Person: Guillén Grima, Francisco
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Guillén Grima
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Ciencias de la Salud
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Publication Open Access Schizophrenia and hospital admissions for cardiovascular events in a large population: the APNA study(MDPI, 2022) Guillén Aguinaga, Sara; Brugos Larumbe, Antonio; Guillén Aguinaga, Laura; Ortuño, Felipe; Guillén Grima, Francisco; Forga, Lluís; Aguinaga Ontoso, Inés; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak(1) Background: patients with schizophrenia have higher mortality, with cardiovascular diseases being the first cause of mortality. This study aims to estimate the excess risk of hospital admission for cardiovascular events in schizophrenic patients, adjusting for comorbidity and risk factors. (2) Methods: the APNA study is a dynamic prospective cohort of all residents in Navarra, Spain. A total of 505,889 people over 18 years old were followed for five years. The endpoint was hospital admissions for a cardiovascular event. Direct Acyclic Graphs (DAG) and Cox regression were used. (3) Results: schizophrenic patients had a Hazard Ratio (HR) of 1.414 (95% CI 1.031–1.938) of hospital admission for a cardiovascular event after adjusting for age, sex, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking, low income, obesity, antecedents of cardiovascular disease, and smoking. In non-adherent to antipsychotic treatment schizophrenia patients, the HR was 2.232 (95% CI 1.267–3.933). (4) Conclusions: patients with schizophrenia have a higher risk of hospital admission for cardiovascular events than persons with the same risk factors without schizophrenia. Primary care nursing interventions should monitor these patients and reduce cardiovascular risk factors.Publication Open Access Validation study of a Spanish version of the modified Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status (STICS-m)(Elsevier, 2018) Muñoz-García, Mariana; Cervantes, Sebastián; Razquin, Cristina; Guillén Grima, Francisco; Toledo, Juan B.; Martínez González, Miguel Ángel; Toledo, Estefanía; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun ZientziakObjetivo: Estudiar la correlación de la Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status modificada en español(STICS-m) con el Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) y predecir la capacidad de la primera para detectar el desarrollo de demencia. Método: Ciento seis sujetos de un estudio de intervención dietética fueron evaluados personalmente con el MMSE y por teléfono con la STICS-m. La correlación entre ambos se midió con el coeficiente de correlación intraclase (CCI) de consistencia. Además, 932 participantes mayores de 55 años de la cohorte 'Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra' fueron evaluados con la STICS-m. Durante una mediana de seguimiento de 6,5 años, se recogió información sobre el desarrollo de demencia. Mediante regresión logística se estudió la asociación entre la puntuación de la STICS-m o el cambio a 2 años en la puntuación y el riesgo de desarrollar demencia, ajustando por apolipoproteína E, edad y años de educación universitaria. Resultados: El CCI entre el MMSE y la STICS-m fue de 0,31 (intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]:0,13-0,48). La odds ratio (OR) ajustada para el desarrollo de demencia para cada punto adicional en la puntuación basal de la STICS-m fue de 0,85 (IC95%: 0,72-1,02; p = 0,084). Al considerar el cambio en la puntuación a los 2 años como variable independiente, la OR fue de 0,79 (IC95%: 0,67-0,93; p = 0,006).Publication Open Access Perfil de la demanda urgente e influencia del fútbol televisado en un servicio extrahospitalario en la Zona Básica de Salud de Tafalla, Navarra(Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, 2003) Pérez Ciordia, Ignacio; Catalán Fabo, Francisca; Zalacain Nicolay, Fernando; Barriendo Antoñanzas, Maite; Solaegui Díaz de Guereñu, Ramón; Guillén Grima, Francisco; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun ZientziakFundamento: la demanda a los servicios de urgencias, tanto hospitalarios como extrahospitalarios, mantiene un ritmo creciente. El objetivo del presente trabajo es doble: cuantificación y estudio de las características personales de los usuarios demandantes de atención urgente y valorar si el fútbol televisado influye en la utilización del servicio de urgencias. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo longitudinal (9.723 usuarios demandantes) y estudio de casos y controles (1.284 usuarios demandantes) según presencia o no de fútbol televisado mediante modelo de regresión logística. Las asociaciones se han cuantificado mediante la odds ratio (OR). Se excluyen del estudio las consultas telefónicas y las de enfermería. Resultados: El 10,6% de la demanda ha correspondido a consultas en domicilio y se han remitido al hospital el 4,8% del total. El 13,3% de la demanda corresponde a personas desplazadas de otras zonas de salud y son 65 los usuarios hiperfrecuentadores con 8 o más consultas. El mes de agosto (32,3%), el domingo (44,56%) y el grupo horario de 12 a 14 horas (8,38%) son los momento de mayor demanda de atención, siendo las diferencias estadísticamente significativas. El fútbol televisado se asoció a un aumento de la demanda del 19,8% (p<0,001) respecto al periodo control. Conclusiones: Se observa una alta frecuentación a los servicios de urgencia extrahospitalaria, con una importante concentración de la demanda en momentos muy concretos. Es muy importante la atención prestada a personas desplazadas. La retransmisión de fútbol televisado se asocia con una mayor utilización del servicio de urgencias.Publication Open Access Coverage and development of specialist palliative care services across the World Health Organization European Region (2005-2012): results from a European Association for Palliative Care Task Force survey of 53 countries(SAGE, 2016) Centeno, Carlos; Lynch, Thomas; Garralda, Eduardo; Carrasco, José Miguel; Guillén Grima, Francisco; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun ZientziakBackground: The evolution of the provision of palliative care specialised services is important for planning and evaluation. Aim: To examine the development between 2005 and 2012 of three specialised palliative care services across the World Health Organization European Region – home care teams, hospital support teams and inpatient palliative care services. Design and setting: Data were extracted and analysed from two editions of the European Association for Palliative Care Atlas of Palliative Care in Europe. Significant development of each type of services was demonstrated by adjusted residual analysis, ratio of services per population and 2012 coverage (relationship between provision of available services and demand services estimated to meet the palliative care needs of a population). For the measurement of palliative care coverage, we used European Association for Palliative Care White Paper recommendations: one home care team per 100,000 inhabitants, one hospital support team per 200,000 inhabitants and one inpatient palliative care service per 200,000 inhabitants. To estimate evolution at the supranational level, mean comparison between years and European sub-regions is presented. Results: Of 53 countries, 46 (87%) provided data. Europe has developed significant home care team, inpatient palliative care service and hospital support team in 2005–2012. The improvement was statistically significant for Western European countries, but not for Central and Eastern countries. Significant development in at least a type of services was in 21 of 46 (46%) countries. The estimations of 2012 coverage for inpatient palliative care service, home care team and hospital support team are 62%, 52% and 31% for Western European and 20%, 14% and 3% for Central and Eastern, respectively. Conclusion: Although there has been a positive development in overall palliative care coverage in Europe between 2005 and 2012, the services available in most countries are still insufficient to meet the palliative care needs of the population.Publication Open Access Personal and perceived peer use and attitudes towards the use of nonmedical prescription stimulants to improve academic performance among university students in seven European countries(Elsevier, 2016) Helmer, Stefanie M.; Pischke, Claudia R.; Hal, Guido van; Vriesacker, Bart; Guillén Grima, Francisco; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun ZientziakBackground: Overestimations of non-prescribed stimulant use of peers are well documented in the USA and have also been identified as predictive of personal stimulant consumption. This study aimed to examine whether overestimations of peer use and approval of the use are associated with personal use and attitude towards the use of non-prescribed stimulants among European university students. Method: The EU funded 'Social Norms Intervention for the prevention of Polydrug usE (SNIPE)' study was conducted in seven European countries. In a web-based questionnaire, 4482 students were asked about their personal use and their attitude towards non-prescribed stimulant use, as well as the perceived peer use and peer attitude. Results: 59% of students thought that the majority of their peers used non-prescribed stimulants more frequently than themselves, and only 4% thought that the use of the majority was lower than their personal use. The perception that the majority of peers had used non-prescribed stimulants at least once was significantly associated with higher odds for personal use of non-prescribed stimulants (OR: 3.30, 95% CI: 2.32–4.71). In addition, the perception that the majority of peers approved of the non-prescribed use of stimulants was associated with a 4.03 (95% CI: 3.35–4.84) times higher likelihood for personal approval. Discussion: European university students generally perceived the non-prescribed use of stimulants of peers to be higher than their personal use. This perception, as well as a perception of higher approval in the peer group, was associated with a higher likelihood of personal non-prescribed stimulant medication use and approval.Publication Open Access Atopic dermatitis and indoor use of energy sources in cooking and heating appliances(BioMed Central, 2012) Vicedo Cabrera, Ana M.; García Marcos, Luís; Llopis González, Agustín; López Silvarrey Varela, Ángel; Miner Canflanca, Izaskun; Batlles Garrido, José; Blanco Quirós, Alfredo; Busquets Monge, Rosa María; Díaz Vazquez, Carlos; González Díaz, Carlos; Martínez Gimeno, Antonio; Guillén Grima, Francisco; Arnedo Pena, Alberto; Morales Suárez Varela, María; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun ZientziakBackground: Atopic dermatitis (AD) prevalence has considerably increased worldwide in recent years. Studying indoor environments is particularly relevant, especially in industrialised countries where many people spend 80% of their time at home, particularly children. This study is aimed to identify the potential association between AD and the energy source (biomass, gas and electricity) used for cooking and domestic heating in a Spanish schoolchildren population. Methods: As part of the ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) phase III study, a cross-sectional population-based survey was conducted with 21,355 6-to-7-year-old children from 8 Spanish ISAAC centres. AD prevalence, environmental risk factors and the use of domestic heating/cooking devices were assessed using the validated ISAAC questionnaire. Crude and adjusted odds ratios (cOR, aOR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were obtained. A logistic regression analysis was performed (Chi-square test, p-value < 0.05). Results: It was found that the use of biomass systems gave the highest cORs, but only electric cookers showed a significant cOR of 1.14 (95% CI: 1.01-1.27). When the geographical area and the mother’s educational level were included in the logistic model, the obtained aOR values differed moderately from the initial cORs. Electric heating was the only type which obtained a significant aOR (1.13; 95% CI: 1.00-1.27). Finally, the model with all selected confounding variables (sex, BMI, number of siblings, mother’s educational level, smoking habits of parents, truck traffic and geographical area), showed aOR values which were very similar to those obtained in the previous adjusted logistic analysis. None of the results was statistically significant, but the use of electric heating showed an aOR close to significance (1.14; 95% CI: 0.99-1.31). Conclusion: In our study population, no statistically significant associations were found between the type of indoor energy sources used and the presence of AD.Publication Open Access Factores asociados al asma en los niños y adolescentes de la zona rural de Navarra (España)(Elsevier, 2018) Elizalde Beiras, Itsaso; Guillén Grima, Francisco; Aguinaga Ontoso, Inés; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun ZientziakObjetivos: Conocer los factores asociados al asma y síntomas relacionados con asma en la población infantil y adolescente en la zona rural de Navarra (España) a través de la validación del cuestionario ISAAC. Participantes y métodos: Estudio transversal mediante la realización del cuestionario ISAAC y variables adicionales por 797 niños y adolescentes, a través del cual se obtuvieron datos de prevalencia sobre síntomas de asma y factores asociados sin realizar ninguna prueba diagnóstica adicional. Emplazamiento: Marco de atención primaria. A través de las zonas básicas de salud se hizo la selección de la muestra y en los centros educativos de dichas zonas se realizó el cuestionario. Mediciones y resultados: El análisis estadístico se hizo a través de regresión logística, chi cuadrado e intervalo de confianza al 95%. La prevalencia asma referida es del 11,7% en niños y del 13,4% en adolescentes. En cuanto a los factores relacionados, según los valores de OR destacan: OR = 9,5 entre sibilancias y asma, y OR = 3,5 entre rinitis recientes y asma. Respecto a las sibilancias recientes, hallamos un OR = 11,5 entre despertares y sibilancias recientes, y un OR = 3,4 entre rinitis recientes y sibilancias recientes. Conclusiones: El asma referida es una enfermedad prevalente ligeramente superior en la adolescencia y la población femenina de los escolares de la zona rural. Rinitis y otros síntomas de asma están relacionados con el asma y con las sibilancias, así como la utilización de los servicios de urgencias en el caso del asma y la bronquitis con las sibilancias.Publication Open Access Asociación entre factores de riesgo cardio-metabólicos, actividad física y sedentarismo en universitarios chilenos(ARAN, 2017) Morales Illanes, Gladys; Balboa Castillo, Teresa; Muñoz Navarro, Sergio; Belmar, Carlos; Guillén Grima, Francisco; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun ZientziakIntroducción: existe una amplia evidencia en población adulta de que un alto nivel de actividad física y un bajo nivel de sedentarismo se asocian de forma independiente con una reducción de los factores de riesgo cardiometabólico (FRCM). Esta asociación ha sido poco estudiada en población joven y los resultados no son concluyentes. Objetivo: estimar la asociación entre FRCM, actividad física y sedentarismo en estudiantes universitarios chilenos. Métodos: estudio de corte transversal. Muestra de 326 estudiantes matriculados el año 2014 en la Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile, seleccionados en forma aleatoria, estratificada según facultad, carrera y sexo. Se evaluó antropometría, presión arterial, perfil lipídico, glicemia, insulinorresistencia, consumo de tabaco y alcohol. Estas variables se asociaron con los niveles de actividad física (NAF) y sedentarismo, de acuerdo al cuestionario IPAQ. Resultados: los estudiantes con un NAF bajo tuvieron mayor probabilidad de tener obesidad abdominal (Odds ratio [OR]: 4,68; IC 95% 1,86-11,73), síndrome metabólico (OR: 3,80; IC 95% 1,23-11,73) y triglicéridos elevados (OR: 2,61 IC95%; 1,18-5,75), en comparación con aquellos estudiantes que realizaban NAF moderados o vigorosos (p < 0,05). No se observó asociación entre FRCM y sedentarismo, incluso después de ajustar por actividad física. Conclusión: encontramos asociación entre FRCM y NAF, que fue independiente del sedentarismo. Es de suma importancia implementar programas de actividad física efectivos en las universidades, motivando a los estudiantes a incrementar los NAF a rangos moderado y vigoroso, con el fin de reducir el riesgo cardiovascular. Consideramos que es necesario seguir investigando la asociación entre sedentarismo y FRCM.Publication Open Access Personal and perceived peer use and attitudes towards use of non-prescribed prescription sedatives and sleeping pills among university students in seven European countries(Elsevier, 2018) Lehne, Gesa; Zeeb, Hajo; Pischke, Claudia R.; Aguinaga Ontoso, Inés; Guillén Grima, Francisco; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun ZientziakIntroduction: The use of non-prescribed prescription sedatives and sleeping pills (NPPSSP) among university students has been described as an important public health issue. However, the impact of perceived social norms on students' use and attitudes towards use of NPPSSP is still unclear. Our aim was to investigate whether perceptions of peer use and approval of use are associated with students' personal use and approval of NPPSSP use. Methods: Cross-sectional data from the Social Norms Intervention for the prevention of Polydrug Use (SNIPE) project containing 4482 university students from seven European countries were analyzed to investigate self-other discrepancies regarding personal use and attitudes towards NPPSSP use. Associations between personal and perceived peer use and between personal and perceived approval of use were examined using multivariable logistic regression. Results: The majority (51.0%) of students perceived their peers' NPPSSP use to be higher than their personal use. 92.6% of students perceived their peers' approval of NPPSSP use to be identical or higher than their personal approval. Students perceiving that the majority of peers had used NPPSSP at least once displayed higher odds for personal lifetime use (OR: 1.95, 95% CI: 1.49–2.55). Perceived peer approval of NPPSSP use was associated with higher odds for personal approval (OR: 5.49, 95% CI: 4.63–6.51). Conclusions: Among European university students, perceiving NPPSSP use and approval of use to be the norm was positively associated with students' personal NPPSSP use and approval of use, respectively. Interventions addressing perceived social norms may prevent or reduce NPPSSP use among university students.Publication Open Access Being born in winter-spring and at around the time of an influenza pandemic are risk factors for the development of schizophrenia: the apna study in Navarre, Spain(MDPI, 2021) Álvarez-Mon, Miguel Ángel; Guillén Aguinaga, Sara; Pereira-Sánchez, Víctor; Onambele, Luc; Al-Rahamneh, Moad J.; Brugos Larumbe, Antonio; Guillén Grima, Francisco; Ortuño, Felipe; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun ZientziakBackground: we analyzed the relationship between the prevalence of schizophrenia and the season of birth and gestation during a period of an influenza pandemic. Methods: cross-sectional analysis of a prospective population-based cohort of 470,942 adults. We fitted multivariant logistic regression models to determine whether the season of birth and birth in an influenza-pandemic year (1957, 1968, 1977) was associated with schizophrenia. Results: 2077 subjects had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Logistic regression identified a significantly greater prevalence of schizophrenia in men than in women (OR = 1.516, CI 95% = 1.388–1.665); in those born in the winter or spring than in those born in the summer or autumn (OR = 1.112, CI 95% = 1.020–1.212); and in those born in a period of an influenza pandemic (OR = 1.335, CI 95% = 1.199–1.486). The increase in risk was also significant when each influenza pandemic year was analyzed separately. However, neither month of birth nor season of birth, when each of the four were studied individually, were associated with a statistically significant increase in that risk. Conclusions: the winter–spring period and the influenza pandemics are independent risk factors for developing schizophrenia. This study contradicts many previous studies and thus revitalizes a locked debate in understanding the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of this disorder.