López-Goñi, José Javier

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José Javier

Ciencias de la Salud





Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 55
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Group and individual change in the treatment of drug addictions: a follow-up study in therapeutic communities
    (Cambridge University Press, 2010) López-Goñi, José Javier; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Menéndez, Juan Carlos; Yudego, Fausto; Rico García, Ángel; Esarte Eseverri, Sonia; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    The pre-post treatment change of 112 patients in two therapeutics Spanish communities is described. The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) was used at intake and at the end of the treatment program. Results of the treatment program were evaluated by applying composite scores (CS) of the ASI, and the evolution of each patient was evaluated using the Reliable Change Index (RCI). 69.7% of the sample completed treatment, and 30.3% dropped out prematurely. At intake, the percentage of people who could improve in the different areas of the ASI ranged between 35.1% for alcohol consumption and 95.3% for family relationships. At the follow-up, the percentage of subjects who showed significant statistical improvements in the different areas varied between 7.9% in family relations and 66.7% in alcohol consumption. The percentage of patients who deteriorated was less than 10% for all variables. Implications for further research and clinical practice are commented upon.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Empatía, cognición social y calidad de vida subjetiva en esquizofrenia
    (Gobierno de Navarra. Institución Príncipe de Viana, 2017) López-Goñi, José Javier; Martín, M.C.; Secades, R.; Tirapu Ustárroz, Javier; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    Fundamento. Las personas con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia presentan déficits en empatía que se han relacionado con su pobre funcionamiento psicosocial. Los objetivos fueron: 1) analizar la relación entre empatía, cognición social, y calidad de vida en sujetos con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia y otros trastornos psicóticos 2) evaluar estas variables según la gravedad del cuadro clínico Material y métodos. Participaron 41 pacientes divididos en dos grupos según el nivel de gravedad del cuadro clínico. Se aplicó una batería de pruebas: el Índice de Reactividad Interpersonal (IRI), escala GEOPTE de Cognición Social para la psicosis, Instrumento de Evaluación de la Calidad de Vida de la Organización Mundial de la Salud – Versión breve (WHOQOL-BREF), Escala de Impresión Clínica Global (CGI), Escala para la evaluación de Síntomas Positivos (SAPS) y Síntomas Negativos (SANS). Resultados. Las subescalas angustia personal y fantasía del IRI presentaron una relación directa con la escala GEOPTE, e inversa con varias dimensiones de calidad de vida del WHOQOL-BREF. La escala GEOPTE, tuvo una relación inversa con todas las dimensiones de la calidad de vida evaluadas. El grupo levemente enfermo obtuvo puntuaciones significativamente menores en fantasía (15,44 vs. 20,12; p=,001) y significativamente más elevadas en salud psicológica (58,63 vs. 45,40; p=0,017) y ambiente (67,00 vs. 53,68; p=0,006). Conclusiones. Se halla relación entre empatía, cognición social y calidad de vida subjetiva en personas con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia en programas de rehabilitación psicosocial, Asimismo, destaca la existencia de diferencias relevantes en estas variables según el nivel de gravedad del cuadro clínico
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Profiles of mothers who seek treatment for substance use disorders in a clinical centre
    (Emerald, 2019) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the prevalence and profile of mothers among women who sought treatment for drug addiction, as well as the therapeutic progression of these patients. Design/methodology/approach: A sample of 180 Spanish women with addiction problems was assessed. Information was collected on the patients’ socio-demographic characteristics, consumption variables and psychological symptoms. Findings: Of the total sample, 22.2 per cent (n = 40) of the women seeking treatment for substance use disorder were mothers. Compared with women without children, mothers scored significantly higher on several EuropASI and psychological variables. Specifically, mothers presented with more medical problems, worse employment/financial situations, and more severity in alcohol use. Moreover, having a history of lifetime physical and/or sexual abuse was related to belonging to the group of mothers. Regarding therapeutic progression, no statistically significant differences in the retention rate were found between mothers and non-mothers. Originality/value: The results of this study show that mothers generally have more severe problems than non-mothers. Therefore, comprehensive, continuum-based, and client-centred care for mothers is paramount for effective treatment in mothers. The implications of these results for further research and clinical practice are discussed.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Differential profile of addicted patients depending on violent behaviours and/or criminal acts
    (Taylor & Francis, 2015) López-Goñi, José Javier; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    This study explored the prevalence of violent and/or criminal behaviours in drug-addicted patients. A sample of 252 drug-addicted patients who sought treatment was assessed. Information on violent behaviours, criminal acts, socio-demographic factors, consumption factors, psychopathological factors and personality variables was collected. The sample was divided into four groups according to the presence of violence and/or criminal behaviours. There were significant differences between the groups on some variables. In general, patients associated with both violence and criminal behaviours showed a greater severity in drug consumption and maladjustment variables, as well as a higher rate of treatment dropout and re-entry.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Suicidal ideation and attempts among patients with lifetime physical and/or sexual abuse in treatment for substance use disorders
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Haro Escribano, Begoña; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    Background: Several studies indicate that lifetime abuse is a relevant risk factor for suicidal ideation and/or attempts. However, little is known about this phenomenon in patients seeking treatment for substance use disorder. The prevalence rate of suicidal ideation and/or suicide attempts was explored among lifetime physically and/or sexually abused patients receiving treatment for drug addiction. The differential characteristics between these patients and those without suicidal behaviours were studied. Method: Three hundred and seventy-five patients were assessed. Socio-demographic characteristics, addiction severity, lifetime abuse, suicidal ideation and attempts, and psychopathological symptoms were explored. Results: Eighty-two patients (21.9%) presented with a history of lifetime abuse and were included in the study (37 men and 45 women). Sixty-two per cent of them presented with lifetime suicidal ideation (12.2% in the last month), and 30.5% with suicide attempts (1.2% in the last month). Patients with suicidal ideation or attempts showed a more severe addiction profile (assessed by the EuropASI) and more psychopathological symptoms (assessed by the SCL-90-R). Conclusion: This study highlights the relationship between previous traumatic experiences and suicidal behaviours. According to these results, systematic screening of suicidal risk in patients seeking treatment in addiction centres with histories of abuse is recommended.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Gender differences in problematic alcohol consumption in university professors
    (MDPI, 2017) Ruisoto Palomera, Pablo; Vaca Gallegos, Silvia; López-Goñi, José Javier; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Fernández Suárez, Iván; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    The role of job satisfaction and other psychosocial variables in problematic alcohol consumption within professional settings remains understudied. The aim of this study is to assess the level of problematic alcohol consumption among male and female university professors and associated psychosocial variables. A total of 360 professors (183 men and 177 women) of a large private university in Ecuador were surveyed using standardized instruments for the following psychosocial measures: alcohol consumption, job satisfaction, psychological stress, psychological flexibility, social support and resilience. Problematic alcohol consumption was found in 13.1% of participants, although this was significantly higher (χ2 = 15.6; d.f. = 2, p < 0.001) in men (19.1%) than women (6.8%). Problematic alcohol consumption was reported in men with higher perceived stress and job satisfaction. However, 83.3% of women with problematic alcohol use reported lower job satisfaction and higher psychological inflexibility. Results suggest that job satisfaction itself did not prevent problematic alcohol consumption in men; stress was associated with problematic consumption in men and psychological inflexibility in women. Findings from this study support the need to assess aspects of alcohol consumption and problematic behavior differently among men and women. Intervention strategies aimed at preventing or reducing problematic alcohol consumption in university professors must be different for men and women.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Alcohol consumption in university professors: the role of stress and gender
    (2018) Ruisoto Palomera, Pablo; Vaca Gallegos, Silvia; López-Goñi, José Javier; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Fernández Suárez, Iván; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    The role of job satisfaction and other psychosocial variables in problematic alcohol consumption within professional settings remains understudied. The aim of this study is to assess the level of problematic alcohol consumption among male and female university professors and associated psychosocial variables. A total of 360 professors (183 men and 177 women) of a large private university in Ecuador were surveyed using standardized instruments for the following psychosocial measures: alcohol consumption, job satisfaction, psychological stress, psychological flexibility, social support and resilience. Problematic alcohol consumption was found in 13.1% of participants, although this was significantly higher (χ2 = 15.6; d.f. = 2, p < 0.001) in men (19.1%) than women (6.8%). Problematic alcohol consumption was reported in men with higher perceived stress and job satisfaction. However, 83.3% of women with problematic alcohol use reported lower job satisfaction and higher psychological inflexibility. Results suggest that job satisfaction itself did not prevent problematic alcohol consumption in men; stress was associated with problematic consumption in men and psychological inflexibility in women. Findings from this study support the need to assess aspects of alcohol consumption and problematic behavior differently among men and women. Intervention strategies aimed at preventing or reducing problematic alcohol consumption in university professors must be different for men and women.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Rendimiento neuropsicológico en la adicción a la cocaína: una revisión crítica
    (Viguera Editores, 2010) Lorea Conde, Iñaki; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Tirapu Ustárroz, Javier; Landa González, Natalia; López-Goñi, José Javier; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    Introducción. El uso crónico de cocaína se ha asociado con un amplio rango de déficits neuropsicológicos que afectan a la atención, la memoria, el aprendizaje o las funciones ejecutivas, aunque no se ha encontrado un perfil único de afectación asociado a la adicción a esta sustancia. Objetivo. Revisar los principales estudios de rendimiento neurocognitivo en adictos a la cocaína, con especial atención al método de investigación empleado. Desarrollo. Existe una gran diversidad metodológica en la investigación del déficit cognitivo asociado a la adicción a la cocaína. Estas diferencias dificultan la comparación de resultados y la obtención de un perfil claro de alteraciones neurocognitivas. Aun así, la mayoría de investigaciones encuentran déficit neuropsicológico, casi siempre de tamaño medio, asociado a la adicción a la cocaína. Este déficit afecta a la atención, memoria verbal y visual, y funciones ejecutivas (memoria de trabajo, flexibilidad mental, fluidez verbal, inhibición y toma de decisiones). Algunos estudios arrojan resultados con un perfil de ejecución cognitiva disociado. Conclusiones. El uso crónico de cocaína se asocia con un peor rendimiento cognitivo. Por lo tanto, la valoración cognitiva de adictos a la cocaína puede mejorar la comprensión de la naturaleza de las dificultades que estos pacientes exhiben en su vida cotidiana y, además, puede servir de referencia para orientar su tratamiento. Es posible que sutiles alteraciones cognitivas conlleven importantes consecuencias en la conducta de estos pacientes. Sin embargo, la evaluación neuropsicológica no forma parte aún de los protocolos habituales de evaluación de este trastorno. Por lo tanto, se propone incluir una evaluación neuropsicológica en los protocolos de evaluación inicial de estos pacientes y adaptar el tratamiento al déficit encontrado.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Are there gender‐based effects for an educational program for parents of adolescents with risk behaviors?
    (Wiley, 2019) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; López-Goñi, José Javier; Ituráin Jiménez de Bentrosa, Sonia; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    The goals of this study were to evaluate the gender-based effectiveness of the parental intervention of the Suspertu (“recovery” in English) prevention program for adolescents with risk behaviors in Spain. The sample included 229 parents (105 fathers and 124 mothers). One open-label trial with repeated measures was used. Parents received a family therapy and a group education. The intervention improved parents’ authoritative parenting style, decreasing the degree of parental stress and reducing parent’s psychopathological symptoms and maladjustment. Improvement in both groups (fathers and mothers) was mainly observed from pre- to post-intervention assessment. According to the results, prevention programs for adolescents with risk behaviors may be a suitable context both to teach parents to deal appropriately with their children’s risk behaviors, and to improve parent’s psychological state.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Employment integration after therapeutic community treatment: a case study from Spain
    (Wiley, 2011) López-Goñi, José Javier; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Menéndez, Juan Carlos; Yudego, Fausto; Rico García, Ángel; Esarte Eseverri, Sonia; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    This article describes the employment evolution from pre- to post-treatment of 112 patients in two therapeutic communities of Proyecto Hombre (Spain). Moreover, an analysis was made using the composite scores of the EuropASI in order to evaluate the secondary outcomes in work status, beyond drug consumption. The results show that nearly half of the patients (46% of the sample) changed their employment status after treatment. Specifically, 78.6 per cent of the men (N=77) and 64.3 per cent of the women (N=9) were working after treatment; there were no statistically significant differences between them. Although the unemployment figures after treatment remained high, the residents were satisfied with their work integration. No statistically significant differences were observed between those who completed the treatment and those who did not. Implications of these results for further research and clinical practice are discussed.