González Torralba, Jon

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González Torralba

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Producción Agraria





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Durum wheat grain yield and quality under low and high nitrogen conditions: insights into natural variation in low- and high-yielding genotypes
    (MDPI, 2020) Mariem, S.B.; González Torralba, Jon; Collar, Concha; Aranjuelo Michelena, Iker; Morales Iribas, Fermín; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, 0011-1365-2019-000112
    The availability and management of N are major determinants of crop productivity, but N excessive use has an associated agro-ecosystems environmental impact. The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of N fertilization on yield and grain quality of 6 durum wheat genotypes, selected from 20 genotypes as high-and low-yielding genotypes. Two N levels were applied from anthesis to maturity: high (1/2 Hoagland nutrient solution) and low (modified 1/2 Hoagland with one-third of N). Together with the agronomic characterization, grain quality analyses were assessed to characterize carbohydrates concentration, mineral composition, glutenin and gliadin concentrations, polyphenol profile, and anti-radical activity. Nitrogen supply improved wheat grain yield with no effect on thousand-grain weight. Grain soluble sugars and gluten fractions were increased, but starch concentration was reduced, under high N. Mineral composition and polyphenol concentrations were also improved by N application. High-yielding genotypes had higher grain carbohydrates concentrations, while higher concentrations in grain minerals, gluten fractions, and polyphenols were recorded in the low-yielding ones. Decreasing the amount of N to one-third ensured a better N use efficiency but reduced durum wheat agronomic and quality traits.