Cacho Fernández, Raúl

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Cacho Fernández

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Ciencias de la Salud





Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Gender differences in treatment progress of drug-addicted patients
    (Taylor & Francis, 2017) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Azanza Álvarez, Paula; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    This study explored the differences in treatment progress between men and women who were addicted to drugs. The differential rate of completion of/dropout from treatment in men and women with substance dependence was established. Moreover, comparisons between completers and dropouts, accounting for gender, were carried out for several variables related to treatment progress and clinical profile. A sample of 183 addicted patients (96 male and 87 female) who sought outpatient treatment between 2002 and 2006 was assessed. Information on socio-demographic, consumption and associated characteristics was collected. A detailed tracking of each patient's progress was maintained for a minimum period of eight years to assess treatment progression. The treatment dropout rate in the whole sample was 38.8%, with statistically significant differences between women (47.1%) and men (31.3%). Women who dropped out of treatment presented a more severe profile in most of the psychopathologic variables than women who completed it. Moreover, women who dropped out from treatment presented a more severe profile than men who dropped out. According to these results, drug-addicted women showed worse therapeutic progress than men with similar histories. Thus, women must be provided with additional targeted intervention to promote better treatment outcomes.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Gender differences in risk factors for Stice’s bulimia in a non-clinical sample
    (Cambridge University Press, 2015) Ruisoto Palomera, Pablo; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; López-Goñi, José Javier; Real Deus, José Eulogio; Vaca Gallegos, Silvia; Mayoral, Paula; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    Some females are at an increased risk of developing bulimia. However, etiological factors and their interplay remain controversial. The present study analyzed Stice’s Model for eating disorders in a non-clinical population by examining gender differences with respect to the following risk factors: body mass index (BMI), body dissatisfaction, perceived social pressure to be thin, body-thin internalization, and dieting behavior. A sample of 162 American college students (64 males and 91 females) was surveyed, and validated scales were used. The Stice’s model was tested using Structural Equation Modeling. Our results supported Stice’s Dual Pathway Model of bulimic pathology for females but not for males. The results of this study fail to support the role of BMI as a predictor of dietary restraint in females, the main risk factor of eating disorders. Males may abstain from dietary restraint to gain muscular volume and in turn increase their BMI. Implications are discussed.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Gender differences in drug-addicted patients in a clinical treatment center of Spain
    (Wiley, 2014) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Azanza Álvarez, Paula; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, 359/2012
    Background and objectives: This study explored the characteristics of a representative sample of patients who were addicted to drugs and analyzed the differential profile of addicted women and men. Methods: A sample of 195 addicted patients (95 female and 100 male) who sought outpatient treatment in a Spanish clinical center was assessed. Information on sociodemographic, consumption and associated characteristics was collected using the European Addiction Severity Index (EuropASI). Results: The results showed statistically significant differences between groups. Demographically, the differences were centered on employment, with more labor problems in the female group. Regarding addiction severity, the EuropASI results showed statistically significant differences in both the Interviewer Severity Ratings (ISR) and Composite Scores (CS). Women experienced more severe impacts in the medical, family social and psychiatric areas. By contrast addicted men had more severe legal problems than addicted females did. Conclusions: According to these results, women who seek outpatient treatment in a clinical center presented with a more severe addiction problem than men did. Moreover, they reported more significant maladjustment in the various aspects of life explored.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Empatía y juicios morales en población anciana
    (Viguera Editores, 2014) Ortega García, Helga; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; López-Goñi, José Javier; Tirapu Ustárroz, Javier; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    La cognición social se refiere a los procesos mentales que operan en situaciones de interacción social y facilitan el ajuste y el funcionamiento en tales escenarios. Objetivo. Estudiar la respuesta empática en dos grupos de personas mayores y su relación con la inteligencia emocional y el juicio moral. Sujetos y métodos. Participaron 60 sujetos divididos en dos grupos de 30 cada uno, que cumplimentaron una batería de pruebas: Trait Meta-Mood Scale-24, cuestionario disejecutivo, índice de reactividad interpersonal (IRI) y dilemas morales. Resultados. En la dimensión de toma de perspectiva del IRI, el grupo de edad avanzada puntuó significativamente menos que el grupo de mediana edad (U = 279; p < 0,05). En el resto de variables no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Conclusiones. Los resultados muestran la ausencia de un déficit generalizado en la cognición social en la muestra de ancianos evaluada. Sin embargo, se aprecian diferencias en función de la edad en la empatía y en el rendimiento ejecutivo: con el paso del tiempo tiene lugar un deterioro progresivo en la teoría de la mente y un declive en la capacidad empática general. Con respecto a la inteligencia emocional, los ancianos evaluados manifiestan una adecuada percepción y comprensión de sus emociones, aunque informan de una peor capacidad para manejar y regular sus afectos.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Therapeutic progression in abused women following a drug-addiction treatment program
    (SAGE Publications, 2017) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Azanza Álvarez, Paula; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    This study explored the prevalence of victims of abuse and the therapeutic progression among women who sought treatment for drug addiction. A sample of 180 addicted Spanish women was assessed. Information was collected on the patients’ lifetime history of abuse (psychological, physical and/or sexual), socio-demographic factors, consumption variables and psychological symptoms. Of the total sample, 74.4% (n = 134) of the addicted women had been victims of abuse. Psychological abuse affected 66.1% (n = 119) of the patients, followed by physical abuse (51.7%; n = 93) and sexual abuse (31.7%; n = 57). Compared with patients who had not been abused, the addicted women with histories of victimisation scored significantly higher on several EuropASI and psychological variables. Specifically, physical abuse and sexual abuse were related to higher levels of severity of addiction. Regarding therapeutic progression, the highest rate of dropout was observed among victims of sexual abuse (63.5%; n = 33), followed by victims of physical abuse (48.9%; n = 23). Multivariate analysis showed that medical and family areas of the EuropASI, as well as violence problems and suicide ideation, were the main variables related to physical and/or sexual abuse. Moreover, women without abuse and with fewer family problems presented the higher probability of treatment completion. The implications of these results for further research and clinical practice are discussed.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Gender-based psychosocial differences in a sample of young offenders
    (SAGE, 2020) Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; López-Goñi, José Javier; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    This study analyses the differential psychosocial characteristics of male and female young offenders with a judicial measure from a juvenile court in Spain. Data on origin, recidivism, criminal and psychosocial characteristics of a sample of 838 juvenile offenders were collected using the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI). Most of the minors were males (n = 650; 77.6%). Regarding the type of offences committed most males committed some type of crime, while females mainly committed misdemeanours. The rates of infractions committed by large groups and belonging to a gang were higher in males than in females. Concerning psychosocial variables, females presented with higher scores than males in three areas (parenting/educational guidelines, leisure and recreation, attitudes and orientation), in the total score and in several specific variables of the YLS/CMI. Moreover, having a poor relationship with one’s mother and limited participation in organized activities were related to being a female minor offender, whereas having a short attention span was related to being a male offender. These three variables correctly classified 77.6% of cases. Female minor offenders present with a more severe psychosocial profile than males. Therefore, gender-based variables should be considered and addressed in prevention and intervention programmes for minors.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Profile of addicted patients who re-enter treatment programmes
    (Taylor & Francis, 2014) López-Goñi, José Javier; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, 359/2012
    Objective. This study explored the differential profile of addicted patients who re-enter treatment programmes. Method. A sample of 252 addicted patients (203 male and 49 female) who sought outpatient treatment was assessed. Data regarding socio-demographic factors, drug consumption factors (assessed using the EuropAsi), psychopathological factors (assessed using the Symptom Checklist 90 Revised [SCL-90-R]), and personality variables (assessed using the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory II [MCMI-II]) were collected. Results. 65.9% (n=166) of drug-addicted patients were re-admitted into treatment programmes. All of the variables for which we collected data were compared between these treatment repeaters and patients who were admitted for the first time. Significant differences between the two groups of patients were found for some of the variables that we examined. Treatment repeaters were generally older and had a poorer employment situation than first-time admits. Treatment repeaters were also more likely to report poly-consumption and to have sought treatment for alcohol abuse. Moreover, some of the scores for several EuropAsi, SCL-90-R, and MCMI-II variables were statistically significantly different from those of the first-time admits. Conclusions. According to these results, patients who re-enter treatment programmes often present with more severe addiction problems. The implications of these results for further research and clinical practice are discussed.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Alcohol consumption in university professors: the role of stress and gender
    (2018) Ruisoto Palomera, Pablo; Vaca Gallegos, Silvia; López-Goñi, José Javier; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Fernández Suárez, Iván; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    The role of job satisfaction and other psychosocial variables in problematic alcohol consumption within professional settings remains understudied. The aim of this study is to assess the level of problematic alcohol consumption among male and female university professors and associated psychosocial variables. A total of 360 professors (183 men and 177 women) of a large private university in Ecuador were surveyed using standardized instruments for the following psychosocial measures: alcohol consumption, job satisfaction, psychological stress, psychological flexibility, social support and resilience. Problematic alcohol consumption was found in 13.1% of participants, although this was significantly higher (χ2 = 15.6; d.f. = 2, p < 0.001) in men (19.1%) than women (6.8%). Problematic alcohol consumption was reported in men with higher perceived stress and job satisfaction. However, 83.3% of women with problematic alcohol use reported lower job satisfaction and higher psychological inflexibility. Results suggest that job satisfaction itself did not prevent problematic alcohol consumption in men; stress was associated with problematic consumption in men and psychological inflexibility in women. Findings from this study support the need to assess aspects of alcohol consumption and problematic behavior differently among men and women. Intervention strategies aimed at preventing or reducing problematic alcohol consumption in university professors must be different for men and women.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Gender differences in problematic alcohol consumption in university professors
    (MDPI, 2017) Ruisoto Palomera, Pablo; Vaca Gallegos, Silvia; López-Goñi, José Javier; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Fernández Suárez, Iván; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    The role of job satisfaction and other psychosocial variables in problematic alcohol consumption within professional settings remains understudied. The aim of this study is to assess the level of problematic alcohol consumption among male and female university professors and associated psychosocial variables. A total of 360 professors (183 men and 177 women) of a large private university in Ecuador were surveyed using standardized instruments for the following psychosocial measures: alcohol consumption, job satisfaction, psychological stress, psychological flexibility, social support and resilience. Problematic alcohol consumption was found in 13.1% of participants, although this was significantly higher (χ2 = 15.6; d.f. = 2, p < 0.001) in men (19.1%) than women (6.8%). Problematic alcohol consumption was reported in men with higher perceived stress and job satisfaction. However, 83.3% of women with problematic alcohol use reported lower job satisfaction and higher psychological inflexibility. Results suggest that job satisfaction itself did not prevent problematic alcohol consumption in men; stress was associated with problematic consumption in men and psychological inflexibility in women. Findings from this study support the need to assess aspects of alcohol consumption and problematic behavior differently among men and women. Intervention strategies aimed at preventing or reducing problematic alcohol consumption in university professors must be different for men and women.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Differential profile of addicted patients depending on violent behaviours and/or criminal acts
    (Taylor & Francis, 2015) López-Goñi, José Javier; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    This study explored the prevalence of violent and/or criminal behaviours in drug-addicted patients. A sample of 252 drug-addicted patients who sought treatment was assessed. Information on violent behaviours, criminal acts, socio-demographic factors, consumption factors, psychopathological factors and personality variables was collected. The sample was divided into four groups according to the presence of violence and/or criminal behaviours. There were significant differences between the groups on some variables. In general, patients associated with both violence and criminal behaviours showed a greater severity in drug consumption and maladjustment variables, as well as a higher rate of treatment dropout and re-entry.