Diñeiro Rubial, José Manuel

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Diñeiro Rubial

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José Manuel


InaMat2. Instituto de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados y Matemáticas





Search Results

Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • PublicationEmbargo
    Negative reflection, negative refraction and ray displacements in biaxial absorbing media, In4Se3
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019) Alberdi Odriozola, Coro; Diñeiro Rubial, José Manuel; Hernández Salueña, Begoña; Sáenz Gamasa, Carlos; Zientziak; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ciencias
    We show the existence of negative reflection and negative refraction in a slab of biaxial absorbing medium In 4Se3 placed between two isotropic media. We find the limiting angle of incidence in the slab for these phenomena to occur and its dependence with the orientation of the crystal axes. We analyze, both in reflection and refraction, the displacement of the ray with respect to the incident one at the output of the slab, finding a potential measure to experimentally study this effect.
  • PublicationEmbargo
    CIELAB color paths during meat shelf life
    (Elsevier, 2019) Hernández Salueña, Begoña; Sáenz Gamasa, Carlos; Diñeiro Rubial, José Manuel; Alberdi Odriozola, Coro; Zientziak; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ciencias
    Meat color evolution from freshly cut to beyond shelf life, up to 40% of metmyoglobin, has been theoretically modeled using the Kubelka-Munk theory and a set of measured reference reflectance spectra of deoxymyoglobin, oxymyoglobin and metmyoglobin. Color evolution depicts characteristic color paths in CIELAB color space. During oxidation the model explains the approximately constancy of L*, b* and hab, with variations typically hidden by sample dispersion, and the special significance of a* and C* in relation with metmyoglobin formation. CIELAB ΔE* color difference and the reflectance ratio R630/R580 are even better indicators of metmyoglobin changes during oxidation. The role of a*, C*, ΔE* and R630/R580 and their relationship during oxidation is a normal feature in the model with quantitative predictions in general agreement with literature. Results further emphasize the dangers of reporting color coordinates in different illuminants.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Medios anisótropos transparentes: superficie indicatriz de reflectancia natural y su relación con las constantes ópticas del medio
    (Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 1997) Diñeiro Rubial, José Manuel; Alfonso Ábrego, Santiago; Ingeniería Mecánica, Energética y de Materiales; Mekanika, Energetika eta Materialen Ingeniaritza
    En este trabajo se contribuye al desarrollo en la caracterización de los medios biáxicos transparentes completando, además, la de los uniáxicos, todo ello bajo el concepto de la Superficie Indicatriz de Reflectancia Natural. Este desarrollo nos llevará a la obtención de expresiones que nos van a permitir, de un modo sencillo, calcular los índices de refracción de medios transparentes utilizando técnicas de microscopía de reflexión con luz natural en incidencia perpendicular.