Úriz Pemán, María Jesús

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Úriz Pemán

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María Jesús

Sociología y Trabajo Social

I-COMMUNITAS. Institute for Advanced Social Research





Search Results

Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Ethical dilemmas and areas of social work intervention in Spain
    (Taylor & Francis, 2018) Viscarret Garro, Juan Jesús; Idareta Goldaracena, Francisco; Ballestero Izquierdo, Alberto; Úriz Pemán, María Jesús; Sociología y Trabajo Social; Soziologia eta Gizarte Lana
    The purpose of this study is to identify the types of ethical dilemmas that Spanish social workers face in their respective areas of intervention. The intervention areas that have been studied are health, children, immigrants, women, family, marginalized persons, ethnic minorities, young people, prisoners, elderly people, refugees and asylum seekers, schools and social and employment-related integration, mental health, disability and drug addictions. A quantitative methodology was chosen using a version of the questionnaire prepared by Eileen J. Ain in a sample of 700 Spanish social workers. The statistical analysis shows the correlation between the different areas of intervention in Social Work and the most significant ethical dilemmas that such professionals have to solve. The most pertinent ethical dilemmas are found in the healthcare sector (confidentiality, disclosure of personal information and patient autonomy). The article is an important contribution for Social Work at the national level that emphasizes the importance of the ethics of Social Work in social interventions. It is proposed to deepen the investigation of each of the areas of intervention for future research, as well as to carry out comparative studies between different countries.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    La ética en las intervenciones sociales: algunos modelos de resolución de dilemas éticos
    (UNED Melilla, 2017) Úriz Pemán, María Jesús; Idareta Goldaracena, Francisco; Trabajo Social; Gizarte Lana
    A lo largo del presente artículo nos proponemos un doble objetivo: por un lado, destacar la importancia de la mirada ética como un elemento fundamental en las intervenciones sociales. Por otro, plantear la necesidad de contar con herramientas concretas para la toma de decisiones éticas. Para ello, explicaremos brevemente dos modelos de toma de decisiones: el de Loewenberg y Dolgoff (basado en una jerarquía entre principios éticos) y la propuesta no jerarquizada de Patricia Kenyon.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    What ethical dilemmas do social workers face in the healthcare area in Spain?
    (Taylor & Francis, 2022) Viscarret Garro, Juan Jesús; Úriz Pemán, María Jesús; Ballestero Izquierdo, Alberto; Idareta Goldaracena, Francisco; Sociología y Trabajo Social; Soziologia eta Gizarte Lana
    The purpose of the article is to identify the types of ethical dilemmas that Spanish social workers face in the healthcare arena (health centers, hospitals and mental health). A quantitative methodology was chosen using the questionnaire prepared by Eileen J. Ain. The questionnaire has been translated and adapted for Social Work in Spain. The statistical analysis shows the correlation between the different areas of intervention in Social Work and the most significant ethical dilemmas that such professionals have to solve (autonomy, confidentiality and informed consent). This article is an essential study on Social Work at the national level that emphasizes the importance of the ethics of Social Work in the Healthcare area.