García Prado, Ariadna

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Using visual stimuli to promote healthy snack choices among children
    (Elsevier, 2021) Benito Ostolaza, Juan Miguel; Echávarri Aguinaga, Rebeca; García Prado, Ariadna; Osés Eraso, Nuria; Ekonomia; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Economía
    Most interventions against obesity use information to persuade people to change their behavior, with moderate results. Because eating involves automatic routines, new approaches have emerged appealing to non-reflective cognitive processes. Through a randomized controlled trial, we evaluated the impact of visual stimuli (positive and negative) on children's snack-choices at school. Results showed that the negative stimulus had no effect, while the positive stimulus increased the probability among girls of choosing a healthy snack. We also found that children with excess weight had a larger baseline probability of choosing the healthy snack than those without. We conclude that happy emojis, used to nudge non-reflective processes, can steer children towards healthy choices.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Lockdown strictness and mental health effects among older populations in Europe
    (Elsevier, 2022) García Prado, Ariadna; González, Paula; Rebollo Sanz, Yolanda; Economía; Ekonomia
    This paper investigates whether lockdown policies aggravated mental health problems of older populations (50 and over) in Europe during the first COVID-19 wave. Using data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE COVID-19 questionnaire) and from the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker for 17 countries, we estimate the causal effect of lockdown policies on mental health by combining cross-country variability in the strictness of the policies with cross-individual variability in face-to-face contacts prior to the pandemic. We find that lockdown policies worsened insomnia, anxiety, and depression by 5, 7.2 and 5.1 percentage points, respectively. This effect was stronger for women and those aged between 50 and 65. Interestingly, lockdown policies notably damaged the mental health of healthy populations. We close with a discussion of lockdown policies targeted at individuals above 65 and/or with pre-existing conditions.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Salud mental en tiempos de pandemia: ¿cómo afectó el confinamiento a los adultos mayores de 50 años?
    (Asociación de Economía de la Salud, 2022) García Prado, Ariadna; González, Paula; Rebollo Sanz, Yolanda; Costa Font, Joan; Ekonomia; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Economía
    El objetivo concreto de nuestra investigación fue determinar qué parte del deterioro mental observado en el colectivo de personas mayores de 50 años en Europa había sido causado por las restricciones de movilidad implementadas por los gobiernos. Las conclusiones del trabajo ponen de maniesto que establecer connamientos selectivos, centrados sólo en los más mayores y/o en los grupos más vulnerables (como ha ocurrido en Turquía, Rusia o Filipinas), podría contrarrestar los efectos adversos, tanto en términos económicos como de salud mental, de confinar a toda la población. Además, se constata la necesidad de que los gobiernos tengan presente la salud mental de la población, haciendo las inversiones pertinentes. Sin duda, un confinamiento selectivo o total debería acompañarse del apoyo necesario para garantizar la salud mental de la población confinada.