López García, José LuisPagola Martínez, Pedro Jesús2018-12-142018-12-1420170025-5718 (Print)1088-6842 (Electronic)10.1090/mcom/3164https://academica-e.unavarra.es/handle/2454/31773We can find in the literature several convergent and/or asymptotic expansions of the Pearcey integral P(x, y) in different regions of the complex variables x and y, but they do not cover the whole complex x and y planes. The purpose of this paper is to complete this analysis giving new convergent and/or asymptotic expansions that, together with the known ones, cover the evaluation of the Pearcey integral in a large region of the complex x and y planes. The accuracy of the approximations derived in this paper is illustrated with some numerical experiments. Moreover, the expansions derived here are simpler compared with other known expansions, as they are derived from a simple manipulation of the integral definition of P(x, y).10 p.application/pdfeng© Copyright 2016 American Mathematical SocietyPearcey integralConvergent and asymptotic expansionsWatson lemmaAnalytic formulas for the evaluation of the Pearcey integralinfo:eu-repo/semantics/articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAcceso abierto / Sarbide irekia