Betancourt Quiñones, Diego

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Betancourt Quiñones

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Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica




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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Coherently radiating periodic structures (CORPS) and the human eye: working principle
    (2005) Betancourt Quiñones, Diego; Ibáñez Loinaz, Asier; Río Bocio, Carlos del; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    In this paper a new philosophy to design antenna systems is presented. It is based on the recently proposed Coherently Radiating Periodic Structures (CORPS). These structures are essentially a periodic structure which all the elements are radiating elements coupled coherently (in-phase). The working principle of these structures is quite similar that the working principle of the photoreceptors of the human eye detecting images, opening the possibilities to define high resolution artificial visual systems.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Designing antenna systems with CORPS (coherently radiating periodic structures)
    (2005) Betancourt Quiñones, Diego; García Esparza, Raúl; Ibáñez Loinaz, Asier; Río Bocio, Carlos del; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    In this paper a new philosophy to design antenna systems is presented. It is based on the recently proposed Coherently Radiating Periodic Structures (CORPS). These structures are essentially a periodic structure which all the elements are radiating elements coupled coherently (in-phase). This principle could allow the designer to simplify the needed feeding network for many array antenna systems since some elements could be coupled from the neighbouring ones, keeping the original excitation profile. It will be also shown in this paper how the three dimensional version of CORPS could be understood as a focusing planar lens, since it is possible to distribute the information of one element to many radiating elements by using the coherent coupling mechanism between all the elements of the whole structure. With this configuration, many directive beams could be really close to each other, increasing the possibilities to handle high resolution in imaging systems.