Villaño Valencia, Débora

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Villaño Valencia

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Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación

IS-FOOD. Research Institute on Innovation & Sustainable Development in Food Chain





Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Relationship between the ingestion of a polyphenol-rich drink, hepcidin hormone, and long-term training
    (MDPI, 2016) Villaño Valencia, Débora; Vilaplana, Cristina; Medina, Sonia; Algaba-Chueca, Francisco; Cejuela-Anta, Roberto; Martínez-Sanz, José Miguel; Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Ángel; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD
    The effects of polyphenol-rich foods on the iron status of athletes, as well as the effect of physical training on the hormone hepcidin, implicated in iron metabolism, are not clear. We investigated the influence on iron metabolism of a long-term training intervention of 120 days, measuring the hepcidin concentration in the plasma of 16 elite triathletes, and the effect of the ingestion of 200 mL of either aronia-citrus juice or a placebo drink for 45 days, in a crossover design. The highest plasma hepcidin concentrations were observed at the beginning of the study (116 ± 63 nM) and levels steadily decreased until the end of the intervention (final value 10 ± 7.5 nM). Long-term training might reduce inflammation and, hence, could be responsible for the decrease in hepcidin in triathletes. Polyphenols from aronia-citrus juice did not interfere in iron absorption, as we did not observe significant differences between the intake of the placebo drink or juice with regard to hepcidin levels. Further studies are required to ascertain the time and conditions necessary to restore hepcidin levels, which reflect the iron status of triathletes.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Overlap of orthorexia, eating attitude and psychological distress in some Italian and Spanish university students
    (Baishideng Publishing Group, 2022) Aiello, Paola; Toti, Elisabetta; Villaño Valencia, Débora; Raguzzini, Anna; Peluso, Ilaria; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura
    Background Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is the persistent concern of maintaining the self-imposed diet to improve one's health. Many factors have been associated to ON in university students. AIM To assess the prevalence of ON in Italian and Spanish university students in relation to eating attitude and psychological distress, and the possible overlaps between ON (evaluated with different scored questionnaires from the originally proposed ORTO-15), distress and risk of eating disorders. Methods This study was carried out on 160 students recruited at La Sapienza University of Rome and at the Catholic University of Murcia. Questionnaires were administered to evaluate ON (ORTO-15 and sub-scores), body concerns (Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire, MBSRQ, and Body Uneasiness test, BUT), psychological distress (Kessler Psychological Distress Scale, K10), physical activity (International Physical Activity Questionnaire, IPAQ), eating attitude (Eating Attitudes Test, EAT-26) and malnutrition (Starvation Symptom Inventory, SSI). Sex differences, within the same country, and differences between Italian and Spanish students, within the same sex, were evaluated. RESULTS The ORTO-15 positive subjects, assessed with the originally proposed cut-off, were above 70% in both Italian and Spanish students, with a higher prevalence in the Spanish sample (Italian females 76.3%, Italian males 70.7%; Spanish females 97.0%, Spanish males 96.3%). According to ORTO-7, about 30% of Italian and 48% of Spanish students were positive to ON with no significant sex differences. When excluding students underweight (UW), overweight (OW) or obese (OB), as well as those potentially at risk of eating disorders or presenting mild, moderate and severe distress, in the resultant normal weight (NW)-K10neg-EAT26neg subgroup, we did not find many correlations observed in the whole sample, including those between ORTO scores and BUT, SSI, Total MBSRQ and some of its components. Moreover, ORTO7 resulted in the only ON score unrelated with Body Mass Index, MBSRQ components and IPAQassessed intense activity, in the NW-K10neg-EAT-26neg subgroup. After this sort of “exclusion diagnosis”, the prevalence of ON of these students on the overall sample resulted in 16.9%, 12.2%, 15.2% and 25.9% for Italian females, Italian males, Spanish females and Spanish males, respectively. Conclusion In some university students ON could be a symptom of other conditions related to body image concerns and distress, as well as to high physical activity and appearance, fitness, health or illness orientation (from MBSRQ). However, ORTO-7 became independent from these confounding variables, after the exclusion of UW, OW, OB and students positive to EAT-26 and K10, suggesting the possibility of identifying orthorexic subjects with this specific questionnaire.