Person: López García, José Luis
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López García
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José Luis
Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas
InaMat2. Instituto de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados y Matemáticas
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Publication Open Access Asymptotic approximation of a highly oscillatory integral with application to the canonical catastrophe integrals(Wiley, 2023) Ferreira González, Chelo; López García, José Luis; Pérez Sinusía, Ester; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaWe consider the highly oscillatory integral 𝐹(𝑤) ∶= ∫ ∞ −∞ 𝑒𝑖𝑤(𝑡𝐾+2+𝑒𝑖𝜃𝑡𝑝) 𝑔(𝑡)𝑑𝑡 for large positive values of 𝑤, −𝜋 < 𝜃 ≤ 𝜋, 𝐾 and 𝑝 positive integers with 1 ≤ 𝑝 ≤ 𝐾, and 𝑔(𝑡) an entire function. The standard saddle point method is complicated and we use here a simplified version of this method introduced by López et al. We derive an asymptotic approximation of this integral when 𝑤 → +∞ for general values of 𝐾 and 𝑝 in terms of elementary functions, and determine the Stokes lines. For 𝑝 ≠ 1, the asymptotic behavior of this integral may be classified in four different regions according to the even/odd character of the couple of parameters 𝐾 and 𝑝; the special case 𝑝=1 requires a separate analysis. As an important application, we consider the family of canonical catastrophe integrals Ψ𝐾(𝑥1, 𝑥2,…,𝑥𝐾) for large values of one of its variables, say 𝑥𝑝, and bounded values of the remaining ones. This family of integrals may be written in the form 𝐹(𝑤) for appropriate values of the parameters 𝑤, 𝜃 and the function 𝑔(𝑡). Then, we derive an asymptotic approximation of the family of canonical catastrophe integrals for large |𝑥𝑝|. The approximations are accompanied by several numerical experiments. The asymptotic formulas presented here fill up a gap in the NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions by Olver et al.Publication Open Access The Pearcey integral in the highly oscillatory region(Elsevier, 2016) López García, José Luis; Pagola Martínez, Pedro Jesús; Matematika eta Informatika Ingeniaritza; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ingeniería Matemática e Informática; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaWe consider the Pearcey integral P(x, y) for large values of |y| and bounded values of |x|. The integrand of the Pearcey integral oscillates wildly in this region and the asymptotic saddle point analysis is complicated. Then we consider here the modified saddle point method introduced in [Lopez, Pérez and Pagola, 2009] [4]. With this method, the analysis is simpler and it is possible to derive a complete asymptotic expansion of P(x, y) for large |y|. The asymptotic analysis requires the study of three different regions for separately. In the three regions, the expansion is given in terms of inverse powers of y2/3 and the coefficients are elementary functions of x. The accuracy of the approximation is illustrated with some numerical experiments.Publication Open Access Convergent and asymptotic methods for second-order difference equations with a large parameter(Springer, 2018) Ferreira González, Chelo; López García, José Luis; Pérez Sinusía, Ester; Matematika eta Informatika Ingeniaritza; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ingeniería Matemática e Informática; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaWe consider the second-order linear difference equation y(n+2)−2ay(n+1)−Λ2y(n)=g(n)y(n)+f(n)y(n+1) , where Λ is a large complex parameter, a≥0 and g and f are sequences of complex numbers. Two methods are proposed to find the asymptotic behavior for large |Λ|of the solutions of this equation: (i) an iterative method based on a fixed point method and (ii) a discrete version of Olver’s method for second-order linear differential equations. Both methods provide an asymptotic expansion of every solution of this equation. The expansion given by the first method is also convergent and may be applied to nonlinear problems. Bounds for the remainders are also given. We illustrate the accuracy of both methods for the modified Bessel functions and the associated Legendre functions of the first kind.Publication Open Access A simplification of the stationary phase method: application to the Anger and Weber functions(Kent State University, 2017) López García, José Luis; Matematika eta Informatika Ingeniaritza; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ingeniería Matemática e Informática; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaThe main difficulty in the practical use of the stationary phase method in asymptotic expansions of integrals is originated by a change of variables. The coefficients of the asymptotic expansion are the coefficients of the Taylor expansion of a certain function implicitly defined by that change of variables. In general, this function is not explicitly known, and then the computation of those coefficients is cumbersome. Using the factorization of the exponential factor used in previous works of [Tricomi, 1950], [Erdélyi and Wyman, 1963], and [Dingle, 1973], we obtain a variant of the method that avoids that change of variables and simplifies the computations. On the one hand, the calculation of the coefficients of the asymptotic expansion is remarkably simpler and explicit. On the other hand, the asymptotic sequence is as simple as in the standard stationary phase method: inverse powers of the asymptotic variable. New asymptotic expansions of the Anger and Weber functions Jλx(x) and Eλx(x) for large positive x and real parameter λ 6= 0 are given as an illustration.Publication Open Access On a modifcation of Olver's method: a special case(Springer US, 2016) Ferreira González, Chelo; López García, José Luis; Pérez Sinusía, Ester; Ingeniería Matemática e Informática; Matematika eta Informatika IngeniaritzaWe consider the asymptotic method designed by Olver (Asymptotics and special functions. Academic Press, New York, 1974) for linear differential equations of the second order containing a large (asymptotic) parameter : xm y −2 y = g(x)y, with m ∈ Z and g continuous. Olver studies in detail the cases m = 2, especially the cases m = 0, ±1, giving the Poincaré-type asymptotic expansions of two independent solutions of the equation. The case m = 2 is different, as the behavior of the solutions for large is not of exponential type, but of power type. In this case, Olver’s theory does not give many details. We consider here the special case m = 2. We propose two different techniques to handle the problem: (1) a modification of Olver’s method that replaces the role of the exponential approximations by power approximations, and (2) the transformation of the differential problem into a fixed point problem from which we construct an asymptotic sequence of functions that converges to the unique solution of the problem. Moreover, we show that this second technique may also be applied to nonlinear differential equations with a large parameter.