García Yoldi, Íñigo

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García Yoldi

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis for the efficient production of glucose and furfural from wheat straw, pine and poplar chips
    (Elsevier, 2019) Cornejo Ibergallartu, Alfonso; Alegría Dallo, Irantzu; García Yoldi, Íñigo; Sarobe Martínez, Íñigo; Sánchez, David; Otazu, Eduardo; Funcia, Ibai; Gil Idoate, María José; Martínez Merino, Víctor; Zientziak; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ciencias; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    A flexible approach to a two-step biorefinery for the production of glucose and furfural from three different feedstocks is presented. Pretreatment conditions were selected to drive the production towards the generation of glucose or furfural. Harsh pretreatment conditions produced solids with highly accessible glycan contents for the enzymatic hydrolysis with 100% glucose yields when wheat straw or poplar chips were used as feedstock. Mild conditions afforded xylan-rich hydrolysates that could be efficiently transformed to furfural, either under conventional or microwave heating in biphasic media. Yields for the transformation of xylan from feedstocks ranged between 45% and 90% depending on the feedstock, the thermal pretreatment and the cyclodehydration conditions. Up to 12.6 kg of glucose and materials and 2.5 kg of furfural can be produced starting from 50 kg of biomass. A new analytical methodology based on 13C NMR that provided good quality analytical results is also presented.