Lana Berasain, José Miguel

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Lana Berasain

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José Miguel






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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Commons and the legacy of the past. Regulation and uses of common lands in twentieth century Spain
    (Uopen Journals, 2015) Lana Berasain, José Miguel; Iriarte Goñi, Iñaki; Economía; Ekonomia
    The authors explore the transformation of common lands in Spain in the second half of the 20th Century, when the nation experienced significant structural and political changes. If the 19th Century was defined by privatisation of common lands, the 20th Century experienced slight growth, but there were differences among the regions. Although the legal definition and classification of common lands is fixed, and was determined by the municipal entity, new formulas (such as the montes vecinales en mano común regulated in 1968) appeared to solve the tension between the state and local control. Ultimately, flexibility was the main characteristic of the regulations which allowed for adapting uses to a diversity of regional circumstances. Along with the productive and environmental regulations, the use of common lands for social purposes through the distribution of plots for cultivation was emphasised. Nevertheless, at the end of the 20th Century Spanish legislation concerning common lands was more focused on earlier norms than on the future.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    From equilibrium to equity. The survival of the commons in the Ebro Basin: Navarra from the 15th to the 20th centuries
    (Igitur, Utrecht Publishing & Archiving Services for IASC, 2008) Lana Berasain, José Miguel; Economía; Ekonomia
    This paper describes an historical case of management of common lands, and their survival and transformation through the great agrarian reforms of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The hypothesis is that the notion of community survived after the great rural changes caused by the emergence of capitalism and liberalism. However, the notion of community was very different after these great changes: the old community was based on the notion of equilibrium, whereas the new community is focused on equity.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Mejorar la suerte del proletariado. Cuestión social y repartos comunales (Navarra, 1868)
    (Marcial Pons, 2018) Lana Berasain, José Miguel; Economía; Ekonomia
    Este trabajo examina los acontecimientos de 1868 en la Navarra rural entendiéndolos como un hito importante en el giro hacia la atribución de una expresa funcionalidad social a los aprovechamientos comunales. El impulso a la roturación y reparto de parcelas en los sotos bajo un condicionado explícito que compatibilizaba el usufructo individual con el aprovechamiento común permitió reducir la desigualdad y mejorar las condiciones de vida del proletariado rural. La realidad, no obstante, no se sujetó a los reglamentos y en pocos años la desigualdad creció de nuevo, estimulando nuevas peticiones de reparto hasta la Segunda República.