Loidi Erviti, Maite

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Loidi Erviti

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Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Recovery of ancient grapevine plant material in peri‑urban areas. A case of success in Pamplona (Spain) leading to the recovery of cv. Berués
    (Elsevier, 2022) Crespo Martínez, Sara; Mayor Azcona, Blanca; Oneka Mugica, Oihane; Loidi Erviti, Maite; Villa Llop, Ana; Marín Ederra, Diana; Miranda Jiménez, Carlos; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Urrestarazu Vidart, Jorge; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMAB; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Viticulture was relatively important in the peri‑urban area of Pamplona till the end of the 19th century, but suffered a continued regression that has led to a nearly complete disappearance of vineyards. In this context, this work aims to evaluate the feasibility of recovering old grapevine germplasm in the peri‑urban area of Pamplona. The lack of a conventional source for recovering plant material (i.e. absence of old vineyards in the area) implied the need of designing an alternative prospecting procedure. This method included the analysis of the available historical information as open-access resources (orthophotos, land use maps and GIS applications) aiming to identify the areas with the highest probability of finding vines surviving from the general abandonment and uprooting of vineyards that had occurred in the 20th century. Based on the oldest on scale orthophoto available for Navarra, a vineyard land map of the peri‑urban area of Pamplona in year 1956 was built, allowing prospecting efforts to be focused on specific areas of primarily interest. Following this strategy, a total of 120 plants were collected, which corresponded to 44 genotypes. The most prominent achievement of this prospecting mission was the recovery of 15 accessions of Berués, a very old variety with a remarkable importance in the region according to old historical records, and considered to be disappeared. The methodology proposed was effective in searching for the oldest standing-alone plants surviving in the peri‑urban area of Pamplona, and may be adapted to assist the recovery of old grapevine germplasm in other currently non wine-growing regions/areas where viticulture was relevant some decades ago. © 2021
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Sampling stratification using aerial imagery to estimate fruit load in peach tree orchards
    (MDPI, 2018) Miranda Jiménez, Carlos; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Urrestarazu Vidart, Jorge; Loidi Erviti, Maite; Royo Díaz, José Bernardo; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura
    A quick and accurate sampling method for determining yield in peach orchards could lead to better crop management decisions, more accurate insurance claim adjustment, and reduced expenses for the insurance industry. Given that sample size depends exclusively on the variability of the trees on the orchard, it is necessary to have a quick and objective way of assessing this variability. The aim of this study was to use remote sensing to detect the spatial variability within peach orchards and classify trees into homogeneous zones that constitute sampling strata to decrease sample size. Five mature peach orchards with different degrees of spatial variability were used. A regular grid of trees was established on each orchard, their trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) was measured, and yield was measured as number of fruits/tree on the central tree of each one of them. Red Vegetation Index (RVI) was calculated from aerial images with 0.25 m pixel -1 resolution, and used, either alone or in combination with TCSA, to delineate sampling strata using cluster fuzzy k-means. Completely randomized (CRS) and stratified samplings were compared through 10,000 iterations, and the Minimum Sample Size required to obtain estimates of actual production for three quality levels of sampling was calculated in each case. The images allowed accurate determination of the number of trees, allowing a proper application of completely randomized sampling designs. Tree size and the canopy density estimated by means of multispectral indices are complementary parameters suitable for orchard stratification, decreasing the sample size required to determine fruit count up to 20–35% compared to completely randomized samples.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Evaluación del interés de métodos sencillos de medida de la actividad microbiana del suelo para la identificación y caracterización de terroirs vitícolas
    (2020) Loidi Erviti, Maite; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Abad Zamora, Francisco Javier; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica y Biociencias; Nekazaritzako Ingeniaritzako eta Biozientzietako Goi Mailako Eskola Teknikoa
    En la viticultura, la actividad biológica del suelo es uno de los factores biológicos, que junto a los antrópicos y a los físicos determina la identidad del vino de una bodega o terroir. Sin embargo, no se dispone de métodos que permitan, de manera sencilla, estimar esta actividad. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar si el método TBI (tea bag index) y el uso de placas Biolog EcoplatesTM permiten diferenciar entre muestras procedentes de suelos de una explotación vitícola situada en Traibuenas (Navarra) en función de la zona de muestreo, de la profundidad a la que se toma la muestra y de si las muestras se toman en la línea del cultivo o en las calles. Además, se evaluó si las diferencias observadas se corresponden con los terroirs definidos en el viñedo por el personal técnico de la bodega propietaria. A la vista de los resultados, los índices empleados se consideran de interés, siendo el índice de Shannon medido a través del método Biolog EcoplatesTM el que mejor permitió diferenciar los terroirs. En cuanto a los parámetros de muestreo, la profundidad afecta más a los parámetros del TBI que a los del método Biolog EcoplatesTM, siendo relevante para todos los índices la época del ciclo en las que se realizó el muestreo.
  • PublicationRestricted
    Efecto del aclareo de racimos y de puntas sobre la producción y la calidad de la uva en Vitis vinifera L. cv. Tempranillo
    (2008) Loidi Erviti, Maite; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos; Nekazaritza Ingeniarien Goi Mailako Eskola Teknikoa; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Intracultivar genetic diversity in grapevine: water use efficiency variability within cv. Grenache
    (Wiley, 2021) Buesa, Ignacio; Escalona, José M.; Tortosa, Ignacio; Marín Ederra, Diana; Loidi Erviti, Maite; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Douthe, Cyril; Medrano, H.; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura
    The selection of genotypes best adapted to environmental conditions has traditionally focused on agronomic and grape composition parameters. However, to classify the genotypes most adapted to climate change conditions, the aim must be to focus on the ecophysiological responses that will ultimately determine their performance. The variability in water use efficiency of 13 Grenache genotypes over three-seasons was assessed under field conditions at leaf, grape and plant level. Results showed a significant effect of genotype at all three levels, and despite the large interannual variability there was a remarkable consistency among levels. Furthermore, using genotype-specific regressions it was possible to identify significant differences in the intrinsic water use efficiency response of each genotype as a function of the vine water status. The relationship between net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance, as well as carbon isotope discrimination in grapes, were also confirmed as reliable physiological indicators for selecting grapevine genotypes to future environmental conditions. Therefore, the proposed multi-level methodology was useful to quantify the intracultivar variability and the identification of more and less efficient genotypes within Grenache.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Monitoring vineyard canopy management operations using UAV-acquired photogrammetric point clouds
    (MDPI, 2020) López Granados, Francisca; Oneka Mugica, Oihane; Marín Ederra, Diana; Loidi Erviti, Maite; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Canopy management operations, such as shoot thinning, leaf removal, and shoot trimming, are among the most relevant agricultural practices in viticulture. However, the supervision of these tasks demands a visual inspection of the whole vineyard, which is time-consuming and laborious. The application of photogrammetric techniques to images acquired with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has proved to be an efficient way to measure woody crops canopy. Consequently, the objective of this work was to determine whether the use ofUAV photogrammetry allows the detection of canopy management operations. A UAV equipped with an RGB digital camera was used to acquire images with high overlap over different canopy management experiments in four vineyards with the aim of characterizing vine dimensions before and after shoot thinning, leaf removal, and shoot trimming operations. The images were processed to generate photogrammetric point clouds of every vine that were analyzed using a fully automated object-based image analysis algorithm. Two approaches were tested in the analysis of the UAV derived data: (1) to determine whether the comparison of the vine dimensions before and after the treatments allowed the detection of the canopy management operations; and (2) to study the vine dimensions after the operations and assess the possibility of detecting these operations using only the data from the flight after them. The first approach successfully detected the canopy management. Regarding the second approach, significant differences in the vine dimensions after the treatments were detected in all the experiments, and the vines under the shoot trimming treatment could be easily and accurately detected based on a fixed threshold.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Severe trimming and enhanced competition of laterals as a tool to delay ripening in Tempranillo vineyards under semiarid conditions
    (Université de Bordeaux, 2017) Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Miranda Jiménez, Carlos; Urrestarazu Vidart, Jorge; Loidi Erviti, Maite; Royo Díaz, José Bernardo; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Aim: An advance in grapevine phenological stages (including ripening) is occurring worldwide due to global warming and, in the hottest seasons, already results in a lack of synchrony between sugar and phenolic ripeness, leading to unbalanced wines. In order to cope with this fact, a general effort is being made by researchers and growers aiming at delaying ripening through cultural practices, particularly under warm growing conditions, where these effects are more deleterious. The aim of this work is to evaluate to which extent severe trimming and enhanced competition of laterals can delay ripening in Tempranillo vineyards under semiarid conditions. Methods and results: The experiment took place during two consecutive seasons in Traibuenas (Navarra, Spain) in a cv. ‘Tempranillo’ vineyard trained to a vertical shoot positioned (VSP) spur-pruned bilateral cordon. Severe mechanical pruning was performed ca. 3 weeks after fruit-set in order to reduce leaf-to-fruit ratio, and in the trimmed plants, three irrigation doses were applied until harvest aiming at enhancing lateral growth, hypothesized to compete with ripening. All measurements were performed in six 10-vine replicates per treatment. Trimming significantly reduced leaf area and yield, resulting in higher water availability in trimmed plants. The whole ripening process was delayed by trimming: mid-veraison was delayed by about 5 days, and the delay in sugar accumulation and acid degradation was longer, differences being more marked in malic than in tartaric acid concentration. The use of increased irrigation levels compensated the losses in yield caused by trimming, enhanced laterals’ growth and implied an additional delay in ripening. Conclusion: trimming and increased irrigation had an additive effect in terms of delaying ripening, and they can be used jointly when that delay is needed. Significance and impact of the study: this study proves the potentiality of the joint use of trimming and increased irrigation to delay ripening, although it is necessary to analyze the implications the obtained delay has on other quality aspects. The lower anthocyanin and phenolic values observed in trimmed vines were not solely due to delayed ripening, as lower values were observed even when data were compared for a given total soluble solid content.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Timing of defoliation affects anthocyanin and sugar decoupling in Grenache variety growing in warm seasons
    (Elsevier, 2024) Fernández-Zurbano, Purificación; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Villa Llop, Ana; Loidi Erviti, Maite; Peñalosa, Carlos; Músquiz, Sergio; Torres Molina, Nazareth; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMAB; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Warming trends over the winegrowing regions lead to an advance of grapevine phenology, decreased yield and increased sugar content with a lower polyphenol content. We hypothesized that different leaf removal timings may counteract these effects. A two-year experiment was conducted in La Rioja (Spain) with Vitis vinifera L. cv. Grenache trained in an open-vase system. Trial consisted in a complete block design with two leaf removal treatments differing in the moment of manipulation: i) severe leaf removal treatment conducted after fruit set (ELR); and ii) severe leaf removal at veraison (LLR) compared to an untreated control (Control). Both leaf removal treatments tended to decrease sugar content with no effect on yield, these effects being highly affected by the year. Defoliation accounted for a decreased flavanol and stilbene contents in berries at harvest. An ELR increased anthocyanin and phenolic acid contents at harvest, while warming during 2022 accounted for decreased contents of all the monitored groups of flavonols. ELR was only effective for delaying ripening by means of impairing the sugar:anthocyanin decoupling during the 2021 growing season which was related to lower % of kaempferol. Altogether, results suggested that defoliation should still be applied under currently warming trends in some viticulture regions.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Guía de buenas prácticas de poda de la vid
    (2022) Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Palacios Muruzábal, Julián; Sebastián Caumel, Bárbara; Arzoz Lafuente, Ignacio; Dewasme, Coralie; Galar Martínez, Mónica; Juanena Ayestarán, Nahiara; Loidi Erviti, Maite; Roby, Jean Philippe; Rodríguez Lorenzo, Maite; Torres Molina, Nazareth; Villa Llop, Ana; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMAB; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación
    Esta es una guía gráfica e interactiva de buenas prácticas de poda de la vid, en la que se explica mediante vídeos sencillos y de fácil seguimiento cómo cumplir los criterios fundamentales que se deben seguir a la hora de realizar la poda del viñedo para no comprometer la longevidad de la planta. La Guía se centra en los sistemas de conducción vaso, Cordón Royat y Guyot porque son los más habituales, pero gran parte de lo descrito es válido para todos los sistemas de conducción ya que los principios fundamentales de la poda deben respetarse independientemente del sistema de poda. La Guía ha sido elaborada en el marco del proyecto Vites Qualitas (EFA 324/19) SOSTENIBILIDAD Y COMPETITIVIDAD DE LA VITICULTURA EN EL TERRITORIO POCTEFA