Miguel Turullols, Laura de

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Miguel Turullols

First Name

Laura de

Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas

ISC. Institute of Smart Cities





Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Construction of admissible linear orders for interval-valued Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy sets with an application to decision making
    (Elsevier, 2015) Miguel Turullols, Laura de; Bustince Sola, Humberto; Fernández Fernández, Francisco Javier; Induráin Eraso, Esteban; Kolesárová, Anna; Mesiar, Radko; Matemáticas; Matematika; Automática y Computación; Automatika eta Konputazioa; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    In this work we introduce a method for constructing linear orders between pairs of intervals by using aggregation functions. We adapt this method to the case of interval-valued Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy sets and we apply these sets and the considered orders to a decision making problem.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Interval-valued Atanassov intuitionistic OWA aggregations using admissible linear orders and their application to decision making
    (IEEE, 2016) Miguel Turullols, Laura de; Bustince Sola, Humberto; Pekala, Barbara; Bentkowska, Urszula; Silva, Ivanoska da; Callejas Bedregal, Benjamin; Mesiar, Radko; Ochoa Lezaun, Gustavo; Automatika eta Konputazioa; Matematika; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Automática y Computación; Matemáticas
    Based on the definition of admissible order for interval-valued Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy sets, we study OWA operators in these sets distinguishing between the weights associated to the membership and those associated to the nonmembership degree which may differ from the latter. We also study Choquet integrals for aggregating information which is represented using interval-valued Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy sets. We conclude with two algorithms to choose the best alternative in a decision making problem when we use this kind of sets to represent information.