Cambra Contin, Koldo

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Cambra Contin

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Ciencias de la Salud





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Quality of life in Spanish advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients: determinants of global QL and survival analyses
    (Springer, 2016) Arrarás, Juan Ignacio; Hernández, Berta; Martínez Aguillo, Maite; Cambra Contin, Koldo; Rico, Mikel; Illarramendi, José Juan; Viúdez, Antonio; Ibáñez Beroiz, Berta; Zarandona, Uxue; Martínez, Enrique; Vera García, Ruth; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Purpose: This paper studies the Quality of Life (QL) of Spanish advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients receiving platinum-doublet chemotherapy, compares our results with those from studies from other cultural areas, and identifies factors associated with global QL and survival prognostic variables. Methods: EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-LC13 questionnaires were completed three times by 39 patients along treatment and follow-up. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to study global QL determinants (≤50 points considered low global-QL score). Analyses of prognostic variables for death were performed (Cox proportional hazards models). Results: QL mean scores in the whole sample were moderately high, with limitations (>30) in physical, role, social functioning, emotional areas, fatigue, pain, neuropathy and global QL. Differences with studies from other cultural areas were mainly found in the lower score for dyspnoea (≥15 points). There were no significant differences in QL scores between the first and second assessments. In six areas, the third assessment was lower than the first and second: fatigue, hair loss (>20 points); physical, social functioning, neuropathy (10–20 points); emotional functioning (5–10 points). The best model to explain the chances of low QL includes, as explanatory variables, high emotional functioning as protective factor and fatigue as risk factor (R2 = 0.70). Eight QL areas (four pain-related) and performance status showed a statistically significant association with survival. Conclusion: Patients adapted well to their disease and treatments. Platinum-doublet can be administered in advanced NSCLC patients. Our QL data are in line with those from other cultural areas.