Person: López-Goñi, José Javier
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José Javier
Ciencias de la Salud
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Publication Open Access Gender differences in drug-addicted patients in a clinical treatment center of Spain(Wiley, 2014) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Azanza Álvarez, Paula; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, 359/2012Background and objectives: This study explored the characteristics of a representative sample of patients who were addicted to drugs and analyzed the differential profile of addicted women and men. Methods: A sample of 195 addicted patients (95 female and 100 male) who sought outpatient treatment in a Spanish clinical center was assessed. Information on sociodemographic, consumption and associated characteristics was collected using the European Addiction Severity Index (EuropASI). Results: The results showed statistically significant differences between groups. Demographically, the differences were centered on employment, with more labor problems in the female group. Regarding addiction severity, the EuropASI results showed statistically significant differences in both the Interviewer Severity Ratings (ISR) and Composite Scores (CS). Women experienced more severe impacts in the medical, family social and psychiatric areas. By contrast addicted men had more severe legal problems than addicted females did. Conclusions: According to these results, women who seek outpatient treatment in a clinical center presented with a more severe addiction problem than men did. Moreover, they reported more significant maladjustment in the various aspects of life explored.Publication Open Access Profile of addicted patients who re-enter treatment programmes(Taylor & Francis, 2014) López-Goñi, José Javier; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, 359/2012Objective. This study explored the differential profile of addicted patients who re-enter treatment programmes. Method. A sample of 252 addicted patients (203 male and 49 female) who sought outpatient treatment was assessed. Data regarding socio-demographic factors, drug consumption factors (assessed using the EuropAsi), psychopathological factors (assessed using the Symptom Checklist 90 Revised [SCL-90-R]), and personality variables (assessed using the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory II [MCMI-II]) were collected. Results. 65.9% (n=166) of drug-addicted patients were re-admitted into treatment programmes. All of the variables for which we collected data were compared between these treatment repeaters and patients who were admitted for the first time. Significant differences between the two groups of patients were found for some of the variables that we examined. Treatment repeaters were generally older and had a poorer employment situation than first-time admits. Treatment repeaters were also more likely to report poly-consumption and to have sought treatment for alcohol abuse. Moreover, some of the scores for several EuropAsi, SCL-90-R, and MCMI-II variables were statistically significantly different from those of the first-time admits. Conclusions. According to these results, patients who re-enter treatment programmes often present with more severe addiction problems. The implications of these results for further research and clinical practice are discussed.Publication Open Access Prevalence and differential profile of patients with substance use disorder who have suffered physical and/or sexual abuse(SAGE, 2021) Haro Escribano, Begoña; López-Goñi, José Javier; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun ZientziakPatients with substance use disorder (SUD) who undergo treatment present a high prevalence of lifetime physical and/or sexual abuse. Studies about this phenomenon and the specific needs of patients with a history of abuse must be carried out to tailor treatment programmes. The first goal of this paper was to determine the prevalence of physical and/or sexual abuse among patients with SUD, and the second goal was to analyse the specific characteristics of these patients. A sample of 418 subjects was assessed to achieve the first goal, and 104 subjects (52 with and 52 without a history of physical and/or sexual abuse) were examined to reach the second goal. All patients sought treatment for SUD in two Spanish clinical centres. The results showed that 15.5% of the sample had a history of physical and/or sexual abuse (42.3% of women and 9.9% of men). Patients with a history of abuse presented a higher need for SUD treatment in family and psychiatric areas and more psychopathological symptoms than patients without a history of abuse. According to this more serious profile, a patient-centred intervention considering the history of abuse is recommended. This will allow the specific needs of these patients to be met, thus improving SUD treatment success.Publication Open Access Violent behaviours in drug addiction: differential profiles of drug-addicted patients with and without violence problems(SAGE Publications, 2012) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta PedagogiaThis study explored the prevalence of violent behaviours in patients who are addicted to drugs. A sample of 252 addicted patients (203 male and 49 female) who sought outpatient treatment was assessed. Information on violent behaviours, socio-demographic factors, consumption factors (assessed by the EuropAsi), psychopathological factors (assessed by SCL-90-R) and personality variables (assessed by MCMI-II) was collected. Drug-addicted patients who were associated with violent behaviours were compared on all variables to patients who were not associated with violent behaviours. The rate of drug-addicted patients with violent behaviours in this sample was 39.68% (n=100). There were significant differences between the numbers of patients who did and did not demonstrate violence on some variables. Patients with violence problems were younger than those without violence problems and were more likely to report having been a victim of abuse. Moreover, they were significantly more likely to have experienced an overdose and showed a significantly higher score on several EuropAsi, SCL-90-R and MCMI-II variables. According to these results, patients with violence control problems present with both a more severe addiction and several comorbid problems. The implications of these results for further research and clinical practice are discussed.Publication Open Access Trastornos de personalidad en alcohólicos: un estudio con el IPDE(Fundación VECA para el Avance de la Psicología Clínica Conductual, 2005) Landa González, Natalia; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Lorea Conde, Iñaki; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta PedagogiaEn este artículo se lleva a cabo una descripción de los trastornos de personalidad que aparecen con mayor frecuencia en el alcoholismo. Para ello se cuenta con una muestra de 50 alcohólicos, evaluados con el IPDE en el transcurso de la evaluación pretratamiento, y de 55 sujetos de la población normal, apareados en edad, sexo y clase social. Los resultados muestran que el 22% de la muestra clínica (frente al 7,27% del grupo de control) presenta, al menos, un trastorno de personalidad. Más en concreto, el trastorno de mayor prevalencia es el trastorno de la personalidad por evitación (10%), seguido del trastorno de personalidad no especificado (8%), del trastorno límite de la personalidad (6%) y, por último, del trastorno antisocial y del trastorno narcisista (2% cada uno de ellos). Finalmente, se comentan las implicaciones de este estudio para la práctica clínica y para las investigaciones futuras, así como la necesidad de utilizar entrevistas diagnósticas, y no autoinformes, en la evaluación de los trastornos de la personalidad.Publication Open Access Differences between alcoholics and cocaine addicts seeking treatment(Cambridge University Press, 2015) López-Goñi, José Javier; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta PedagogiaThis study explored the characteristics of a representative sample of patients who were addicted to either alcohol or cocaine, comparing the profiles of both types of drug users. Methods: A sample of 234 addicted patients (109 alcoholics and 125 cocaine addicts) who sought outpatient treatment in a Spanish clinical centre was assessed. Data on socio-demographic, consumption, psychopathological and maladjustment characteristics were collected using the European Addiction Severity Index (EuropASI), the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-II). Results: Demographically, differences were observed with regard to age (alcoholics were older than cocaine addicts), employment (the alcoholic group had more labour problems) and family consequences (worse in alcoholics). The EuropASI results showed statistically significant differences in addiction severity, with alcoholics showing a greater severity than cocaine addicts. In terms of psychopathology, alcoholics presented more associated symptomatology than cocaine addicts. Conclusions: According to these results, patients with alcohol dependence have a different profile from patients with cocaine dependence, resulting in different repercussions for important areas of their lives. These differences should be taken into account when standard treatments for addiction are implemented.Publication Open Access Suicidal ideation and attempts among patients with lifetime physical and/or sexual abuse in treatment for substance use disorders(Taylor & Francis, 2019) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Haro Escribano, Begoña; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun ZientziakBackground: Several studies indicate that lifetime abuse is a relevant risk factor for suicidal ideation and/or attempts. However, little is known about this phenomenon in patients seeking treatment for substance use disorder. The prevalence rate of suicidal ideation and/or suicide attempts was explored among lifetime physically and/or sexually abused patients receiving treatment for drug addiction. The differential characteristics between these patients and those without suicidal behaviours were studied. Method: Three hundred and seventy-five patients were assessed. Socio-demographic characteristics, addiction severity, lifetime abuse, suicidal ideation and attempts, and psychopathological symptoms were explored. Results: Eighty-two patients (21.9%) presented with a history of lifetime abuse and were included in the study (37 men and 45 women). Sixty-two per cent of them presented with lifetime suicidal ideation (12.2% in the last month), and 30.5% with suicide attempts (1.2% in the last month). Patients with suicidal ideation or attempts showed a more severe addiction profile (assessed by the EuropASI) and more psychopathological symptoms (assessed by the SCL-90-R). Conclusion: This study highlights the relationship between previous traumatic experiences and suicidal behaviours. According to these results, systematic screening of suicidal risk in patients seeking treatment in addiction centres with histories of abuse is recommended.Publication Open Access Comorbilidad psicopatológica en el alcoholismo: un estudio descriptivo(Asociacion Española de Psicología Conductual, 2006) Landa González, Natalia; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Lorea Conde, Iñaki; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta PedagogiaEn este estudio se lleva a cabo un análisis del perfil de bebida y de la comorbilidad psicopatológica en 50 pacientes alcohólicos que acuden en busca de tratamiento a un programa ambulatorio de Proyecto Hombre de Navarra. Para ello, se lleva a cabo un estudio ex post facto, de carácter retrospectivo y con un grupo cuasi control. Se utilizan los criterios diagnósticos del DSM-IV-TR para la dependencia alcohólica, el Müncher Alkoholismus Test (MALT), para valorar la gravedad del alcoholismo, y el SCL-90-R, como medida de la sintomatología asociada. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la presencia de numerosa sintomatología psicopatológica, con elevaciones significativas en la mayoría de las dimensiones del SCL-90-R, tanto en los hombres como en las mujeres de la muestra. La comparación con las muestras normativas refleja que los alcohólicos de la muestra presentan más síntomas psicopatológicos que la población normal, pero menos que la población psiquiátrica. Asimismo, la gravedad del alcoholismo se relaciona de forma significativa con la mayor presencia e intensidad de comorbilidad. Por último, se comentan las implicaciones de este estudio para la práctica clínica y para la investigación futura.Publication Open Access Prevalencia del juego patológico en el alcoholismo: un estudio exploratorio(Asociación Española de Psicología Clínica y Psicopatología, 2005) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Landa González, Natalia; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta PedagogiaEn este estudio se lleva a cabo un análisis de la prevalencia del juego patológico en 50 alcohólicos que acuden en busca de tratamiento. Para ello, se utilizaron los criterios diagnósticos del DSM-IV-TR para el juego patológico y el Cuestionario de Juego Patológico de South Oaks (SOGS). Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el 20% de los alcohólicos de la muestra presentaba un diagnóstico comórbido de ludopatía. Además, un 12% adicional obtenía una puntuación en el SOGS indicadora de juego problemático. En suma, el 32% de la muestra presentaba síntomas de juego clínicamente significativos. La comparación entre los alcohólicos con y sin ludopatía asociada mostró diferencias significativas en las variables relacionadas con el consumo de alcohol, que eran más altas en la submuestra de alcohólicos ludópatas, pero no en la sintomatología psicopatológica evaluada con el SCL-90-R. Se comentan las implicaciones de este estudio para la práctica clínica y la investigación futura.Publication Open Access Adicción a la cocaína y trastornos de personalidad: un estudio con el MCMI-II(Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías, 2009) Lorea Conde, Iñaki; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Landa González, Natalia; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, 2/2006En este artículo se lleva a cabo un estudio de los trastornos de personalidad asociados a la adicción a la cocaína. Para ello se contó con una muestra de 60 pacientes cocainómanos, que cumplimentaron el MCMI-II antes del tratamiento, y de 50 sujetos de la población normal con las mismas características demográficas (edad, sexo y nivel socioeconómico). El 36,7% de la muestra clínica (frente al 16% de la muestra normativa) presentaba, al menos, un trastorno de personalidad. Los trastornos de mayor prevalencia entre los cocainómanos fueron el trastorno pasivo-agresivo de la personalidad y el trastorno dependiente de la personalidad (10% cada uno de ellos), seguidos del trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo y el histriónico (6,7% cada uno). Asimismo, el 15% de la muestra clínica presentaba simultáneamente dos o más trastornos. Por último, se comentan las implicaciones de este estudio para la práctica clínica y para las investigaciones futuras.
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