Beaskoetxea Gartzia, Unai

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Beaskoetxea Gartzia

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Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Low profile THz periodic leaky-wave antenna
    (IEEE, 2014) Beaskoetxea Gartzia, Unai; Beruete Díaz, Miguel; Rodríguez Ulibarri, Pablo; Etayo Salinas, David; Sorolla Ayza, Mario; Navarro Cía, Miguel; Zehar, Mokhtar; Blary, Karine; Chahadih, Abdallah; Han, Xiang-Lei; Akalin, Tahsin; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    In this work, a 0.566THz flat leaky-wave antenna, consisting of a central λ0/2 slot surrounded by straight parallel wedge corrugations, is numerically and experimentally analyzed. Simulations show a moderately high gain and no significant differences when compared with a typical square corrugation profile. Numerical comparison is also made for the designed and manufactured antennas. High transmission enhancement in the corrugated case is obtained, compared to that given by a single central slot with no grooves. This kind of antennas finds several applications in different frequency ranges, including the nowadays high-interest range of the THz.