López Molina, Carlos

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López Molina

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Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    A framework for active contour initialization with application to liver segmentation in MRI
    (Springer, 2022) Mir Torres, Arnau; Antunes dos Santos, Felipe; Fernández Fernández, Francisco Javier; López Molina, Carlos; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika
    Object segmentation is a prominent low-level task in image processing and computer vision. A technique of special relevance within segmentation algorithms is active contour modeling. An active contour is a closed contour on an image which can be evolved to progressively fit the silhouette of certain area or object. Active contours shall be initialized as a closed contour at some position of the image, further evolving to precisely fit to the silhouette of the object of interest. While the evolution of the contour has been deeply studied in literature [5, 11], the study of strategies to define the initial location of the contour is rather absent from it. Typically, such contour is created as a small closed curve around an inner position in the object. However, literature contains no general-purpose algorithms to determine those inner positions, or to quantify their fitness. In fact, such points are frequently set manually by human experts, hence turning the segmentation process into a semi-supervised one. In this work, we present a method to find inner points in relevant object using spatial-tonal fuzzy clustering. Our proposal intends to detect dominant clusters of bright pixels, which are further used to identify candidate points or regions around which active contours can be initialized.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Operador de comparación de elementos multivaluados basado en funciones de equivalencia restringida
    (Universidad de Málaga, 2021) Castillo López, Aitor; López Molina, Carlos; Fernández Fernández, Francisco Javier; Sesma Sara, Mikel; Bustince Sola, Humberto; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika
    En este trabajo proponemos un nuevo enfoque del algoritmo de clustering gravitacional basado en lo que Einstein considero su 'mayor error': la constante cosmológica. De manera similar al algoritmo de clustering gravitacional, nuestro enfoque está inspirado en principios y leyes del cosmos, y al igual que ocurre con la teoría de la relatividad de Einstein y la teoría de la gravedad de Newton, nuestro enfoque puede considerarse una generalización del agrupamiento gravitacional, donde, el algoritmo de clustering gravitacional se recupera como caso límite. Además, se desarrollan e implementan algunas mejoras que tienen como objetivo optimizar la cantidad de iteraciones finales, y de esta forma, se reduce el tiempo de ejecución tanto para el algoritmo original como para nuestra versión.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    From restricted equivalence functions on Ln to similarity measures between fuzzy multisets
    (IEEE, 2023) Ferrero Jaurrieta, Mikel; Takáč, Zdenko; Rodríguez Martínez, Iosu; Marco Detchart, Cedric; Bernardini, Ángela; Fernández Fernández, Francisco Javier; López Molina, Carlos; Bustince Sola, Humberto; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika
    Restricted equivalence functions are well-known functions to compare two numbers in the interval between 0 and 1. Despite the numerous works studying the properties of restricted equivalence functions and their multiple applications as support for different similarity measures, an extension of these functions to an n-dimensional space is absent from the literature. In this paper, we present a novel contribution to the restricted equivalence function theory, allowing to compare multivalued elements. Specifically, we extend the notion of restricted equivalence functions from L to L n and present a new similarity construction on L n . Our proposal is tested in the context of color image anisotropic diffusion as an example of one of its many applications.