Araiz Vega, Miguel

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Araiz Vega

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Prospects of waste-heat recovery from a real industry using thermoelectric generators: economic and power output analysis
    (Elsevier, 2020) Araiz Vega, Miguel; Casi Satrústegui, Álvaro; Catalán Ros, Leyre; Martínez Echeverri, Álvaro; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, 0011-1365-2018-000101
    One of the options to reduce industrial energy costs and the environmental impact is to recover the waste-heat produce in some processes. This paper proposes the use of thermoelectric generators at a stone wool manufacturing plant to transform waste-heat from a hot gas flow into useful electricity. A combination of two computational models, previously developed and validated, has been used to perform the optimization from a double point of view: power output and economic cost. The proposed thermoelectric generator includes fin dissipaters and biphasic thermosyphons as the hot and cold side heat exchangers respectively. The model takes into account the temperature drop along the duct where the gases flow, the electric consumption of the auxiliary equipment, and the configuration and geometry of the heat exchangers. After the simulations a maximum net power production of 45 838 W is achieved considering an occupancy ratio of 0.40 and a fin spacing of 10 mm. The installation cost is minimized to 10.6 €/W with an occupancy ratio of 0.24. Besides, the Levelised Cost of Electricity, LCOE, is estimated for a thermoelectric generator for the first time. It is necessary to use standar methodologies to compare this technology to others. The LCOE estimated for the proposed design is around 15 c€/kWh within the ranges of current energy sources, proving, in this way, the capabilities of waste-heat recovery from industrial processes at reasonable prices with thermoelectric generators.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Design and optimization of thermoelectric generators for harnessing geothermal anomalies: a computational model and validation with experimental field results
    (Elsevier, 2024) Alegría Cía, Patricia; Catalán Ros, Leyre; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Erro Iturralde, Irantzu; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Thermoelectric generators have been recently proved to be a feasible alternative to harness hot dry rock fields with very promising results transforming the geothermal heat into electricity. This research deepens in the study of these generators, developing a versatile computational model that serves as a tool to design and optimize this type of thermoelectric generators. This tool is important to develop this thermoelectric technology on a large scale, to produce clean and renewable electrical energy especially in the Timanfaya National Park, in Lanzarote (Spain), where some of the most important shallow geothermal anomalies in the world are located, in order to promote self-consumption in this zone. However, it could be employed in other areas with different boundary conditions. The model, based in the finite difference method applied to the thermal-electrical analogy of a geothermal thermoelectric generator, has been validated with the experimental field results of two thermoelectric generators installed in two different zones of geothermal anomalies. It has achieved a relative error of less than 10% when predicting the power and between 0.5–1.6% in the annual energy generation, what makes it a very reliable and useful computational tool. The developed model has been employed for the first time to estimate the electrical energy that could be generated if harnessing the characterized area of anomalies in Lanzarote. Here, given the continuity of geothermal energy, 7.24 GWh per year could be generated, which means annually 1.03 MWh/m2.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Thermoelectric generators for waste heat harvesting: a computational and experimental approach
    (Elsevier, 2017) Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Martínez Echeverri, Álvaro; Ingeniería Mecánica, Energética y de Materiales; Mekanika, Energetika eta Materialen Ingeniaritza
    Waste heat generation has a widespread presence into daily applications, however, due to the low-temperature grade which presents, its exploitation with the most common technologies is complicated. Thermoelectricity presents the possibility of harvesting any temperature grade heat; besides it also includes many other advantages which make thermoelectric generators perfect for generating electric power from waste heat. A prototype divided into two levels along the chimney which uses the waste heat of a combustion has been built. The experimentation has been used to determine the parameters that influence the generation and to validate a generic computational model able to predict the thermoelectric generation of any application, but specially applications where waste heat is harvested. The temperature and mass flow of the flue gases and the load resistance determine the generation, and consequently, these parameters have been included into the model, among many others. This computational model incorporates all the elements included into the generators (heat exchangers, ceramics, unions) and all the thermoelectric phenomena and moreover, it takes into account the temperature loss of the flue gases while circulating along the thermoelectric generator. The built prototype presents a 65 % reduction in the generation of the two levels of the thermoelectric generator due to the temperature loss of the flue gases. The general computational model predicts the thermoelectric generation with an accuracy of the ±12 %.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Computational study of geothermal thermoelectric generators with phase change heat exchangers
    (Elsevier, 2020) Catalán Ros, Leyre; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería
    The use of thermoelectric generators with phase change heat exchangers has demonstrated to be an interesting and environmentally friendly alternative to enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) in shallow hot dry rock fields (HDR), since rock fracture is avoided. The present paper studies the possibilities of the former proposal in a real location: Timanfaya National Park (Canary Islands, Spain), one of the greatest shallow HDR fields in the world, with 5000 m2 of characterized geothermal anomalies presenting temperatures up to 500 °C at only 2 m deep. For this purpose, a computational model based on the thermal-electrical analogy has been developed and validated thanks to a real prototype, leading to a relative error of less than 8%. Based on this model, two prototypes have been designed and studied for two different areas within the park, varying the size of the heat exchangers and the number of thermoelectric modules installed. As a result, the potential of the solution is demonstrated, leading to an annual electricity generation of 681.53 MWh thanks to the scalability of thermoelectric generators. This generation is obtained without moving parts nor auxiliary consumption, thus increasing the robustness of the device and removing maintenance requirements.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Thermoelectric heat recovery in a real industry: from laboratory optimization to reality
    (Elsevier, 2021) Casi Satrústegui, Álvaro; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Catalán Ros, Leyre; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, 0011-1365-2018-000101
    Thermoelectricity, in the form of thermoelectric generators, holds a great potential in waste heat recovery, this potential has been studied and proved in several laboratory and theoretical works. By the means of a thermoelectric generator, part of the energy that normally is wasted in a manufacturing process, can be transformed into electricity, however, implementing this technology in real industries still remains a challenge and on-site tests need to be performed in order to prove the real capabilities of this technology. In this work, a computational model to simulate the behaviour of a thermoelectric generator that harvest waste heat from hot fumes is developed. Using the computational model an optimal configuration for a thermoelectric generator is obtained, also an experimental study of the performance of different heat pipes working as cold side heat exchangers is carried out in order to optimize the performance of the whole thermoelectric generator, thermal resistances of under 0,25 K/W are obtained. The optimized configuration of the thermoelectric generator has been built, installed and tested under real conditions at a rockwool manufacturing plant and experimental data has been obtained during the 30 days field test period. Results show that 4.6 W of average electrical power are produced during the testing period with an efficiency of 2.38%. Moreover, the computational model is validated using this experimental data. Furthermore, the full harvesting potential of an optimized designed that takes advantage of the whole pipe is calculated using the validated computational model, resulting in 30.8 MWh of energy harvested during a sample year which could meet the demand of 8.34 Spanish average households.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Improvements in the cooling capacity and the COP of a transcritical CO 2 refrigeration plant operating with a thermoelectric subcooling system
    (Elsevier, 2019) Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Merino Vicente, Amaya; Catalán Ros, Leyre; Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Sánchez, Daniel; Cabello, Ramón; Llopis, R.; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería
    Restrictive environmental regulations are driving the use of CO 2 as working fluid in commercial vapour compression plants due to its ultra-low global warming potential (GWP 100 = 1) and its natural condition. However, at high ambient temperatures transcritical operating conditions are commonly achieved causing low energy efficiencies in refrigeration facilities. To solve this issue, several improvements have been implemented, especially in large centralized plants where ejectors, parallel compressors or subcooler systems, among others, are frequently used. Despite their good results, these measures are not suitable for small-capacity systems due mainly to the cost and the complexity of the system. Accordingly, this work presents a new subcooling system equipped with thermoelectric modules (TESC), which thanks to its simplicity, low cost and easy control, results very suitable for medium and small capacity plants. The developed methodology finds the gas-cooler pressure and the electric voltage supplied to the TESC system that maximizes the overall COP of the plant taking into account the ambient temperature, the number of thermoelectric modules used and the thermal resistance of the heat exchangers included in the TESC. The obtained results reveal that, with 20 thermoelectric modules, an improvement of 20% in terms of COP and of 25.6% regarding the cooling capacity can be obtained compared to the base cycle of CO 2 of a small cooling plant refrigerated by air. Compared to a cycle that uses an internal heat exchanger IHX, the improvements reach 12.2% and 19.5% respectively.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Experimental and computational study on thermoelectric generators using thermosyphons with phase change as heat exchangers
    (Elsevier, 2017) Araiz Vega, Miguel; Martínez Echeverri, Álvaro; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Mekanika, Energetika eta Materialen Ingeniaritza; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ingeniería Mecánica, Energética y de Materiales
    An important issue in thermoelectric generators is the thermal design of the heat exchangers since it can improve their performance by increasing the heat absorbed or dissipated by the thermoelectric modules. Due to its several advantages, compared to conventional dissipation systems, a thermosyphon heat exchanger with phase change is proposed to be placed on the cold side of thermoelectric generators. Some of these advantages are: high heat-transfer rates; absence of moving parts and lack of auxiliary con- sumption (because fans or pumps are not required); and the fact that these systems are wickless. A com- putational model is developed to design and predict the behaviour of this heat exchangers. Furthermore, a prototype has been built and tested in order to demonstrate its performance and validate the compu- tational model. The model predicts the thermal resistance of the heat exchanger with a relative error in the interval [?8.09;7.83] in the 95% of the cases. Finally, the use of thermosyphons with phase change in thermoelectric generators has been studied in a waste-heat recovery application, stating that including them on the cold side of the generators improves the net thermoelectric production by 36% compared to that obtained with finned dissipators under forced convection.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Experimental validation and development of an advanced computational model of a transcritical carbon dioxide vapour compression cycle with a thermoelectric subcooling system
    (Elsevier, 2022) Casi Satrústegui, Álvaro; Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Sánchez, Daniel; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Cabello, Ramón; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería
    The inclusion of a thermoelectric subcooler as an alternative to increment the performance of a vapour compression cycle has been proved promising when properly designed and operated for low-medium power units. In this work, a computational model that simulates the behaviour of a carbon dioxide transcritical vapour compression cycle in conjunction with a thermoelectric subcooler system is presented. The computational tool is coded in Matlab and uses Refprop V9.1 to calculate the properties of the refrigerant at each point of the refrigeration cycle. Working conditions, effect of the heat exchangers of the subcooling system, temperature dependent thermoelectric properties, thermal contact resistances and the four thermoelectric effects are taken into account to increment its accuracy. The model has been validated using experimental data to prove the reliability and accuracy of the results obtained and shows deviations between the ±7% for the most relevant outputs. Using the validated computational tool a 13.6 % COP improvement is predicted when optimizing the total number of thermoelectric modules of the subcooling system. The computational experimentally validated tool is properly fit to aid in the design and operation of thermoelectric subcooling systems, being able to predict the optimal configuration and operation settings for the whole refrigeration plant.