Publication: Síndrome de Rett: ángeles silenciosos
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Discapacidad, palabra que implica algo diferente, minoritario, que asusta simplemente al ser escuchada. Mundo desconocido para muchos, mundo de vida para otros. Ser igual no es mejor, ser diferente no es peor. Las diferencias nos hacen únicos. La sociedad tiene mucho que aprender sobre discapacidad para poder entenderla. Hay que ser capaces de identificar a las personas con discapacidad por su condición de personas y no por su discapacidad. Existen muchos grados de discapacidad y no todos requieren la misma atención y apoyo. Un tipo de discapacidad profunda es el Síndrome de Rett, una enfermedad neurológica gravemente incapacitante que se da solo en niñas y que no les permite ningún tipo de autonomía: ni andar, ni hablar, ni comer solas…
Disability, word which involves something different; minority, a word which frightens just being heard. An unknown world for many, common world for others. To be equal to others is not better, to be different is not worse. The differences make us unique. Our society has a lot to learn about disability in order to be able to understand it. It is necessary to be able to identify the disabled people by their condition of human beings and not by their disability. There are many grades of disability and not all of them require the same attention and support. Rett syndrome is a type of severe disability. It is a neurologic sickness which incapacitates seriously. It only affects girls, and those who suffer it cannot have any personal autonomy: they cannot walk, talk or eat by themselves.
Doctorate program
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