Parra Laita, Íñigo de laGuerra Menjívar, Moisés RobertoMarcos Álvarez, JavierGarcía Solano, MiguelMarroyo Palomo, Luis2022-09-192022-11-032021de la Parra Laita, Í.; Menjívar, M. R. G.; Álvarez, J. M.; Solano, M. G.; Palomo, L. M.. (2021). Analysis of a CIS based PV generator versus a multicrystalline generator under outdoor long-term exposure. 1 IEEE; (p. 1-6).978-1-6654-3612-010.1109/EEEIC/ICPSEurope51590.2021.9584672 worldwide growth of the PV market has been almost exponential during the last years. Together with conventional crystalline (c-Si) PV modules, “new” commercially available PV technologies such as copper indium selenide (CIS) based solar cells have appeared achieving a similar efficiency comparable to c-Si at similar production cost. In addition to the use of cheaper materials, CIS solar cells manufacturers claim some enhancements such as lower temperature coefficient or higher absorption of diffuse light that achieve to reduce the cost of electrical energy. Although several papers deal with this topic, little is known about real comparisons between CIS technology and conventional crystalline at a PV generator level with real test conditions. This paper analyses the in-field performance and degradation of a commercially available CIS solar based PV generator compared to a conventional c-Si one during four years of operation attributing the differences observed to the possible factors that can influence in both technologies.application/pdfeng© 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work.Solar energyCIS based solar cellsC-Si solar cellsComparisonThin-film solar cellsAnalysis of a CIS based PV generator versus a multicrystalline generator under outdoor long-term exposureinfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject2022-09-19info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess