Person: Araiz Vega, Miguel
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Araiz Vega
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ISC. Institute of Smart Cities
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Publication Open Access Thermoelectric generators for waste heat harvesting: a computational and experimental approach(Elsevier, 2017) Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Martínez Echeverri, Álvaro; Ingeniería Mecánica, Energética y de Materiales; Mekanika, Energetika eta Materialen IngeniaritzaWaste heat generation has a widespread presence into daily applications, however, due to the low-temperature grade which presents, its exploitation with the most common technologies is complicated. Thermoelectricity presents the possibility of harvesting any temperature grade heat; besides it also includes many other advantages which make thermoelectric generators perfect for generating electric power from waste heat. A prototype divided into two levels along the chimney which uses the waste heat of a combustion has been built. The experimentation has been used to determine the parameters that influence the generation and to validate a generic computational model able to predict the thermoelectric generation of any application, but specially applications where waste heat is harvested. The temperature and mass flow of the flue gases and the load resistance determine the generation, and consequently, these parameters have been included into the model, among many others. This computational model incorporates all the elements included into the generators (heat exchangers, ceramics, unions) and all the thermoelectric phenomena and moreover, it takes into account the temperature loss of the flue gases while circulating along the thermoelectric generator. The built prototype presents a 65 % reduction in the generation of the two levels of the thermoelectric generator due to the temperature loss of the flue gases. The general computational model predicts the thermoelectric generation with an accuracy of the ±12 %.Publication Open Access The importance of the assembly in thermoelectric generators(IntechOpen, 2018) Araiz Vega, Miguel; Catalán Ros, Leyre; Herrero Mola, Óscar; Pérez Artieda, Miren Gurutze; Rodríguez García, Antonio; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; IngenieríaGenerally, in the optimization of thermoelectric generators, only the heat exchangers or the thermoelectric modules themselves are taken into account. However, the assembly of the generator as a whole is of vital importance since a bad contact or a thermal bridge can waste the performance of an optimal generator. In this sense, the present chapter analyzes experimentally the use of different interface materials to reduce the thermal contact resistance between the modules and the heat exchangers, the influence of the pressure distribution in the assembly as well as the effect of different insulating materials in order to reduce the thermal bridge between the exchangers. Thus, it has been demonstrated that a good assembly requires the implementation of thermal interface materials to ensure the microscopic contact between the heat exchangers and the modules, besides a uniform clamping pressure. Nevertheless, since this is normally achieved with screws, they represent a source of thermal bridges in conjunction with the small distance between the exchangers. In order to reduce heat losses due to thermal bridges, which can represent up to one-third of the incoming heat, an increment of the distance between the exchangers and the use of an insulator is recommended.Publication Open Access Auxiliary consumption: a necessary energy that affects thermoelectric generation(Elsevier, 2018) Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Ingeniería Mecánica, Energética y de Materiales; Mekanika, Energetika eta Materialen IngeniaritzaWaste heat recovery can apply to a wide range of applications, from transportation, or industries to domestic appliances. Thermoelectric generation technology applied to those cases could produce electrical energy and thus improve their efficiency. A validated computational methodology, which simulates the behavior of any thermoelectric generator and calculates the energy consumption of the auxiliary equipment involved, has been used to determine the potential of waste heat harvesting. The usable energy, the net energy, generated has to be maximized, not only the thermoelectric generation has to be maximized, but also the consumption of the auxiliary equipment has to be minimized, or if possible eliminated. Heat exchangers with a liquid as the heat carrier procure high thermoelectric generations, as their thermal resistances are very low, nevertheless when the consumption of their auxiliary consumption is borne in mind, their use is not that promising. The optimal thermoelectric energy obtained from the flue gases of a real industry using these dissipation systems is 119 MWh/year, while the maximum net energy is 73 MWh/year due to the consumption of the auxiliary equipment. The latest scenario does not only represent a 40% reduction from the optimal thermoelectric generation but also a different optimal working point. The complete elimination of the auxiliary equipment using novel biphasic thermosyphons with free convection at the same application produces a net energy of 128 MWh/year. This novel dissipation technology presents an increase on the thermoelectric generation due to its low thermal resistances, but above all due to the elimination of the auxiliary consumption.Publication Open Access Geothermal thermoelectric generator for Timanfaya National Park(2019) Catalán Ros, Leyre; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; IngenieríaDespite being one of the largest renewable sources, geothermal energy is not widely utilized for electricity generation. In the case of shallow Hot Dry Rock (HDR) fields, thermoelectric generators can entail a sustainable alternative to Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). The present work studies two configurations of thermoelectric generators for Timanfaya National Park (Spain), one of the most important Hot Dry Rock fields in the world, with temperatures of 500°C at only 3 meters deep. The first configuration includes biphasic thermosyphons as heat exchangers for both sides, leading to a completely passive thermoelectric generator. The second configuration uses fin dissipators as cold-side heat exchangers.Publication Embargo New opportunities for electricity generation in shallow hot dry rock fields: a study of thermoelectric generators with different heat exchangers(Elsevier, 2019) Catalán Ros, Leyre; Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Pérez Artieda, Miren Gurutze; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Institute of Smart Cities - ISCDespite being one of the largest renewable sources, geothermal energy is not widely utilized for electricity generation. In order to leverage shallow hot dry rock (HDR) fields, the present paper proposes an alternative to enhanced geothermal systems (EGS): thermoelectric generators. Based on the conditions of Timanfaya National Park, a prototype has been built to experimentally analyze the feasibility of the proposed solution. The prototype is composed by a two phase closed thermosyphon (TPCT) as hot side heat exchanger, two thermoelectric modules, and it considers different cold side heat exchangers: fin dissipators assisted by a fan and loop thermosyphons, both with various geometries. Experiments have demonstrated that loop thermosyphons represent the best alternative due to their low thermal resistance and, especially, due to their lack of auxiliary consumption, leading to a maximum net power generation of 3.29 W per module with a temperature difference of 180 °C (200 °C in the hot side and 20 °C as ambient temperature), 54% more than with fin dissipators. Hence, there exists a new opportunity for electricity generation in shallow hot dry rock fields: thermoelectric generators with biphasic thermosyphons as heat exchangers, a patented and robust solution.Publication Open Access Heat pipes thermal performance for a reversible thermoelectric cooler-heat pump for a nZEB(Elsevier, 2019) Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Díaz de Garayo, Sergio; Martínez Echeverri, Álvaro; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; IngenieríaThe nZEB standards reduce the energy demand of these buildings to a minimum, obtaining this little energy from renewable resources. Taking these aspect into consideration, a thermoelectric cooler-heat pump is proposed to achieve the comfort temperature along the whole year. The same device can provide heat in winter and it can cool down the buildings in summer just by switching the voltage supply polarity. Heat pipes are studied to work on both sides of the thermoelectric modules in order to optimize the heat transfer as these devices present really good thermal resistances and they can work in any position. However, they present pretty different thermal resistances if they work on the cold or on the hot side of the modules. A methodology to thermally characterize these heat exchangers working in both orientations is proposed and a validated computational model is developed to optimize the thermoelectric cooler-heat pump for a nZEB application. The number of thermoelectric modules, the position of the device, the ambient temperature and the air mass flow determine the operation and consequently they need to be studied in order to optimize the application.Publication Open Access Improvements in the cooling capacity and the COP of a transcritical CO 2 refrigeration plant operating with a thermoelectric subcooling system(Elsevier, 2019) Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Merino Vicente, Amaya; Catalán Ros, Leyre; Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Sánchez, Daniel; Cabello, Ramón; Llopis, R.; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; IngenieríaRestrictive environmental regulations are driving the use of CO 2 as working fluid in commercial vapour compression plants due to its ultra-low global warming potential (GWP 100 = 1) and its natural condition. However, at high ambient temperatures transcritical operating conditions are commonly achieved causing low energy efficiencies in refrigeration facilities. To solve this issue, several improvements have been implemented, especially in large centralized plants where ejectors, parallel compressors or subcooler systems, among others, are frequently used. Despite their good results, these measures are not suitable for small-capacity systems due mainly to the cost and the complexity of the system. Accordingly, this work presents a new subcooling system equipped with thermoelectric modules (TESC), which thanks to its simplicity, low cost and easy control, results very suitable for medium and small capacity plants. The developed methodology finds the gas-cooler pressure and the electric voltage supplied to the TESC system that maximizes the overall COP of the plant taking into account the ambient temperature, the number of thermoelectric modules used and the thermal resistance of the heat exchangers included in the TESC. The obtained results reveal that, with 20 thermoelectric modules, an improvement of 20% in terms of COP and of 25.6% regarding the cooling capacity can be obtained compared to the base cycle of CO 2 of a small cooling plant refrigerated by air. Compared to a cycle that uses an internal heat exchanger IHX, the improvements reach 12.2% and 19.5% respectively.Publication Open Access Modelización y desarrollo experimental de un sistema de generación termoeléctrica basado en efecto Seebeck. Aplicación a gases de escape en calderas de combustión(2018) Araiz Vega, Miguel; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Martínez Echeverri, Álvaro; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaLa situación energética actual y todos los problemas medioambientales, políticos y económicos asociados a ella, hacen cada vez más necesaria una optimización de los sistemas de generación eléctrica y una incorporación de medidas de ahorro energético a los procesos, que contribuyen en gran parte a una reducción de la demanda de energía y a un mayor aprovechamiento de los recursos. En este sentido, son muchos los investigadores que han puesto el foco en la recuperación del llamado calor residual, una energía de desecho obtenida como subproducto no aprovechado de distintos procesos. Esta tesis doctoral estudia el aprovechamiento de energía residual a través de generadores termoeléctricos basados en el efecto Seebeck. Estos sistemas son capaces de producir energía eléctrica a partir de una fuente de calor y una de las formas de optimización es mediante el diseño adecuado de los intercambiadores de calor incluidos. Los intercambiadores tratan de acercar la temperatura de las caras de los módulos a la de los respectivos focos y tienen un efecto directo en la producción eléctrica. Se propone la utilización de un intercambiador de calor pasivo con sistema termosifón y cambio de fase como disipador de la parte fría de los sistemas termoeléctricos. Para llevar a cabo su optimización, se ha desarrollado un modelo computacional de simulación que predice el comportamiento de estos sistemas y permite evaluar la influencia de las características geométricas que lo definen. Este modelo es capaz de simular estos sistemas con desviaciones menores del ± 9%. Tras este desarrollo, se ha utilizado la herramienta computacional para el diseño de un termosifón bifásico que pueda ser acoplado en la parte fría de un prototipo de generador termoeléctrico instalado en el conducto de los gases de salida de una caldera de combustión. Los resultados experimentales han revelado que se puede llegar a generar 240W=m2 utilizando este sistema pasivo, lo que supone una mejora de casi un 83% frente a la utilización de un disipador de aletas convencional con un ventilador en las mismas condiciones de funcionamiento. Se ha realizado, también, un estudio de la implantación de generadores termoeléctricos en un proceso industrial real. Para ello, se ha desarrollado, previamente, un modelo computacional que tenga en cuenta, no solo el funcionamiento de los módulos termoeléctricos, sino que también considere el enfriamiento que sufre la corriente de gases al circular por el conducto del generador e integre los termosifones bifásicos como sistema de disipación del lado frío. Una vez realizada la optimización de estos sistemas, se ha demostrado la posibilidad de generar un total de 363MWh en un año de funcionamiento. También se ha elaborado un análisis que pretende probar la viabilidad económica de esta inversión alcanzándose un coste de instalación de 10€/W. Los resultados derivados de esta tesis demuestran que la termoelectricidad puede jugar un papel importante en el objetivo global de generación de electricidad de forma sostenible, que permita combatir con los efectos del cambio climático, debido a su capacidad de aprovechamiento energía residual.Publication Open Access Energía sostenible: sin malos humos(Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 2019) Samanes Pascual, Javier; Pascual Miqueleiz, Julio María; Berrueta Irigoyen, Alberto; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Catalán Ros, Leyre; Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Arricibita de Andrés, David; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzaren; Ingeniaritza¿Puede España ser sostenible energéticamente? Si alguna vez te has planteado esta pregunta, o quieres saber en qué gastamos la energía y de dónde podría ser obtenida, aquí encontrarás respuestas. Nuestros recursos renovables son inmensos, pero también lo es nuestro consumo. Este libro no solo se centra en analizar la situación actual y las posibilidades que las energías renovables tienen en nuestro país, sino que, presentando de forma clara los datos sobre nuestro gasto energético, permite a cada lector identificar sus mayores consumos, de tal forma que pueda considerar cómo reducirlos. Energía sostenible. Sin malos humos es la adaptación al caso español, actualizando los datos, del libro publicado hace una década por David MacKay en el Reino Unido. La sostenibilidad es hoy en día una preocupación creciente en la sociedad. Pero a menudo este interés se ve contaminado por cifras enormes que resultan muy complicadas de comprender. Además, todos hemos oído hablar en algún momento sobre pequeños gestos al alcance de nuestra mano que podrían permitir un cambio hacia un modelo sostenible. Nada más lejos de la realidad, pequeñas acciones solo permiten pequeños cambios, y el cambio de modelo energético al que nos enfrentamos requiere grandes acciones. Para deshacernos de todo este ruido, en este libro se presentan los números de forma clara y sencilla, utilizando unidades a nuestro alcance y que son comprensibles por todas las personas. Esto permite identificar de una forma mucho más personal los consumos energéticos de nuestro día a día. A lo largo de la primera parte del libro se van construyendo dos columnas: una de color rojo, que representa la agregación de consumos, y otra de color verde, que representa la capacidad de generación. Estas columnas ofrecen una comparación muy visual de la infraestructura renovable que sería necesaria para mantener nuestro ritmo de consumo energético actual. Además, utiliza números «gordos» obtenidos de la experiencia del día a día. Por ejemplo, para calcular la capacidad de generación eólica se parte de una velocidad de viento estimada a partir de la velocidad típica de un ciclista urbano. Toda esta información se encuentra en la primera parte del libro, en los capítulos del 1 al 18. Sin embargo, este libro no se centra únicamente en el análisis de la situación actual, sino que da un paso más y propone alternativas al modelo energético actual con el fin de alcanzar un modelo 100% renovable a medio plazo. Estas medidas incluyen un aumento importante en la potencia renovable instalada, un aumento en la eficiencia energética y algunos ligeros cambios en nuestro estilo de vida que permitan una reducción del consumo. Por supuesto, los tres frentes deben ser atacados al mismo tiempo. Estas propuestas se recogen en la segunda parte del libro, en los capítulos 19 a 32. Por último, este es un libro divulgativo al alcance de todas las personas, que busca transmitir toda la información de forma clara e intuitiva sin perderse en complicados cálculos. Pero si eres de los que les gustan las cuentas, al final del libro encontrarás un apartado en el que se explica de forma rigurosa muchos de los cálculos simples realizados en las primeras partes del libro. Estos apéndices técnicos forman la tercera parte del libro, son los apéndices de la A hasta la H.Publication Open Access Experimental and computational study on thermoelectric generators using thermosyphons with phase change as heat exchangers(Elsevier, 2017) Araiz Vega, Miguel; Martínez Echeverri, Álvaro; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Mekanika, Energetika eta Materialen Ingeniaritza; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ingeniería Mecánica, Energética y de MaterialesAn important issue in thermoelectric generators is the thermal design of the heat exchangers since it can improve their performance by increasing the heat absorbed or dissipated by the thermoelectric modules. Due to its several advantages, compared to conventional dissipation systems, a thermosyphon heat exchanger with phase change is proposed to be placed on the cold side of thermoelectric generators. Some of these advantages are: high heat-transfer rates; absence of moving parts and lack of auxiliary con- sumption (because fans or pumps are not required); and the fact that these systems are wickless. A com- putational model is developed to design and predict the behaviour of this heat exchangers. Furthermore, a prototype has been built and tested in order to demonstrate its performance and validate the compu- tational model. The model predicts the thermal resistance of the heat exchanger with a relative error in the interval [?8.09;7.83] in the 95% of the cases. Finally, the use of thermosyphons with phase change in thermoelectric generators has been studied in a waste-heat recovery application, stating that including them on the cold side of the generators improves the net thermoelectric production by 36% compared to that obtained with finned dissipators under forced convection.