Person: Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo
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Ederra Urzainqui
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Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación
ISC. Institute of Smart Cities
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Publication Open Access Decoupling of multifrequency dipole antenna arrays for microwave imaging applications(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2010) Sáenz Sáinz, Elena; Guven, K.; Ozbay, Ekmel; Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta ElektronikoaThe mutual coupling between elements of a multifrequency dipole antenna array is experimentally investigated by S-parameter measurements and planar near-field scanning of the radiated field. A multifrequency array with six dipoles is analyzed. In order to reduce the coupling between dipoles, a planarmetasurface is placed atop the array acting as superstrate. Themutual coupling of the antenna elements in the absence and presence of the superstrate is presented comparatively. Between 3 and 20 dB mutual coupling reduction is achieved when the superstrate is used. By scanning the field radiated by the antennas and far-field measurements of the radiation pattern, it is observed that the superstrate confines the radiated power, increases the boresight radiation, and reduces the endfire radiation.Publication Open Access New hexagonal CORPS-BFN for multibeam antenna applications(IEEE, 2020) Biurrun Quel, Carlos; Montesano, Antonio; Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Iriarte Galarregui, Juan Carlos; Río Bocio, Carlos del; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzaren; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de ComunicaciónThis work presents a new topology of a Coherently Radiating Periodic Structure - Beam Forming Network (CORPS-BFN) and its application for multibeam systems. A unit cell, consisting of a transition from a coaxial input to an intersection of three strip-lines with an angular span of 120 degrees, is proposed and analysed. A periodical replication of the cell gives rise to a uniform layer, allowing a proper matching of the ports of the network. Stacked layers allow in-phase propagation and distribution of the energy through the structure, increasing the number of output ports with each layer.Publication Open Access Sub-millimetre wave imaging array configurations using EBG technology(2004) Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Martínez Pascual, Beatriz; Río Bocio, Carlos del; Azcona, L.; Alderman, B.; Huggard, P.G.; Hon, B.P. de; Beurden, M.C. van; Marchand, L.; Maagt, Peter de; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta ElektronikoaPublication Open Access Domain integral equations for electromagnetic band-gap slab simulations(2004) Hon, B.P. de; Beurden, M.C. van; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Martínez Pascual, Beatriz; Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Río Bocio, Carlos del; Azcona, L.; Alderman, B.; Huggard, P.G.; Maagt, Peter de; Marchand, L.; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta ElektronikoaElectromagnetic band-gap substrates o er advantages regarding cross-coupling in sub-mm range imaging array applications. Electromagnetic scattering by such substrates may e ectively be formulated in terms of integro- di erential equations. The scattered elds are evaluated via the spectral domain in which the 3-D problem reduces to an in nite system of coupled 1-D integro-di erential equations. The associated matrix-vector products are dominated by FFTs. For moderate frequencies an elementary preconditioner in combination with a prudent initial estimate usually su ces to reach rapid convergence using the transpose-free quasi-minimal residual method.Publication Open Access A multipolar analysis of near-field absorption and scattering processes(IEEE, 2013) Liberal Olleta, Íñigo; Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Ziolkowski, Richard W.; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta ElektronikoaA multipolar formulation is adopted to investigate the absorption and scattering processes involved in near-field interactions. This approach allows one to determine the upper bounds for the absorbed and radiated powers that would be achieved by an ideal lossless sensor, which are of particular interest, for example, to wireless power transfer (WPT), wireless sensors and near-field coupled radiators. The multipolar formulation also helps to extricate the fundamental compromises that must be addressed in the design of such systems, as well as to identify strategies that could approach their best possible performances. The general theory is illustrated with an example consisting of a coated sensor illuminated by a Hertzian dipole, which is a representative example of any scattering or radiating system based on small resonators. The example also serves to compare the performance characteristics obtained with different phenomena such as multipolar resonances, phaseinduced interference effects and cloaking.Publication Open Access Least upper bounds of the powers extracted and scattered by bi-anisotropic particles(IEEE, 2014) Liberal Olleta, Íñigo; Ra'di, Younes; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Tretyakov, Sergei A.; Ziolkowski, Richard W.; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta ElektronikoaThe least upper bounds of the powers extracted and scattered by bi-anisotropic particles are investigated analytically. A rigorous derivation for particles having invertible polarizability tensors is presented, and the particles with singular polarizability tensors that have been reported in the literature are treated explicitly. The analysis concludes that previous upper bounds presented for isotropic particles can be extrapolated to bianisotropic particles. In particular, it is shown that neither nonreciprocal nor magnetoelectric coupling phenomena can further increase those upper bounds on the extracted and scattered powers. The outcomes are illustrated further with approximate circuit model examples of two dipole antennas connected via a generic lossless network.Publication Open Access Comparison of modified Soret lenses for dual band integrated detectors(IEEE, 2020) Torres García, Alicia E.; Pérez Escudero, José Manuel; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzaren; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de ComunicaciónThis paper presents the comparison of different modified Soret lenses suitable for a millimeter and submillimeterwave dualband integrated pixel detectors. The approach is based on the modification of a printed planar Soret lens, designed to operate in the sub-mm range, to obtain an antenna at the millimeter region. Three modifications of a transmission-mode Soret Lens at 850 GHz based on spiral, logarithmic and meander antennas geometries have been analyzed with a combination of Kirchhoffs Diffraction and full-wave simulation methods. The performance of the designs has been experimentally demonstrated in the submillimeterwave band, showing good agreement with simulation results.Publication Open Access Upper bounds on scattering processes and metamaterial-inspired structures that reach them(IEEE, 2014) Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Liberal Olleta, Íñigo; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Ziolkowski, Richard W.; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta ElektronikoaThe physical limitations on time-harmonic scattering processes are investigated on the basis of the optical theorem. Previously derived least upper bounds on the total scattering and absorption cross-sections are obtained from it in a straightforward manner. In addition, it reveals a practical upper bound for the bistatic cross-section when evaluated in any direction. It is proved further that the maximum upper bound of the bistatic cross-section occurs in the forward scattering direction and that the corresponding upper bound for the backscattering direction is four times smaller than this maximum value. Metamaterialinspired electrically small antennas and scattering particles that approach these upper bounds are demonstrated. These examples numerically validate the derived upper bounds, as well as illustrate the important physical principles underlying them.Publication Open Access Enhanced radiation properties of a rectangular waveguide by means of a left handed media(2005) Sáenz Sáinz, Elena; Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Maagt, Peter de; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta ElektronikoaIn this paper, the results of experimental investigations to improve the gain between two antennas by means of a Left Handed Material (LHM) are presented. The basic idea is the use of a LHM media acting as a resonator to concentrate the power radiated by a rectangular waveguide achieving larger directivities and consequently larger gains. The transmission and radiation properties of this metamaterial (MTM) have been measured using a network analyser and two rectangular waveguides in the X band. Comparing the transmission parameter S21 with and without the LHM media between the waveguides, an appreciable improvement in the power received can be observed.Publication Open Access Near-field electromagnetic trapping through curl-spin forces(American Physical Society, 2013) Liberal Olleta, Íñigo; Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Ziolkowski, Richard W.; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta ElektronikoaNear-field electromagnetic trapping of particles is generally obtained bymeans of gradient forces. In this paper, we discuss the attractive behavior of curl-spin forces, as well as their potential for near-field electromagnetic trapping and manipulation. It is demonstrated that curl-spin forces enable the trapping of particles operating at their resonant frequency. Such phenomena can be exploited to design more efficient and selective electromagnetic traps, to boost near-field energy exchange systems, and to bring stability to coupled resonant radiators. It also is illustrated how the balance between the gradient, radiation pressure, and curl-spin force components leads to the formation of zero-force rings around their sources, which explicitly demarcate the trapping regions. Analytical and numerical analyses are presented to assess the stability of the trapping mechanism.