Canals Tresserras, Rosa María

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Canals Tresserras

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Rosa María

Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación

IS-FOOD. Research Institute on Innovation & Sustainable Development in Food Chain





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Horse meat production in northern Spain: ecosystem services and sustainability in high nature value farmland
    (Oxford University Press, 2021) Insausti Barrenetxea, Kizkitza; Beldarrain, Lorea R.; Lavín, María Paz; Aldai Elkoro-Iribe, Noelia; Mantecón, Angel R.; Sáez Istilart, José Luis; Canals Tresserras, Rosa María; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD
    -Pasture-based, extensive livestock systems play an im-portant role in the preservation of the rural landscape, and the many ecosystem services associated. -Spain is the major horse meat producer at EU level, based on traditional extensive systems and a subse-quent fattening outside the origin region. -The movement of animals from raising to fattening areas entails a loss of added value in the regions of ori-gin, which decreases farm profitability. -The social recognition of the environmental role of extensive rearing systems based on native breeds and the local production and valorization of the horse meat are crucial objectives that need to be addressed and developed in the following years.