Publication: An empirical study on supervised and unsupervised fuzzy measure construction methods in highly imbalanced classification
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The design of an ensemble of classifiers involves the definition of an aggregation mechanism that produces a single response obtained from the information provided by the classifiers. A specific aggregation methodology that has been studied in the literature is the use of fuzzy integrals, such as the Choquet or the Sugeno integral, where the associated fuzzy measure tries to represent the interaction existing between the classifiers of the ensemble. However, defining the big number of coefficients of a fuzzy measure is not a trivial task and therefore, many different algorithms have been proposed. These can be split into supervised and unsupervised, each class having different learning mechanisms and particularities. Since there is no clear knowledge about the correct method to be used, in this work we propose an experimental study for comparing the performance of eight different learning algorithms under the same framework of imbalanced dataset. Moreover, we also compare the specific fuzzy integral (Choquet or Sugeno) and their synergies with the different fuzzy measure construction methods.
Doctorate program
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