Echeverria Lazcano, Angel María

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Echeverria Lazcano

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Angel María






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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Assessment of the ability of MGO based binary binders for the substitution of Portland cement for mortars manufacturing
    (Elsevier, 2022) Seco Meneses, Andrés; Espuelas Zuazu, Sandra; Marcelino Sádaba, Sara; Echeverria Lazcano, Angel María; Del Castillo García, Jesús María; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    This article evaluates the ability of a magnesia kiln dust (PC-8) and a commercial calcined MgO (MCB100), combined with ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS), as constituents of binary M-S-H binders. Mortars and pastes were manufactured and their properties were compared to those of Portland Cement (PC). MgO-based mortars showed an increase in setting time and higher fresh consistency. At earlier ages MgO mortars showed lower mechanical properties. At 90 days both MgO-based mortars overcame the PC flexural strength and PC-8 + GGBS also overcame its compressive strength. X-Ray Diffraction and Thermogravimetry tests demonstrated the presence of M-S-H in the pastes.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Low energy spent coffee grounds briquetting with organic binders for biomass fuel manufacturing
    (Elsevier, 2020) Espuelas Zuazu, Sandra; Marcelino Sádaba, Sara; Echeverria Lazcano, Angel María; Seco Meneses, Andrés; Del Castillo García, Jesús María; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    This paper analyzes the ability of the spent coffee grounds (SCG) for briquettes production with xanthan and guar gums as binders. Briquettes were manufactured at room temperature, at 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% of moisture, at 8 MPa, 10 MPa and 12 MPa of compaction pressure and at 5 and 10% of binder dosage. Combination of 10% of xanthan, 15% of moisture, at 12 MPa, reached the highest dry density, 0.819 g/cm3. The combination of 5% of xanthan, 30% of moisture, compacted at 12 MPa was the most durable with a loss of mass of 3.9%. No relationships were established among water absorption and binder type, binder dosage, manufacturing moisture or compaction pressure. The lowest water absorption value, 0.25%, corresponded to the combination with 5% of xanthan, 30% of moisture, compacted at 10 MPa. The lowest heating value achieved by SCG was 25,399 J/g. Guar 5% and 10% combinations achieved 24,398 J/g and 24,321 J/g respectively. Xanthan gum 5% and 10% dosages attained 24,450 and 23,503 J/g. Binder decreased volatiles, increased fixed carbon content and decreased nitrogen content. Guar gum decreased SCG nitrogen content by 15.92% for the 5% and by 16.92% for the 10% dosage combinations, respectively. Xanthan nitrogen reduction attained 13.43% for the 5% and 14.43% for the 10% of dosage. The raw SCG ash production was 0.66%. This value increased to 0.81% and 0.97% with 5% and 10% of xanthan gum, meanwhile guar decreased it to 0.57% and 0.52%, at 5% and 10% of dosage.