites
    (IOP Publishing, 2024) Lambri, Fernando Daniel; Bonifacich, Federico Guillermo; Lambri, Osvaldo Agustín; Khanna, Deepali; Pérez de Landazábal Berganzo, José Ignacio; Recarte Callado, Vicente; Sánchez-Alarcos Gómez, Vicente; Lambri, Melania Lucila; Zelada, Griselda Irene; Ciencias; Zientziak; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2
    The capacity of adaptability of a three-dimensional-printed composite of polycaprolactone-based containing micro-particles of ferromagnetic shape memory alloy of composition Ni45Mn36.7In13.3Co5 was determined. Composites exhibit an increase in both damping and modulus values up to around 11%, at temperatures close to 325 K, when applying a magnetic field of 120 kA m−1. In addition, composites show also an increase in the damping values of around 50% at temperatures near 333 K, related to the martensitic transformation, which is promoted by an increase in the oscillating strain from 0.5 × 10−4 up to 2 × 10−4 and when applying a magnetic field of 120 kA m−1. Moreover, the maximum temperature of use of the composite can be increased by means of a magnetic field. These adaptability qualities make this functional composite attractive, for the vibration control at elevated temperatures as well as the potential applications in magnetocaloric devices.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Correlation between particle size and magnetic properties in soft-milled Ni45Co5Mn34In16 powders
    (Elsevier, 2021) Khanna, Deepali; Sánchez-Alarcos Gómez, Vicente; Recarte Callado, Vicente; Pérez de Landazábal Berganzo, José Ignacio; Zientziak; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ciencias; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, PC017-018 AMELEC; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    The effect of microstructural defects induced by mechanical milling has been studied in a Ni–Mn–In–Co metamagnetic shape memory alloy. The martensitic transformation and Curie temperatures do not change with grinding, thus pointing out to a null variation of long range atomic order as a consequence of the deformation. Nevertheless, the enthalpy change of the martensitic transformation highly decreases. This, and the large thermal stabilization of the martensite (with shifts on the temperature of the first reverse martensitic transformation up to 60 K), indicate the presence of a huge amount of internal stresses and microstructural defects in the obtained micro-particles. The presence of such defects considerably affects the saturation magnetization in austenite whereas almost no effect is observed in martensite. The magnetocaloric effect has been evaluated in samples with three different particle sizes. In spite of the MCE value is lower than in the bulk, the broader temperature range for the martensitic transformation in the powders makes the relative cooling power be comparable to that in the bulk. The as-milled micro-particles can be then considered as good preliminary candidates for magnetic refrigeration applications at the microscale.