Martínez Lacabe, Eduardo2014-02-122014-02-1220111134-8259 García-Fresca (1899-1965), licenciado en Ciencias Naturales y doctor en Entomología, dedicó parte de su vida a la investigación y la enseñanza, llegando a estar becado por el Museo Británico de Historia Natural. Como docente, obtuvo las cátedras de los Institutos de Pamplona, Santander y el Instituto Obrero Blasco Ibáñez de Valencia. Miembro de una familia alavesa de larga tradición liberal, su militancia republicana le llevó a presentarse a las elecciones municipales por el Partido Republicano, obteniendo el acta de concejal de Pamplona en 1931. Al inicio de la Guerra Civil se encontraba en Madrid, lo que probablemente le salvó de una muerte segura, siendo inhabilitado por las autoridades franquistas para ejercer su profesión de Catedrático. Falleció en Tenerife (1965) al poco de ser rehabilitado.Antonio García-Fresca (1899-1965), received his bachelor’s degree in Natural Sciences and obtained a PhD in Entomology. He devoted part of his life to research and education, and was awarded a scholarship by the British Museum of Natural History. During his years in education, he was the chair of the science departments at the Institute of Pamplona, Santander and at the Instituto Obrero Blasco Ibanez in Valencia. He belonged to a Basque family of long liberal tradition, and his republican militancy led him to appear as a candidate for the Republican Party in the municipal elections; He obtained the Councilman’s Record of Pamplona in 1931. He was in Madrid at the beginning of the Civil War, which saved him from a certain death, and was disqualified by the Pro-Franco authorities to exercise as a Professor. He passed away in Tenerife (1965) shortly after being restored to his position.application/pdfspaAntonio García-FrescaExilio interiorPamplona (Navarra)RepúblicaGuerra CivilAntonio García-Fresca Tolosana: un concejal “pamplonés” en los Institutos de Pamplona y TudelaAntonio García-Fresca Tolosana: a councilman “from Pamplona” in the Institutes of Pamplona and Tudelainfo:eu-repo/semantics/articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess