Marzo Pérez, Asier

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Marzo Pérez

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Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Generating airborne ultrasonic amplitude patterns using an open hardware phased array
    (MDPI, 2021) Morales González, Rafael; Ezcurdia Aguirre, Íñigo Fermín; Irisarri Erviti, Josu; Andrade, Marco A.B.; Marzo Pérez, Asier; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Holographic methods from optics can be adapted to acoustics for enabling novel applications in particle manipulation or patterning by generating dynamic custom-tailored acoustic fields. Here, we present three contributions towards making the field of acoustic holography more widespread. Firstly, we introduce an iterative algorithm that accurately calculates the amplitudes and phases of an array of ultrasound emitters in order to create a target amplitude field in mid-air. Secondly, we use the algorithm to analyse the impact of spatial, amplitude and phase emission resolution on the resulting acoustic field, thus providing engineering insights towards array design. For example, we show an onset of diminishing returns for smaller than a quarter-wavelength sized emitters and a phase and amplitude resolution of eight and four divisions per period, respectively. Lastly, we present a hardware platform for the generation of acoustic holograms. The array is integrated in a single board composed of 256 emitters operating at 40 kHz. We hope that the results and procedures described within this paper enable researchers to build their own ultrasonic arrays and explore novel applications of ultrasonic holograms.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Holographic acoustic tweezers
    (National Academy of Sciences, 2019) Marzo Pérez, Asier; Drinkwater, Bruce W.; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    Acoustic tweezers use sound radiation forces to manipulate matter without contact. They provide unique characteristics compared with the more established optical tweezers, such as higher trapping forces per unit input power and the ability to manipulate objects from the micrometer to the centimeter scale. They also enable the trapping of a wide range of sample materials in various media. A dramatic advancement in optical tweezers was the development of holographic optical tweezers (HOT) which enabled the independent manipulation of multiple particles leading to applications such as the assembly of 3D microstructures and the probing of soft matter. Now, 20 years after the development of HOT, we present the realization of holographic acoustic tweezers (HAT). We experimentally demonstrate a 40-kHz airborne HAT system implemented using two 256-emitter phased arrays and manipulate individually up to 25 millimetric particles simultaneously. We show that the maximum trapping forces are achieved once the emitting array satisfies Nyquist sampling and an emission phase discretization below π/8 radians. When considered on the scale of a wavelength, HAT provides similar manipulation capabilities as HOT while retaining its unique characteristics. The examples shown here suggest the future use of HAT for novel forms of displays in which the objects are made of physical levitating voxels, assembly processes in the micrometer and millimetric scale, as well as positioning and orientation of multiple objects which could lead to biomedical applications.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    LeviPrint: contactless additive manufacturing using acoustic levitation with position and orientation control of elongated parts
    (2021) Ezcurdia Aguirre, Íñigo Fermín; Morales González, Rafael; Marzo Pérez, Asier; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika
    LeviPrint assembles small objects in a contactless way using ultrasonic phased-arrays and optimization algorithms. We explore a set of methods that enables 6 Degrees-of-Freedom (DoF) control of elongated bodies. We then evaluate different ultrasonic arrangements to optimize the manipulation of these bodies. The combination of arrangements and optimization algorithms allow us to levitate, orientate and assemble complex objects. These techniques and arrangements can be leveraged for the microfabrication of electromechanical components and in-vivo additive manufacturing. We highlight the reduction of cross-contamination and the capability to manufacture inside closed containers from the outside.