Del Villar, IgnacioCruz, José LuisSocorro Leránoz, Abián BentorDíaz Lucas, SilviaCorres Sanz, Jesús MaríaArregui San Martín, Francisco JavierMatías Maestro, Ignacio2017-11-152017-11-1520172504-390010.3390/proceedings1040331 presentado en la Eurosensors 2017 Conference. París, 3–6 de septiembre de 2017.In this work, the monitoring of the etching process up to a diameter of 30 µm of two LPFG structures has been compared, one of them had initially 125 µm, whereas the second one had 80 µm. By tracking the wavelength shift of the resonance bands during the etching process it is possible to check the quality of etching process (the 80 µm fibre performs better than de 125 µm fibre), and to stop for a specific cladding mode coupling, which permits to obtain an improved sensitivity compared to the initial structure.4 p.application/pdfeng© 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.EtchingLong period fiber gratingOptic fibre sensorRefractive indexMonitoring the etching process in LPFGs towards development of highly sensitive sensorsContribución a congreso / Biltzarrerako ekarpenaAcceso abierto / Sarbide irekiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess