Pérez de Landazábal Berganzo, José Ignacio

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Pérez de Landazábal Berganzo

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José Ignacio


InaMat2. Instituto de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados y Matemáticas





Search Results

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Room temperature huge magnetocaloric properties in low hysteresis ordered Cu-doped Ni-Mn-In-Co alloys
    (Elsevier, 2022) La Roca, Paulo Matías; López García, Javier; Sánchez-Alarcos Gómez, Vicente; Recarte Callado, Vicente; Rodríguez Velamazán, José Alberto; Pérez de Landazábal Berganzo, José Ignacio; Zientziak; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ciencias; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, PC017–018 AMELEC
    The reduction of the thermal hysteresis in first order magnetostructural transition is a determining factor to decrease energy losses and to improve the efficiency of magnetocaloric cooling based systems. In this work, a Cu doped NiMnInCo metamagnetic shape memory alloy (MMSMA) exhibiting a narrow thermal hysteresis (around 5 K) at room temperature has been designed. In this alloy, the induced L21 ordering process affects the phase stability in an unusual way compared to that observed in NiMnInCo and other NiMn based alloys. This ordering produces an increase in the Curie temperature of the austenite but hardly affects the mar tensitic transformation temperatures. As a consequence, the ordering increases the magnetization of the austenite without changing the transformation temperatures, doubles the sensitivity of the transformation to magnetic fields (the Claussius-Clapeyron slope goes from 2.1 to 3.9 K/T), improves the magnetocaloric effect, the reversibility and finally, enhances the refrigeration capacity. In addition, the magnetic hysteresis losses are among the lowest reported in the literature and the effective cooling capacity coefficient RCeff reaches 86 J/Kg for 2 T (15 % higher than those found in Ni-Mn based alloys) and 314 J/Kg for 6 T fields. Therefore, the ordered alloy possesses an excellent combination of low thermal hysteresis and high RCeff, not achieved previously in metamagnetic shape memory alloys near room temperature.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Identification of a Ni-vacancy defect in Ni-Mn-Z (Z = Ga, Sn, In): an experimental and DFT positron-annihilation study
    (American Physical Society, 2019) Unzueta, Iraultza; Sánchez-Alarcos Gómez, Vicente; Recarte Callado, Vicente; Pérez de Landazábal Berganzo, José Ignacio; Zabala, Nerea; García, José Ángel; Plazaola, Fernando; Zientziak; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ciencias
    By means of experimental positron-annihilation-lifetime measurements and theoretical density functional theory (DFT) positron-lifetime calculations, vacancy-type defects in Ni50Mn50−xSnx (x = 25, 20, 15, 13, 10) and Ni50Mn50−xInx (x = 25, 20, 16, 13) systems are systematically studied. The study is extended to Ni-Mn-Ga systems as well. Experimental results are complemented with electron-positron DFT calculations carried out within the local density approximation and generalized gradient approximation, where five different parametrizations accounting for the γ (r) enhancement factor are analyzed. Theoretical results indicate that the Boronski-Nieminen parametrization of γ (r) is the one that best predicts the experimental results, which ultimately enables us to identify VNi as the vacancy present in the studied samples. The characteristic positron lifetime related to VNi ranges between 181 and 191 ps in Ni-Mn-Sn/In systems. Positron-annihilation-lifetime spectroscopy results in these two systems delimit the lower bound of the achievable vacancy concentration, which is much larger compared with the reported values in Ni-Mn-Ga systems. The present work, along with setting the basis for positron simulations in Ni-Mn based Heusler alloys, delimits the effect that the variation of vacancies has in the martensitic transformation in Ni-Mn-Sn systems.