Person: Pumar Méndez, María Jesús
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Pumar Méndez
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María Jesús
Ciencias de la Salud
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Publication Open Access Encounters between children's nurses and culturally diverse parents in primary health care(Wiley, 2020) Belintxon, Maider; Dogra, Nisha; McGee, Paula; Pumar Méndez, María Jesús; López de Dicastillo Sáinz de Murieta, Olga; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun ZientziakThe objective of this study was to analyze the healthcare encounters between nursesand parents of different cultural backgrounds in primary health care. An ethnographicstudy was carried out using participant observations in health centers and interviews withnurses. Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis and constant comparativemethod. Four main themes were identified when nurses met parents of other culturalbackgrounds: lack of mutual understanding, electronic records hamper the interaction,lack of professionals' cultural awareness and skills, and nurses establish superficial or dis-tant relationships. The concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural imposition are behindthese findings, hampering the provision of culturally competent care in primary healthservices. There were difficulties in obtaining and registering culturally related aspects thatinfluence children's health and development. This was due to e-records, language barriers,and the lack of cultural awareness and skills in health professionals making the encoun-ters difficult for both nurses and parents. These findings show that there is a clear threatfor health equity and safety in primary care if encounters between nurses and parents donot improve to enable nursing care to be tailored to any individual family needs.Publication Open Access A valid and reliable scale to assess cultural sensibility in nursing(Elsevier, 2021) Belintxon, Maider; Carvajal, Ana; Pumar Méndez, María Jesús; Rayón Valpuesta, Esperanza; Velasco, Tamara Raquel; Belintxon Martin, Unai; Dogra, Nisha; Vidaurreta, Marta; Bermejo-Martins, Elena; López de Dicastillo Sáinz de Murieta, Olga; Derecho; ZuzenbideaBackground: cultural sensibility is an important concept linked to the achievement of cultural competence. Health professionals must first improve their cultural sensibility to become culturally competent and to be able to offer competent care to culturally diverse populations. Aim To develop and psychometrically test the Cultural Sensibility Scale for Nursing (CUSNUR), a cultural sensibility scale that can be used in nursing for the achievement of competencies needed to care for culturally diverse populations. Design and methods: the cross-sectional survey was conducted over two stages. The first stage involved the cross-cultural and discipline-specific adaptation of an existing scale addressing this concept in the field of law using the reverse translation method. Second, validation of the scale was carried out from October 2016–June 2017 by studying the psychometric properties of the questionnaire through an analysis of content acceptability and reliability and through exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Results: the questionnaire was designed to be clear, easy to understand, and of adequate length, and experts involved in content validation agreed that the scale meets these criteria. A total of 253 nursing students participated in the validation stage. Four factors were identified from the EFA: (1) patient and health professional behaviours, (2) self-assessments, (3) self-awareness, and (4) cultural influence. Two items were excluded. Factorial saturation is adequate for all factors (>0.30). The Cronbach alpha was measured as 0.75. Conclusions: this study presents the first version of the CUSNUR and demonstrates that the scale is valid and reliable.